Surah 18
2. (He has made it) Straight to give warning (to the disbelievers) of a severe punishment from Him, and to give glad tidings to the believers (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism), who work righteous deeds, that they shall have a fair reward (i.e. Paradise).
3. They shall abide therein forever.
4. And to warn those (Jews, Christians, and pagans) who say, "God has begotten a son (or offspring or children)."
5. No knowledge have they of such a thing, nor had their fathers. Mighty is the word that comes out of their mouths [i.e. He begot (took) sons and daughters]. They utter nothing but a lie.
6. Perhaps, you, would kill yourself (O Muhammad) in grief, over their footsteps (for their turning away from you), because they believe not in this narration (the Qur'ân).
7. Verily! We have made that which is on earth as an adornment for it, in order that We may test them (mankind) as to which of them are best in deeds. [i.e.those who do good deeds in the most perfect manner, that means to do them (deeds) totally for God's sake and in accordance to the legal ways of the Prophet ].
8. And verily! We shall make all that is on it (the earth) a bare dry soil (without any vegetation or trees, etc.).
9. Do you think that the people of the Cave and the Inscription (the news or the names of the people of the Cave) were a wonder among Our Signs?
10. (Remember) when the young men fled for refuge (from their disbelieving folk) to the Cave, they said: "Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!"
11. Therefore We covered up their (sense of) hearing (causing them, to go in deep sleep) in the Cave for a number of years.
12. Then We raised them up (from their sleep), that We might test which of the two parties was best at calculating the time period that they had tarried.
13. We narrate unto you (O Muhammad) their story with truth: Truly! They were young men who believed in their Lord (God), and We increased them in guidance.
14. And We made their hearts firm and strong (with the light of Faith in God and bestowed upon them patience to bear the separation of their kith and kin and dwellings, etc.) when they stood up and said: "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, never shall we call upon any ilâh (god) other than Him; if we did, we should indeed have uttered an enormity in disbelief.
15. "These our people have taken for worship âliha (gods) other than Him (God). Why do they not bring for them a clear authority? And who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against God.
16. (The young men said to one another): "And when you withdraw from them, and that which they worship, except God, then seek refuge in the Cave, your Lord will open a way for you from His Mercy and will make easy for you your affair (i.e. will give you what you will need of provision, dwelling, etc.)."
17. And you might have seen the sun, when it rose, declining to the right from their Cave, and when it set, turning away from them to the left, while they lay in the midst of the Cave. That is (one) of the Ayât (proofs, evidences, signs) of God. He whom God guides, is rightly guided; but he whom He sends astray, for him you will find no Walî (guiding friend) to lead him (to the right Path).
18. And you would have thought them awake, while they were asleep. And We turned them on their right and on their left sides, and their dog stretching forth his two forelegs at the entrance [of the Cave or in the space near to the entrance of the Cave (as a guard at the gate)]. Had you looked at them, you would certainly have turned back from them in flight, and would certainly have been filled with awe of them.
19. Likewise, We awakened them (from their long deep sleep) that they might question one another. A speaker from among them said: "How long have you stayed (here)?" They said: "We have stayed (perhaps) a day or part of a day." They said: "Your Lord (Alone) knows best how long you have stayed (here). So send one of you with this silver coin of yours to the town, and let him find out which is the good lawful food, and bring some of that to you. And let him be careful and let no man know of you.
20. "For if they come to know of you, they will stone you (to death or abuse and harm you) or turn you back to their religion, and in that case you will never be successful."
21. And thus We made their case known to the people, that they might know that the Promise of God is true, and that there can be no doubt about the Hour. (Remember) when they (the people of the city) disputed among themselves about their case, they said: "Construct a building over them, their Lord knows best about them," (then) those who won their point said (most probably the disbelievers): "We verily shall build a place of worship over them."
22. (Some) say they were three, the dog being the fourth among them; (others) say they were five, the dog being the sixth, guessing at the unseen; (yet others) say they were seven, the dog being the eighth. Say (O Muhammad): "My Lord knows best their number; none knows them but a few." So debate not (about their number, etc.) except with the clear proof (which We have revealed to you). And consult not any of them (people of the Scripture, Jews and Christians) about (the affair of) the people of the Cave.
23. And never say of anything, "I shall do such and such thing tomorrow."
24. Except (with the saying), "If God will!" And remember your Lord when you forget and say: "It may be that my Lord guides me unto a nearer way of truth than this."
25. And they stayed in their Cave three hundred (solar) years, and add nine (for lunar years).
26. Say: "God knows best how long they stayed. With Him is (the knowledge of) the unseen of the heavens and the earth. How clearly He sees, and hears (everything)! They have no Walî (Helper, Disposer of affairs, Protector, etc.) other than Him, and He makes none to share in His Decision and His Rule."
27. And recite what has been revealed to you (O Muhammad) of the Book (the Qur'ân) of your Lord (i.e. recite it, understand and follow its teachings and act on its orders and preach it to men). None can change His Words, and none will you find as a refuge other than Him.
28. And keep yourself (O Muhammad) patiently with those who call on their Lord (i.e. your companions who remember their Lord with glorification, praising in prayers, etc., and other righteous deeds, etc.) morning and afternoon, seeking His Face, and let not your eyes overlook them, desiring the pomp and glitter of the life of the world; and obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our Remembrance, one who follows his own lusts and whose affair (deeds) has been lost.
29. And say: "The truth is from your Lord." Then whosoever wills, let him believe, and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve. Verily, We have prepared for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.), a Fire whose walls will be surrounding them (disbelievers in the Oneness of God). And if they ask for help (relief, water, etc.) they will be granted water like boiling oil, that will scald their faces. Terrible the drink, and an evil Murtafaqâ (dwelling, resting place, etc.)!
30. Verily! As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, certainly! We shall not suffer to be lost the reward of anyone who does his (righteous) deeds in the most perfect manner.
31. These! For them will be 'Adn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting Gardens); wherein rivers flow underneath them, therein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine and thick silk. They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good is the reward, and what an excellent Murtafaqâ (dwelling, resting place, etc.)!
32. And put forward to them the example of two men; unto one of them We had given two gardens of grapes, and We had surrounded both with date-palms; and had put between them green crops (cultivated fields etc.).
33. Each of those two gardens brought forth its produce, and failed not in the least therein, and We caused a river to gush forth in the midst of them.
34. And he had property (or fruit) and he said to his companion, in the course of mutual talk: I am more than you in wealth and stronger in respect of men." [See Tafsir Qurtubî, Vol. 10, Page 403].
35. And he went into his garden while in a state (of pride and disbelief) unjust to himself. He said: "I think not that this will ever perish.
36. "And I think not the Hour will ever come, and if indeed I am brought back to my Lord, (on the Day of Resurrection), I surely shall find better than this when I return to Him."
37. His companion said to him, during the talk with him: "Do you disbelieve in Him Who created you out of dust (i.e. your father Adam), then out of Nutfah (mixed semen drops of male and female discharge), then fashioned you into a man?
38. "But as for my part (I believe) that He is God, my Lord and none shall I associate as partner with my Lord.
39. It was better for you to say, when you entered your garden: 'That which God wills (will come to pass)! There is no power but with God '. If you see me less than you in wealth, and children.
40. "It may be that my Lord will give me something better than your garden, and will send on it Husbân (torment, bolt, etc.) from the sky, then it will be a slippery earth.
41. "Or the water thereof (of the gardens) becomes deep-sunken (underground) so that you will never be able to seek it."
42. So his fruits were encircled (with ruin). And he remained clapping his hands with sorrow over what he had spent upon it, while it was all destroyed on its trellises, he could only say: "Would I had ascribed no partners to my Lord!" [Tafsir Ibn Kathîr]
43. And he had no group of men to help him against God, nor could he defend or save himself.
44. There (on the Day of Resurrection), Al-Walâyah (the protection, power, authority and kingdom) will be for God (Alone), the True God. He (God) is the Best for reward and the Best for the final end. (Lâ ilâha ill-God none has the right to be worshipped but God).
45. And put forward to them the example of the life of this world, it is like the water (rain) which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it, and becomes fresh and green. But (later) it becomes dry and broken pieces, which the winds scatter. And God is Able to do everything.
46. Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world. But the good righteous deeds (five compulsory prayers, deeds of God's obedience, good and nice talk, remembrance of God with glorification, praises and thanks, etc.), that last, are better with your Lord for rewards and better in respect of hope.
47. And (remember) the Day We shall cause the mountains to pass away (like clouds of dust), and you will see the earth as a levelled plain, and we shall gather them all together so as to leave not one of them behind.
48. And they will be set before your Lord in (lines as) rows, (and God will say): "Now indeed, you have come to Us as We created you the first time. Nay, but you thought that We had appointed no meeting for you (with Us)."
49. And the Book (one's Record) will be placed (in the right hand for a believer in the Oneness of God, and in the left hand for a disbeliever in the Oneness of God), and you will see the Mujrimûn (criminals, polytheists, sinners, etc.), fearful of that which is (recorded) therein. They will say: "Woe to us! What sort of Book is this that leaves neither a small thing nor a big thing, but has recorded it with numbers!" And they will find all that they did, placed before them, and your Lord treats no one with injustice.
50. And (remember) when We said to the angels; "Prostrate to Adam." So they prostrated except Iblîs (Satan). He was one of the jinns; he disobeyed the Command of his Lord. Will you then take him (Iblîs) and his offspring as protectors and helpers rather than Me while they are enemies to you? What an evil is the exchange for the Zâlimûn (polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc).
51. I (God) made them (Iblîs and his offspring) not to witness (nor took their help in) the creation of the heavens and the earth and not (even) their own creation, nor was I (God) to take the misleaders as helpers.
52. And (remember) the Day He will say:"Call those (so-called) partners of Mine whom you pretended." Then they will cry unto them, but they will not answer them, and We shall put Maubiqa (a barrier, or enmity, or destruction, or a valley in Hell) between them.
53. And the Mujrimûn (criminals, polytheists, sinners), shall see the Fire and apprehend that they have to fall therein. And they will find no way of escape from there.
54. And indeed We have put forth every kind of example in this Qur'ân, for mankind. But, man is ever more quarrelsome than anything.
55. And nothing prevents men from believing, now when the guidance (the Qur'ân) has come to them, and from asking Forgiveness of their Lord, except that the ways of the ancients be repeated with them (i.e. their destruction decreed by God), or the torment be brought to them face to face?
56. And We send not the Messengers except as giver of glad tidings and warners. But those who disbelieve, dispute with false argument, in order to refute the truth thereby. And they treat My Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), and that with which they are warned, as jest and mockery!
57. And who does more wrong than he who is reminded of the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of his Lord, but turns away from them forgetting what (deeds) his hands have sent forth. Truly, We have set veils over their hearts lest they should understand this (the Qur'ân), and in their ears, deafness. And if you (O Muhammad) call them to guidance, even then they will never be guided.
58. And your Lord is Most Forgiving, Owner of Mercy. Were He to call them to account for what they have earned, then surely, He would have hastened their punishment. But they have their appointed time, beyond which they will find no escape.
59. And these towns (population, 'Ad, Thamûd, etc.) We destroyed when they did wrong. And We appointed a fixed time for their destruction.
60. And (remember) when Mûsa (Moses) said to his boy-servant: "I will not give up (travelling) until I reach the junction of the two seas or (until) I spend years and years in travelling."
61. But when they reached the junction of the two seas, they forgot their fish, and it took its way through the sea as in a tunnel.
62. So when they had passed further on (beyond that fixed place), Mûsa (Moses) said to his boy-servant: "Bring us our morning meal; truly, we have suffered much fatigue in this, our journey."
63. He said:"Do you remember when we betook ourselves to the rock? I indeed forgot the fish, none but Shaitân (Satan) made me forget to remember it. It took its course into the sea in a strange (way)!"
64. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "That is what we have been seeking." So they went back retracing their footsteps.
65. Then they found one of Our slaves, unto whom We had bestowed mercy from Us, and whom We had taught knowledge from Us.
66. Mûsa (Moses) said to him (Khidr) "May I follow you so that you teach me something of that knowledge (guidance and true path) which you have been taught (by God)?"
67. He (Khidr) said: "Verily! You will not be able to have patience with me!
68. "And how can you have patience about a thing which you know not?"
69. Mûsa (Moses) said: "If God will, you will find me patient, and I will not disobey you in aught."
70. He (Khidr) said: "Then, if you follow me, ask me not about anything till I myself mention it to you."
71. So they both proceeded, till, when they embarked the ship, he (Khidr) scuttled it. Mûsa (Moses) said: "Have you scuttled it in order to drown its people? Verily, you have committed a thing "Imra" (a Munkar -- evil, bad, dreadful thing)."
72. He (Khidr) said: "Did I not tell you, that you would not be able to have patience with me?"
73. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "Call me not to account for what I forgot, and be not hard upon me for my affair (with you)."
74. Then they both proceeded, till they met a boy, he (Khidr) killed him. Mûsa (Moses) said: "Have you killed an innocent person who had killed none? Verily, you have committed a thing "Nukra" (a great Munkar -- prohibited, evil, dreadful thing)!"
75. (Khidr) said: "Did I not tell you that you can have no patience with me?"
76. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "If I ask you anything after this, keep me not in your company, you have received an excuse from me."
77. Then they both proceeded, till, when they came to the people of a town, they asked them for food, but they refused to entertain them. Then they found therein a wall about to collapse and he (Khidr) set it up straight. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: If you had wished, surely, you could have taken wages for it!"
78. (Khidr) said: "This is the parting between me and you, I will tell you the interpretation of (those) things over which you were unable to hold patience.
79. "As for the ship, it belonged to Masâkîn (poor people) working in the sea. So I wished to make a defective damage in it, as there was a king after them who seized every ship by force.
80. "And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared lest he should oppress them by rebellion and disbelief.
81. "So we intended that their Lord should change him for them for one better in righteousness and near to mercy.
82. "And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the town; and there was under it a treasure belonging to them; and their father was a righteous man, and your Lord intended that they should attain their age of full strength and take out their treasure as a mercy from your Lord. And I did it not of my own accord. That is the interpretation of those (things) over which you could not hold patience."
83. And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say: "I shall recite to you something of his story."
84. Verily, We established him in the earth, and We gave him the means of everything.
85. So he followed a way.
86. Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. And he found near it a people. We (God) said (by inspiration): "O Dhul-Qarnain! Either you punish them, or treat them with kindness."
87. He said: "As for him (a disbeliever in the Oneness of God) who does wrong, we shall punish him; and then he will be brought back unto his Lord; Who will punish him with a terrible torment (Hell).
88. "But as for him who believes (in God's Oneness) and works righteousness, he shall have the best reward, (Paradise), and we (Dhul-Qarnain) shall speak unto him mild words (as instructions)."
89. Then he followed another way,
90. Until, when he came to the rising place of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We (God) had provided no shelter against the sun.
91. So (it was)! And We knew all about him (Dhul-Qarnain).
92. Then he followed (another) way,
93. Until, when he reached between two mountains, he found, before (near) them (those two mountains), a people who scarcely understood a word.
94. They said: "O Dhul-Qarnain! Verily! Ya'jûj and Ma'jûj (Gog and Magog) are doing great mischief in the land. Shall we then pay you a tribute in order that you might erect a barrier between us and them?"
95. He said: "That (wealth, authority and power) in which my Lord had established me is better (than your tribute). So help me with strength (of men), I will erect between you and them a barrier.
96. "Give me pieces (blocks) of iron," then, when he had filled up the gap between the two mountain-cliffs, he said: "Blow," till when he had made it (red as) fire, he said: "Bring me molten copper to pour over it."
97. So they [Ya'jûj and Ma'jûj (Gog and Magog)] were made powerless to scale it or dig through it.
98. Dhul-Qarnain) said: "This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the Promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it down to the ground. And the Promise of my Lord is ever true."
99. And on that Day [i.e. the Day Ya'jûj and Ma'jûj (Gog and Magog) will come out], We shall leave them to surge like waves on one another, and the Trumpet will be blown, and We shall collect them all together.
100. And on that Day We shall present Hell to the disbelievers, plain to view,
101. (To) Those whose eyes had been under a covering from My Reminder (this Qur'ân), and who could not bear to hear (it).
102. Do then those who disbelieve think that they can take My slaves [i.e., the angels, God's Messengers, 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), etc.] as Auliyâ' (lords, gods, protectors, etc.) besides Me? Verily, We have prepared Hell as an entertainment for the disbelievers (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism).
103. Say (O Muhammad): "Shall We tell you the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds?
104. "Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds!
105. "They are those who deny the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord and the Meeting with Him (in the Hereafter). So their works are in vain, and on the Day of Resurrection, We shall not give them any weight.
106. "That shall be their recompense, Hell; because they disbelieved and took My Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and My Messengers by way of jest and mockery.
107. "Verily! Those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous deeds, shall have the Gardens of Al-Firdaus (the Paradise) for their entertainment.
108. "Wherein they shall dwell (forever). No desire will they have to be removed therefrom."
109. Say (O Muhammad to mankind). "If the sea were ink for (writing) the Words of my Lord, surely, the sea would be exhausted before the Words of my Lord would be finished, even if we brought (another sea) like it for its aid."
110. Say (O Muhammad): "I am only a man like you. It has been inspired to me that your Ilâh (God) is One Ilâh (God i.e. God). So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord."
Surah 19
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings].
2. (This is) a mention of the mercy of your Lord to His slave Zakariya (Zachariah).
3. When he called out his Lord (God) a call in secret,
4. Saying: "My Lord! Indeed my bones have grown feeble, and grey hair has spread on my head, And I have never been unblest in my invocation to You, O my Lord!
5. "And Verily! I fear my relatives after me, since my wife is barren. So give me from Yourself an heir,
6. "Who shall inherit me, and inherit (also) the posterity of Ya'qûb (Jacob) (inheritance of the religious knowledge and Prophethood, not the wealth, etc.). And make him, my Lord, one with whom You are Well-pleased!".
7. (God said) "O Zakariya (Zachariah)! Verily, We give you the glad tidings of a son, His name will be Yahya (John). We have given that name to none before (him)."
8. He said: "My Lord! How can I have a son, when my wife is barren, and I have reached the extreme old age."
9. He said: "So (it will be). Your Lord says; It is easy for Me. Certainly I have created you before, when you had been nothing!"
10. [Zakariya (Zachariah)] said: "My Lord! Appoint for me a sign." He said: "Your sign is that you shall not speak unto mankind for three nights, though having no bodily defect."
11. Then he came out to his people from Al-Mihrâb (a praying place or a private room, etc.), he told them by signs to glorify God's Praises in the morning and in the afternoon.
12. (It was said to his son): "O Yahya (John)! Hold fast the Scripture [the Taurât (Torah)]." And We gave him wisdom while yet a child.
13. And (made him) sympathetic to men as a mercy (or a grant) from Us, and pure from sins [i.e. Yahya (John)] and he was righteous,
14. And dutiful towards his parents, and he was neither an arrogant nor disobedient (to God or to his parents).
15. And Salâmun (peace) be on him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he will be raised up to life (again)!
16. And mention in the Book (the Qur'ân, O Muhammad , the story of) Maryam (Mary), when she withdrew in seclusion from her family to a place facing east.
17. She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent to her Our Ruh [angel Jibrael (Gabriel)], and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respects.
18. She said: "Verily! I seek refuge with the Most Beneficent (God) from you, if you do fear God."
19. (The angel) said: "I am only a Messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son."
20. She said: "How can I have a son, when no man has touched me, nor am I unchaste?"
21. He said: "So (it will be), your Lord said: 'That is easy for Me (God): And (We wish) to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us (God), and it is a matter (already) decreed, (by God).' "
22. So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a far place (i.e. Bethlehem valley about 4-6 miles from Jerusalem).
23. And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. She said: "Would that I had died before this, and had been forgotten and out of sight!"
24. Then [the babe 'Iesa (Jesus) or Jibrael (Gabriel)] cried unto her from below her, saying: "Grieve not! Your Lord has provided a water stream under you;
25. "And shake the trunk of date-palm towards you, it will let fall fresh ripe-dates upon you."
26. "So eat and drink and be glad, and if you see any human being, say: 'Verily! I have vowed a fast unto the Most Beneficent (God) so I shall not speak to any human being this day.'"
27. Then she brought him (the baby) to her people, carrying him. They said: "O Mary! Indeed you have brought a thing Fariya (an unheard mighty thing).
28. "O sister (i.e. the like) of Hârûn (Aaron) [not the brother of Mûsa (Moses), but he was another pious man at the time of Maryam (Mary)]! Your father was not a man who used to commit adultery, nor your mother was an unchaste woman."
29. Then she pointed to him. They said: "How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?"
30. "He ['Iesa (Jesus)] said: Verily! I am a slave of God, He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet;"
31. "And He has made me blessed wheresoever I be, and has enjoined on me Salât (prayer), and Zakât, as long as I live."
32. "And dutiful to my mother, and made me not arrogant, unblest.
33. "And Salâm (peace) be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!"
34. Such is 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary). (it is) a statement of truth, about which they doubt (or dispute).
35. It befits not (the Majesty of) God that He should beget a son [this refers to the slander of Christians against God, by saying that 'Iesa (Jesus) is the son of God]. Glorified (and Exalted be He above all that they associate with Him). When He decrees a thing, He only says to it, "Be!" and it is.
36. ['Iesa (Jesus) said]: "And verily God is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him (Alone). That is the Straight Path. (God's Religion of Islâmic Monotheism which He did ordain for all of His Prophets)." [Tafsir At-Tabarî]
37. Then the sects differed [i.e. the Christians about 'Iesa (Jesus)], so woe unto the disbelievers [those who gave false witness by saying that 'Iesa (Jesus) is the son of God] from the meeting of a great Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection, when they will be thrown in the blazing Fire).
38. How clearly will they (polytheists and disbelievers in the Oneness of God) see and hear, the Day when they will appear before Us! But the Zalimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers) today are in plain error.
39. And warn them (O Muhammad) of the Day of grief and regrets, when the case has been decided, while (now) they are in a state of carelessness, and they believe not.
40. Verily! We will inherit the earth and whatsoever is thereon. And to Us they all shall be returned,
41. And mention in the Book (the Qur'ân) Ibrâhim (Abraham). Verily! He was a man of truth, a Prophet.
42. When he said to his father: "O my father! Why do you worship that which hears not, sees not and cannot avail you in anything?
43. "O my father! Verily! There has come to me of knowledge that which came not unto you. So follow me. I will guide you to a Straight Path.
44. "O my father! Worship not Shaitân (Satan). Verily! Shaitân (Satan) has been a rebel against the Most Beneficent (God).
45. "O my father! Verily! I fear lest a torment from the Most Beneficent (God) overtake you, so that you become a companion of Shaitân (Satan) (in the Hell-fire)." [Tafsir Al-Qurtubî]
46. He (the father) said: "Do you reject my gods, O Ibrâhim (Abraham)? If you stop not (this), I will indeed stone you. So get away from me safely before I punish you."
47. Ibrâhim (Abraham) said: "Peace be on you! I will ask Forgiveness of my Lord for you. Verily! He is unto me, Ever Most Gracious.
48. "And I shall turn away from you and from those whom you invoke besides God. And I shall call on my Lord; and I hope that I shall not be unblest in my invocation to my Lord."
49. So when he had turned away from them and from those whom they worshipped besides God, We gave him Ishâque (Isaac) and Ya'qûb (Jacob), and each one of them We made a Prophet.
50. And We gave them of Our Mercy (a good provision in plenty), and We granted them honour on the tongues (of all the nations, i.e everybody remembers them with a good praise).
51. And mention in the Book (this Qur'ân) Mûsa (Moses). Verily! He was chosen and he was a Messenger (and) a Prophet.
52. And We called him from the right side of the Mount, and made him draw near to Us for a talk with him [Mûsa (Moses)].
53. And We bestowed on him his brother Hârûn (Aaron), (also) a Prophet, out of Our Mercy.
54. And mention in the Book (the Qur'ân) Ismâ'il (Ishmael). Verily! He was true to what he promised, and he was a Messenger, (and) a Prophet.
55. And he used to enjoin on his family and his people As-Salât (the prayers) and the Zakât, and his Lord was pleased with him.
56. And mention in the Book (the Qur'ân) Idris (Enoch).Verily! He was a man of truth, (and) a Prophet.
57. And We raised him to a high station.
58. Those were they unto whom God bestowed His Grace from among the Prophets, of the offspring of Adam, and of those whom We carried (in the ship) with Nûh (Noah), and of the offspring of Ibrâhim (Abraham) and Israel and from among those whom We guided and chose. When the Verses of the Most Beneficent (God) were recited unto them, they fell down prostrating and weeping.
59. Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salât (the prayers) [i.e. made their Salât (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.] and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell.
60. Except those who repent and believe (in the Oneness of God and His Messenger Muhammad), and work righteousness. Such will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged in aught.
61. (They will enter) 'Adn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting Gardens), which the Most Beneficent (God) has promised to His slaves in the unseen: Verily! His Promise must come to pass.
62. They shall not hear therein (in Paradise) any Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk), but only Salâm (salutations of peace). And they will have therein their sustenance, morning and afternoon. [See (V.40:55)].
63. Such is the Paradise which We shall give as an inheritance to those of Our slaves who have been Al-Muttaqûn (pious and righteous persons -- See V.2:2).
64. And we (angels) descend not except by the Command of your Lord (O Muhammad). To Him belongs what is before us and what is behind us, and what is between those two, and your Lord is never forgetful,
65. Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, so worship Him (Alone) and be constant and patient in His worship. Do you know of any who is similar to Him? (of course none is similar or coequal or comparable to Him, and He has none as partner with Him). [There is nothing like unto Him and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer].
66. And man (the disbeliever) says: "When I am dead, shall I then be raised up alive?"
67. Does not man remember that We created him before, while he was nothing?
68. So by your Lord, surely, We shall gather them together, and (also) the Shayâtin (devils) (with them), then We shall bring them round Hell on their knees.
69. Then indeed We shall drag out from every sect all those who were worst in obstinate rebellion against the Most Beneficent (God).
70. Then, verily, We know best those who are most worthy of being burnt therein.
71. There is not one of you but will pass over it (Hell); this is with your Lord; a Decree which must be accomplished.
72. Then We shall save those who use to fear God and were dutiful to Him. And We shall leave the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrongdoers, etc.) therein (humbled) to their knees (in Hell).
73. And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them, those who disbelieve (the rich and strong among the pagans of Quraish who live a life of luxury) say to those who believe (the weak, poor companions of Prophet Muhammad who have a hard life): "Which of the two groups (i.e. believers and disbelievers) is best in (point of) position and as regards station (place of council for consultation)."
74. And how many a generation (past nations) have We destroyed before them, who were better in wealth, goods and outward appearance?
75. Say (O Muhammad) whoever is in error, the Most Beneficent (God) will extend (the rope) to him, until, when they see that which they were promised, either the torment or the Hour, they will come to know who is worst in position, and who is weaker in forces. [This is the answer for the Verse No.19:73]
76. And God increases in guidance those who walk aright [true believers in the Oneness of God who fear God much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden), and love God much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained)]. And the righteous good deeds that last, are better with your Lord, for reward and better for resort.
77. Have you seen him who disbelieved in Our Ayât (this Qur'ân and Muhammad) and (yet) says: "I shall certainly be given wealth and children [if I will be alive (again)],"
78. Has he known the unseen or has he taken a covenant from the Most Beneficent (God)?
79. Nay! We shall record what he says, and We shall increase his torment (in the Hell);
80. And We shall inherit from him (at his death) all that he talks of (i.e. wealth and children which We have bestowed upon him in this world), and he shall come to Us alone.
81. And they have taken (for worship) âliha (gods) besides God, that they might give them honour, power and glory (and also protect them from God's Punishment etc.).
82. Nay, but they (the so-called gods) will deny their worship of them, and become opponents to them (on the Day of Resurrection).
83. See you not that We have sent the Shayâtin (devils) against the disbelievers to push them to do evil.
84. So make no haste against them; We only count out to them a (limited) number (of the days of the life of this world and delay their term so that they may increase in evil and sins).
85. The Day We shall gather the Muttaqûn (pious -- see V.2:2) unto the Most Beneficent (God), like a delegate (presented before a king for honour).
86. And We shall drive the Mujrimûn (polytheists, sinners, criminals, disbelievers in the Oneness of God, etc.) to Hell, in a thirsty state (like a thirsty herd driven down to water),
87. None shall have the power of intercession, but such a one as has received permission (or promise) from the Most Beneficent (God).
88. And they say: "The Most Beneficent (God) has begotten a son (or offspring or children) [as the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of God, and the Christians say that He has begotten a son ['Iesa (Christ)], and the pagan Arabs say that He has begotten daughters (angels, etc.)]."
89. Indeed you have brought forth (said) a terrible evil thing.
90. Whereby the heavens are almost torn, and the earth is split asunder, and the mountains fall in ruins,
91. That they ascribe a son (or offspring or children) to the Most Beneficent (God).
92. But it is not suitable for (the Majesty of) the Most Beneficent (God) that He should beget a son (or offspring or children).
93. There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes unto the Most Beneficent (God) as a slave.
94. Verily, He knows each one of them, and has counted them a full counting.
95. And everyone of them will come to Him alone on the Day of Resurrection (without any helper, or protector or defender).
96. Verily, those who believe [in the Oneness of God and in His Messenger (Muhammad)] and work deeds of righteousness, the Most Beneficent (God) will bestow love for them (in the hearts of the believers).
97. So We have made this (the Qur'ân) easy in your own tongue (O Muhammad), only that you may give glad tidings to the Muttaqûn (pious and righteous persons -- See V.2:2), and warn with it the Ludda (most quarrelsome) people.
98. And how many a generation before them have We destroyed! Can you (O Muhammad) find a single one of them or hear even a whisper of them?
Surah 20
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings.]
2. We have not sent down the Qur'ân unto you (O Muhammad) to cause you distress,
3. But only as a Reminder to those who fear (God).
4. A revelation from Him (God) Who has created the earth and high heavens.
5. The Most Beneficent (God) Istawâ (rose over) the (Mighty) Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty).
6. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth, and all that is between them, and all that is under the soil.
7. And if you (O Muhammad) speak (the invocation) aloud, then verily, He knows the secret and that which is yet more hidden.
8. God! Lâ ilâhla illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He)! To Him belong the Best Names.
9. And has there come to you the story of Mûsa (Moses)?
10. When he saw a fire, he said to his family: "Wait! Verily, I have seen a fire, perhaps I can bring you some burning brand therefrom, or find some guidance at the fire."
11. And when he came to it (the fire), he was called by name: "O Mûsa (Moses)!
12. "Verily! I am your Lord! So take off your shoes, you are in the sacred valley, Tuwa.
13. "And I have chosen you. So listen to that which is inspired to you.
14. "Verily! I am God! Lâ ilâha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I), so worship Me, and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât) for My Remembrance.
15. "Verily, the Hour is coming and My Will is to keep it hidden that every person may be rewarded for that which he strives.
16. "Therefore, let not the one who believes not therein (i.e. in the Day of Resurrection, Reckoning, Paradise and Hell, etc.), but follows his own lusts, divert you therefrom, lest you perish.
17. "And what is that in your right hand, O Mûsa (Moses)?"
18. He said: "This is my stick, whereon I lean, and wherewith I beat down branches for my sheep, and wherein I find other uses."
19. (God) said: "Cast it down, O Mûsa (Moses)!"
20. He cast it down, and behold! It was a snake, moving quickly.
21. God said:"Grasp it, and fear not, We shall return it to its former state,
22. "And press your (right) hand to your (left) side, it will come forth white (and shining), without any disease as another sign,
23. "That We may show you (some) of Our Greater Signs.
24. "Go to Fir'aun (Pharaoh)! Verily, he has transgressed (all bounds in disbelief and disobedience, and has behaved as an arrogant, and as a tyrant)."
25. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "O my Lord! Open for me my chest (grant me self-confidence, contentment, and boldness).
26. "And ease my task for me;
27. "And make loose the knot (the defect) from my tongue, (i.e. remove the incorrectness from my speech) [That occurred as a result of a brand of fire which Mûsa (Moses) put in his mouth when he was an infant]. [Tafsir At-Tabarî, Vol. 16, Page 159].
28. "That they understand my speech,
29. "And appoint for me a helper from my family,
30. "Hârûn (Aaron), my brother;
31. "Increase my strength with him,
32. "And let him share my task (of conveying God's Message and Prophethood),
33. "That we may glorify You much,
34. "And remember You much,
35. "Verily! You are of us Ever a Well-Seer."
36. God said: "You are granted your request, O Mûsa (Moses)!
37. "And indeed We conferred a favour on you another time (before).
38. "When We inspired your mother with that which We inspired.
39. "Saying: 'Put him (the child) into the Tabût (a box or a case or a chest) and put it into the river (Nile), then the river shall cast it up on the bank, and there, an enemy of Mine and an enemy of his shall take him.' And I endued you with love from Me, in order that you may be brought up under My Eye,
40. "When your sister went and said: 'Shall I show you one who will nurse him?' So We restored you to your mother, that she might cool her eyes and she should not grieve. Then you did kill a man, but We saved you from great distress and tried you with a heavy trial. Then you stayed a number of years with the people of Madyan (Midian). Then you came here according to the fixed term which I ordained (for you), O Mûsa (Moses)!
41. "And I have Istana'tuka, for Myself.
42. "Go you and your brother with My Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), and do not, you both, slacken and become weak in My Remembrance.
43. "Go, both of you, to Fir'aun (Pharaoh), verily, he has transgressed (all bounds in disbelief and disobedience and behaved as an arrogant and as a tyrant).
44. "And speak to him mildly, perhaps he may accept admonition or fear God."
45. They said: "Our Lord! Verily! We fear lest he should hasten to punish us or lest he should transgress (all bounds against us)."
46. He (God) said: "Fear not, verily! I am with you both, hearing and seeing.
47. "So go you both to him, and say: 'Verily, we are Messengers of your Lord, so let the Children of Israel go with us, and torment them not; indeed, we have come with a sign from your Lord! And peace will be upon him who follows the guidance!
48. 'Truly, it has been revealed to us that the torment will be for him who denies [believes not in the Oneness of God, and in His Messengers, etc.], and turns away.'(from the truth and obedience of God)"
49. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "Who then, O Mûsa (Moses), is the Lord of you two?"
50. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "Our Lord is He Who gave to each thing its form and nature, then guided it aright."
51. [Fir'aun (Pharaoh)] said: "What about the generations of old?"
52. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord, in a Record. My Lord is neither unaware nor He forgets, "
53. Who has made earth for you like a bed (spread out); and has opened roads (ways and paths etc.) for you therein; and has sent down water (rain) from the sky. And We have brought forth with it various kinds of vegetation.
54. Eat and pasture your cattle, (therein); verily, in this are proofs and signs for men of understanding.
55. Thereof (the earth) We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out once again.
56. And indeed We showed him [Fir'aun (Pharaoh)] all Our Signs and Evidences, but he denied and refused.
57. He [Fir'aun (Pharaoh)] said: "Have you come to drive us out of our land with your magic, O Mûsa (Moses)?
58. "Then verily, we can produce magic the like thereof; so appoint a meeting between us and you, which neither we, nor you shall fail to keep, in an open wide place where both shall have a just and equal chance (and beholders could witness the competition)."
59. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "Your appointed meeting is the day of the festival, and let the people assemble when the sun has risen (forenoon)."
60. So Fir'aun (Pharaoh) withdrew, devised his plot and then came back.
61. Mûsa (Moses) said to them: "Woe unto you! Invent not a lie against God, lest He should destroy you completely by a torment. And surely, he who invents a lie (against God) will fail miserably."
62. Then they debated with one another what they must do, and they kept their talk secret.
63. They said: "Verily! These are two magicians. Their object is to drive you out from your land with magic, and overcome your chiefs and nobles.
64. "So devise your plot, and then assemble in line. And whoever overcomes this day will be indeed successful."
65. They said:"O Mûsa (Moses)! Either you throw first or we be the first to throw?"
66. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "Nay, throw you (first)!" Then behold, their ropes and their sticks, by their magic, appeared to him as though they moved fast.
67. So Mûsa (Moses) conceived a fear in himself.
68. We (God) said: "Fear not! Surely, you will have the upper hand.
69. "And throw that which is in your right hand! It will swallow up that which they have made. That which they have made is only a magician's trick, and the magician will never be successful, no matter whatever amount (of skill) he may attain."
70. So the magicians fell down prostrate. They said: "We believe in the Lord of Hârûn (Aaron) and Mûsa (Moses)."
71. [Fir'aun (Pharaoh)] said: "Believe you in him [Mûsa (Moses)] before I give you permission? Verily! He is your chief who taught you magic. So I will surely cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, and I will surely crucify you on the trunks of date-palms, and you shall surely know which of us [I (Fir'aun -- Pharaoh) or the Lord of Mûsa (Moses) (God)] can give the severe and more lasting torment."
72. They said: "We prefer you not over the clear signs that have come to us, and to Him (God) Who created us. So decree whatever you desire to decree, for you can only decree (regarding) this life of the world.
73. "Verily! We have believed in our Lord, that He may forgive us our faults, and the magic to which you did compel us. And God is better as regards reward in comparison to your [Fir'aun's (Pharaoh)] reward, and more lasting (as regards punishment in comparison to your punishment)."
74. Verily! Whoever comes to his Lord as a Mujrim (criminal, polytheist, disbeliever in the Oneness of God and His Messengers, sinner, etc.), then surely, for him is Hell, therein he will neither die nor live.
75. But whoever comes to Him (God) as a believer (in the Oneness of God, etc.), and has done righteous good deeds, for such are the high ranks (in the Hereafter),
76. 'Adn (Edn) Paradise (everlasting Gardens), under which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever: such is the reward of those who purify themselves [(by abstaining from all kinds of sins and evil deeds) which God has forbidden and by doing all that which God has ordained)].
77. And indeed We inspired Mûsa (Moses) (saying): "Travel by night with Ibâdi (My slaves) and strike a dry path for them in the sea, fearing neither to be overtaken [by Fir'aun (Pharaoh)] nor being afraid (of drowning in the sea)."
78. Then Fir'aun (Pharaoh) pursued them with his hosts, but the sea-water completely overwhelmed them and covered them up.
79. And Fir'aun (Pharaoh) led his people astray, and he did not guide them.
80. O Children of Israel! We delivered you from your enemy, and We made a covenant with you on the right side of the Mount, and We sent down to you Al-Manna and quails,
81. (Saying) eat of the Taiyibât (good lawful things) wherewith We have provided you, and commit no oppression therein, lest My Anger should justly descend on you. And he on whom My Anger descends, he is indeed perished.
82. And verily, I am indeed Forgiving to him who repents, believes (in My Oneness, and associates none in worship with Me) and does righteous good deeds, and then remains constant in doing them, (till his death).
83. "And what made you hasten from your people, O Mûsa (Moses)?"
84. He said: "They are close on my footsteps, and I hastened to You, O my Lord, that You might be pleased."
85. (God) said: "Verily! We have tried your people in your absence, and As-Samiri has led them astray."
86. Then Mûsa (Moses) returned to his people in a state of anger and sorrow. He said: "O my people! Did not your Lord promise you a fair promise? Did then the promise seem to you long in coming? Or did you desire that wrath should descend from your Lord on you, so you broke your promise to me (i.e disbelieving in God and worshipping the calf)?"
87. They said: "We broke not the promise to you, of our own will, but we were made to carry the weight of the ornaments of the [Fir'aun's (Pharaoh)] people, then we cast them (into the fire), and that was what As-Samiri suggested."
88. Then he took out (of the fire) for them a statue of a calf which seemed to low. They said: "This is your ilâh (god), and the ilâh (god) of Mûsa (Moses), but [Mûsa (Moses)] has forgotten (his god).'"
89. Did they not see that it could not return them a word (for answer), and that it had no power either to harm them or to do them good?
90. And Hârûn (Aaron) indeed had said to them beforehand: "O my people! You are being tried in this, and verily, your Lord is (God) the Most Beneficent, so follow me and obey my order."
91. They said: "We will not stop worshipping it (i.e. the calf), until Mûsa (Moses) returns to us."
92. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "O Hârûn (Aaron)! What stopped you when you saw them going astray;
93. "That you followed me not (according to my advice to you)? Have you then disobeyed my order?"
94. He [Hârûn (Aaron)] said: "O son of my mother! Seize (me) not by my beard, nor by my head! Verily, I feared lest you should say: 'You have caused a division among the Children of Israel, and you have not respected my word!' "
95. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "And what is the matter with you. O Samiri? (i.e. why did you do so?)"
96. (Samiri) said: "I saw what they saw not, so I took a handful (of dust) from the hoof print of the messenger [Jibrael's (Gabriel) horse] and threw it [into the fire in which were put the ornaments of the Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people, or into the calf]. Thus my inner-self suggested to me."
97. Mûsa (Moses) said: "Then go away! And verily, your (punishment) in this life will be that you will say: "Touch me not ( will live alone exiled away from mankind); and verily (for a future torment), you have a promise that will not fail. And look at your ilâh (god), to which you have been devoted. We will certainly burn it, and scatter its particles in the sea."
98. Your Ilâh (God) is only God, the One (Lâ ilâha illa Huwa) (none has the right to be worshipped but He). He has full knowledge of all things.
99. Thus We relate to you (O Muhammad) some information of what happened before. And indeed We have given you from Us a Reminder (this Qur'ân).
100. Whoever turns away from it (this Qur'ân i.e. does not believe in it, nor acts on its orders), verily, they will bear a heavy burden (of sins) on the Day of Resurrection,
101. They will abide in that (state in the Fire of Hell), and evil indeed will it be that load for them on the Day of Resurrection;
102. The Day when the Trumpet will be blown (the second blowing): that Day, We shall gather the Mujrimûn (criminals, polytheists, sinners, disbelievers in the Oneness of God, etc.) Zurqa: (blue or blind eyed with black faces).
103. In whispers will they speak to each other (saying): "You stayed not longer than ten (days)."
104. We know very well what they will say, when the best among them in knowledge and wisdom will say: "You stayed no longer than a day!"
105. And they ask you concerning the mountains, say; "My Lord will blast them and scatter them as particles of dust.
106. "Then He shall leave it as a level smooth plain.
107. "You will see therein nothing crooked or curved."
108. On that Day mankind will follow strictly (the voice of) God's caller, no crookedness (that is without going to the right or left of that voice) will they show him (God's caller). And all voices will be humbled for the Most Beneficent (God), and nothing shall you hear but the low voice of their footsteps.
109. On that day no intercession shall avail, except the one for whom the Most Beneficent (God) has given permission and whose word is acceptable to Him.
110. He (God) knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them (in the Hereafter), and they will never compass anything of His Knowledge.
111. And (all) faces shall be humbled before (God), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. And he who carried (a burden of) wrongdoing (i.e. he who disbelieved in God, ascribed partners to Him, and did deeds of His disobedience), became indeed a complete failure (on that Day).
112. And he who works deeds of righteousness, while he is a believer (in Islâmic Monotheism) then he will have no fear of injustice, nor of any curtailment (of his reward).
113. And thus We have sent it down as a Qur'ân in Arabic, and have explained therein in detail the warnings, in order that they may fear God, or that it may cause them to have a lesson from it (or to have the honour for believing and acting on its teachings).
114. Then High above all be God, the True King. And be not in haste (O Muhammad) with the Qur'ân before its revelation is completed to you, and say: "My Lord! Increase me in knowledge."
115. And indeed We made a covenant with Adam before, but he forgot, and We found on his part no firm will-power.
116. And (remember) when We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourselves to Adam." They prostrated (all) except Iblîs (Satan), who refused.
117. Then We said: "O Adam! Verily, this is an enemy to you and to your wife. So let him not get you both out of Paradise, so that you be distressed in misery.
118. Verily, you have (a promise from Us) that you will never be hungry therein nor naked.
119. And you (will) suffer not from thirst therein nor from the sun's heat.
120. Then Shaitân (Satan) whispered to him, saying : "O Adam! Shall I lead you to the Tree of Eternity and to a kingdom that will never waste away?"
121. Then they both ate of the tree, and so their private parts appeared to them, and they began to stick on themselves the leaves from Paradise for their covering. Thus did Adam disobey his Lord, so he went astray.
122. Then his Lord chose him, and turned to him with forgiveness, and gave him guidance.
123. (God) said:"Get you down (from the Paradise to the earth), both of you, together, some of you are an enemy to some others. Then if there comes to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My Guidance shall neither go astray, nor fall into distress and misery.
124. "But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes in this Qur'ân nor acts on its orders, etc.) verily, for him is a life of hardship, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection."
125. He will say:"O my Lord! Why have you raised me up blind, while I had sight (before)."
126. (God) will say: "Like this, Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) came unto you, but you disregarded them (i.e. you left them, did not think deeply in them, and you turned away from them), and so this Day, you will be neglected (in the Hell-fire, away from God's Mercy)."
127. And thus do We requite him who transgresses beyond bounds [i.e. commits the great sins and disobeys his Lord (God) and believes not in His Messengers, and His revealed Books, like this Qur'ân, etc.], and believes not in the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of his Lord, and the torment of the Hereafter is far more severe and more lasting.
128. Is it not a guidance for them (to know) how many generations We have destroyed before them, in whose dwellings they walk? Verily, in this are signs indeed for men of understanding.
129. And had it not been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord, and a term determined, (their punishment) must necessarily have come (in this world).
130. So bear patiently (O Muhammad) what they say, and glorify the praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun, and before its setting, and during some of the hours of the night, and at the sides of the day (an indication for the five compulsory congregational prayers), that you may become pleased with the reward which God shall give you.
131. And strain not your eyes in longing for the things We have given for enjoyment to various groups of them (polytheists and disbelievers in the Oneness of God), the splendour of the life of this world that We may test them thereby. But the provision (good reward in the Hereafter) of your Lord is better and more lasting.
132. And enjoin As-Salât (the prayer) on your family, and be patient in offering them [i.e. the Salât (prayers)]. We ask not of you a provision (i.e. to give Us something: money, etc.); We provide for you. And the good end (i.e. Paradise) is for the Muttaqûn (pious -- see V.2:2).
133. They say: "Why does he not bring us a sign (proof) from his Lord?" Has there not come to them the proof of that which is (written) in the former papers [Scriptures, i.e. the Taurât (Torah), and the Injeel (Gospel), etc. about the coming of the Prophet Muhammad ].
134. And if We had destroyed them with a torment before this (i.e. Messenger Muhammad and the Qur'ân), they would surely have said: "Our Lord! If only You had sent us a Messenger, we should certainly have followed Your Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), before we were humiliated and disgraced."
135. Say (O Muhammad): "Each one (believer and disbeliever, etc.) is waiting, so wait you too, and you shall know who are they that are on the Straight and Even Path (i.e. God's Religion of Islâmic Monotheism), and who are they that have let themselves be guided (on the Right Path).
Surah 21
2. Comes not unto them an admonition (a chapter of the Qur'ân) from their Lord as a recent revelation but they listen to it while they play,
3. With their hearts occupied (with evil things) those who do wrong, conceal their private counsels, (saying): "Is this (Muhammad) more than a human being like you? Will you submit to magic while you see it?"
4. He (Muhammad) said: "My Lord knows (every) word (spoken) in the heavens and on earth. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower."
5. Nay, they say:"These (revelations of the Qur'ân which are inspired to Muhammad) are mixed up false dreams! Nay, he has invented it! Nay, he is a poet! Let him then bring us an Ayâh (sign as a proof) like the ones (Prophets) that were sent before (with signs)!"
6. Not one of the towns (populations), of those which We destroyed, believed before them (though We sent them signs), will they then believe?
7. And We sent not before you (O Muhammad) but men to whom We inspired, so ask the people of the Reminder [Scriptures -- the Taurât (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel)] if you do not know.
8. And We did not create them (the Messengers, with) bodies that ate not food, nor were they immortals,
9. Then We fulfilled to them the promise, and We saved them and those whom We willed, but We destroyed Al-Musrifûn (i.e. extravagants in oppression, polytheism and in sin).
10. Indeed, We have sent down for you (O mankind) a Book, (the Qur'ân) in which there is Dhikrukum, (your Reminder or an honour for you i.e. honour for the one who follows the teaching of the Qur'ân and acts on its orders). Will you not then understand?
11. How many a town (community), that were wrong-doers, have We destroyed, and raised up after them another people!
12. Then, when they perceived (saw) Our Torment (coming), behold, they (tried to) flee from it.
13. Flee not, but return to that wherein you lived a luxurious life, and to your homes, in order that you may be questioned.
14. They cried: "Woe to us! Certainly! We have been Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers and disbelievers in the Oneness of God, etc.)."
15. And that cry of theirs ceased not, till We made them as a field that is reaped, extinct (dead).
16. We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them for a (mere) play .
17. Had We intended to take a pastime (i.e. a wife or a son, etc.), We could surely have taken it from Us, if We were going to do (that).
18. Nay, We fling (send down) the truth (this Qur'ân) against the falsehood (disbelief), so it destroys it, and behold, it (falsehood) is vanished. And woe to you for that (lie) which you ascribe (to Us) (against God by uttering that God has a wife and a son).
19. To Him belongs whosoever is in the heavens and on earth. And those who are near Him (i.e. the angels) are not too proud to worship Him, nor are they weary (of His worship).
20. They (i.e. the angels) glorify His Praises night and day, (and) they never slacken (to do so).
21. Or have they taken (for worship) âliha (gods) from the earth who raise the dead?
22. Had there been therein (in the heavens and the earth) gods besides God, then verily both would have been ruined. Glorified be God, the Lord of the Throne, (High is He) above what they attribute to Him!
23. He cannot be questioned as to what He does, while they will be questioned.
24. Or have they taken for worship (other) âliha (gods) besides Him? Say: "Bring your proof:" This (the Qur'ân) is the Reminder for those with me and the Reminder for those before me. But most of them know not the Truth, so they are averse.
25. And We did not send any Messenger before you (O Muhammad) but We inspired him (saying): Lâ ilâha illa Ana [none has the right to be worshipped but I (God)], so worship Me (Alone and none else)."
26. And they say: "The Most Beneficent (God) has begotten a son (or children)." Glory to Him! They [those whom they call children of God i.e. the angels, 'Iesa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary), 'Uzair (Ezra), etc.], are but honoured slaves.
27. They speak not until He has spoken, and they act on His Command.
28. He knows what is before them, and what is behind them, and they cannot intercede except for him with whom He is pleased. And they stand in awe for fear of Him.
29. And if any of them should say: "Verily, I am an ilâh (a god) besides Him (God)," such a one We should recompense with Hell. Thus We recompense the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.).
30. Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?
31. And We have placed on the earth firm mountains, lest it should shake with them, and We placed therein broad highways for them to pass through, that they may be guided.
32. And We have made the heaven a roof, safe and well guarded. Yet they turn away from its signs (i.e. sun, moon, winds, clouds, etc.).
33. And He it is Who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating.
34. And We granted not to any human being immortality before you (O Muhammad), then if you die, would they live forever?
35. Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good, and to Us you will be returned.
36. And when those who disbelieve (in the Oneness of God) see you (O Muhammad), they take you not except for mockery (saying): "Is this the one who talks (badly) about your gods?" While they disbelieve at the mention of the Most Beneficent (God). [Tafsir. Al-Qurtubî].
37. Man is created of haste, I will show you My Ayât (torments, proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.).So ask Me not to hasten (them).
38. And they say: "When will this promise (come to pass), if you are truthful."
39. If only those who disbelieved knew (the time) when they will not be able to ward off the Fire from their faces, nor from their backs; and they will not be helped.
40. Nay, it (the Fire or the Day of Resurrection) will come upon them all of a sudden and will perplex them, and they will have no power to avert it, nor will they get respite.
41. Indeed (many) Messengers were mocked before you (O Muhammad), but the scoffers were surrounded by that, whereat they used to mock.
42. Say: "Who can guard and protect you in the night or in the day from the (punishment of the) Most Beneficent (God)?" Nay, but they turn away from the remembrance of their Lord.
43. Or have they âliha (gods) who can guard them from Us? They have no power to help themselves, nor can they be protected from Us (i.e. from Our Torment).
44. Nay, We gave the luxuries of this life to these men and their fathers until the period grew long for them. See they not that We gradually reduce the land (in their control) from its outlying borders? Is it then they who will overcome.
45. Say (O Muhammad): "I warn you only by the revelation (from God and not by the opinion of the religious scholars and others). But the deaf (who follow the religious scholars and others blindly) will not hear the call, (even) when they are warned [(i.e. one should follow only the Qur'ân and the Sunnah (legal ways, orders, acts of worship, statements of Prophet Muhammad , as the Companions of the Prophet did)].
46. And if a breath (minor calamity) of the Torment of your Lord touches them, they will surely cry: "Woe unto us! Indeed we have been Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.).
47. And We shall set up balances of justice on the Day of Resurrection, then none will be dealt with unjustly in anything. And if there be the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it. And Sufficient are We as Reckoners.
48. And indeed We granted to Mûsa (Moses) and Hârûn (Aaron) the criterion (of right and wrong), and a shining light [i.e. the Taurât (Torah)] and a Reminder for Al-Muttaqûn (the pious -- see V.2:2).
49. Those who fear their Lord without seeing Him, while they are afraid of the Hour.
50. And this is a blessed Reminder (the Qur'ân) which We have sent down, will you then (dare to) deny it?
51. And indeed We bestowed aforetime on Ibrâhim (Abraham) his (portion of) guidance, and We were Well-Acquainted with him (as to his Belief in the Oneness of God, etc.).
52. When he said to his father and his people: "What are these images, to which you are devoted?"
53. They said:"We found our fathers worshipping them."
54. He said: "Indeed you and your fathers have been in manifest error."
55. They said: "Have you brought us the truth, or are you one of those who play about?"
56. He said: "Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, Who created them and of that I am one of the witnesses.
57. "And by God, I shall plot a plan (to destroy) your idols after you have gone away and turned your backs."
58. So he broke them to pieces, (all) except the biggest of them, that they might turn to it.
59. They said: "Who has done this to our âliha (gods)? He must indeed be one of the wrong-doers."
60. They said: "We heard a young man talking (against) them who is called Ibrâhim (Abraham)."
61. They said: "Then bring him before the eyes of the people, that they may testify."
62. They said: "Are you the one who has done this to our gods, O Ibrâhim (Abraham)?"
63. [Ibrâhim (Abraham)] said: "Nay, this one, the biggest of them (idols) did it. Ask them, if they can speak!"
64. So they turned to themselves and said: "Verily, you are the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers)."
65. Then they turned to themselves (their first thought and said): "Indeed you [Ibrâhim (Abraham)] know well that these (idols) speak not!"
66. [Ibrâhim (Abraham)] said: "Do you then worship besides God, things that can neither profit you, nor harm you?
67. "Fie upon you, and upon that which you worship besides God! Have you then no sense?"
68. They said: "Burn him and help your âliha (gods), if you will be doing."
69. We (God) said: "O fire! Be you coolness and safety for Ibrâhim (Abraham)!"
70. And they wanted to harm him, but We made them the worst losers.
71. And We rescued him and Lout (Lot) to the land which We have blessed for the 'Alamîn (mankind and jinns).
72. And We bestowed upon him Ishâque (Isaac), and (a grandson) Ya'qûb (Jacob). Each one We made righteous.
73. And We made them leaders, guiding (mankind) by Our Command, and We inspired in them the doing of good deeds, performing Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and the giving of Zakât and of Us (Alone) they were worshippers.
74. And (remember) Lout (Lot), We gave him Hukman (right judgement of the affairs and Prophethood) and (religious) knowledge, and We saved him from the town (folk) who practised Al-Khabâ'ith (evil, wicked and filthy deeds, etc.). Verily, they were a people given to evil, and were Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient, to God).
75. And We admitted him to Our Mercy, truly, he was of the righteous.
76. And (remember) Nûh (Noah), when he cried (to Us) aforetime. We listened to his invocation and saved him and his family from great distress.
77. We helped him against people who denied Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.). Verily, they were a people given to evil. So We drowned them all.
78. And (remember) Dawûd (David) and Sulaimân (Solomon), when they gave judgement in the case of the field in which the sheep of certain people had pastured at night and We were witness to their judgement.
79. And We made Sulaimân (Solomon) to understand (the case), and to each of them We gave Hukman (right judgement of the affairs and Prophethood) and knowledge. And We subjected the mountains and the birds to glorify Our Praises along with Dawûd (David), And it was We Who were the doers (of all these things).
80. And We taught him the making of metal coats of mail (for battles), to protect you in your fighting. Are you then grateful?
81. And to Sulaimân (Solomon) (We subjected) the wind strongly raging, running by his command towards the land which We had blessed. And of everything We are the All-Knower.
82. And of the Shayâtin (devils) (from the jinns) were some who dived for him, and did other work besides that; and it was We Who guarded them.
83. And (remember) Ayûb (Job), when he cried to his Lord: "Verily, distress has seized me, and You are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy."
84. So We answered his call, and We removed the distress that was on him, and We restored his family to him (that he had lost), and the like thereof along with them, as a mercy from Ourselves and a Reminder for all who worship Us.
85. And (remember) Isma'îl (Ishmael), and Idris (Enoch) and Dhul-Kifl (Isaiah), all were from among As-Sâbirin (the patient ones, etc.).
86. And We admitted them to Our Mercy. Verily, they were of the righteous.
87. And (remember) Dhan-Nûn (Jonah), when he went off in anger, and imagined that We shall not punish him (i.e. the calamites which had befallen him)! But he cried through the darkness (saying): Lâ ilâha illa Anta [none has the right to be worshipped but You (O God)], Glorified (and Exalted) are You [above all that (evil) they associate with You]. Truly, I have been of the wrong-doers."
88. So We answered his call, and delivered him from the distress. And thus We do deliver the believers (who believe in the Oneness of God, abstain from evil and work righteousness).
89. And (remember) Zakariya (Zachariah), when he cried to his Lord: "O My Lord! Leave me not single (childless), though You are the Best of the inheritors."
90. So We answered his call, and We bestowed upon him Yahya (John), and cured his wife (to bear a child) for him. Verily, they used to hasten on to do good deeds, and they used to call on Us with hope and fear, and used to humble themselves before Us.
91. And (remember) she who guarded her chastity [Virgin Maryam (Mary)], We breathed into (the sleeves of) her (shirt or garment) [through Our Rûh -- Jibrael (Gabriel)], and We made her and her son ['Iesa (Jesus)] a sign for Al-'Alamin (the mankind and jinns).
92. Truly! This, your Ummah [Sharia or religion (Islâmic Monotheism)] is one religion, and I am your Lord, therefore worship Me (Alone). [Tafsîr Ibn Kathîr]
93. But they have broken up and differed as regards their religion among themselves. (And) they all shall return to Us.
94. So whoever does righteous good deeds while he is a believer (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism), his efforts will not be rejected. Verily! We record it in his Book of deeds.
95. And a ban is laid on every town (population) which We have destroyed that they shall not return (to this world again, nor repent to Us).
96. Until, when Ya'jûj and Ma'jûj (Gog and Magog) are let loose (from their barrier), and they swiftly swarm from every mound.
97. And the true promise (Day of Resurrection) shall draw near (of fulfillment). Then (when mankind is resurrected from their graves), you shall see the eyes of the disbelievers fixedly stare in horror. (They will say): "Woe to us! We were indeed heedless of this; nay, but we were Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)."
98. Certainly! You (disbelievers) and that which you are worshipping now besides God, are (but) fuel for Hell! (Surely), you will enter it.
99. Had these (idols, etc.) been âliha (gods), they would not have entered there (Hell), and all of them will abide therein.
100. Therein breathing out with deep sighs and roaring will be their portion, and therein they will hear not.
101. Verily those for whom the good has preceded from Us, they will be removed far therefrom (Hell) [e.g. 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary); 'Uzair (Ezra), etc.].
102. They shall not hear the slightest sound of it (Hell), while they abide in that which their ownselves desire.
103. The greatest terror (on the Day of Resurrection) will not grieve them, and the angels will meet them, (with the greeting): "This is your Day which you were promised."
104. And (remember) the Day when We shall roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books, as We began the first creation, We shall repeat it, (it is) a promise binding upon Us. Truly, We shall do it.
105. And indeed We have written in Zabûr (Psalms) [i.e. all the revealed Holy Books the Taurât (Torah), the Injeel (Gospel), the Qur'ân] after (We have already written in) Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz (the Book, that is in the heaven with God), that My righteous slaves shall inherit the land (i.e. the land of Paradise).
106. Verily, in this (the Qur'ân) there is a plain Message for people who worship God (i.e. the true, real believers of Islâmic Monotheism who act practically on the Qur'ân and the Sunnah legal ways of the Prophet ).
107. And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
108. Say (O Muhammad): "It is revealed to me that your Ilâh (God) is only one Ilâh (Allah -- God). Will you then submit to His Will (become Muslims and stop worshipping others besides God)?"
109. But if they (disbelievers, idolaters, Jews, Christians, polytheists, etc.) turn away (from Islâmic Monotheism) say (to them O Muhammad): "I give you a notice (of war as) to be known to us all alike. And I know not whether that which you are promised (i.e. the torment or the Day of Resurrection) is near or far."
110. (Say O Muhammad) Verily, He (God) knows that which is spoken aloud (openly) and that which you conceal.
111. And I know not, perhaps it may be a trial for you, and an enjoyment for a while.
112. He (Muhammad) said:"My Lord! Judge You in truth! Our Lord is the Most Beneficent, Whose Help is to be sought against that which you attribute (unto God that He has offspring, and unto Muhammad that he is a sorcerer, and unto the Qur'ân that it is poetry, etc.)!"
Surah 22
2. The Day you shall see it, every nursing mother will forget her nursling, and every pregnant one will drop her load, and you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet they will not be drunken, but severe will be the Torment of God.
3. And among mankind is he who disputes concerning God, without knowledge, and follows every rebellious (disobedient to God) Shaitân (devil) (devoid of each and every kind of good).
4. For him (the devil) it is decreed that whosoever follows him, he will mislead him, and will drive him to the torment of the Fire. [Tafsir At-Tabarî]
5. O mankind! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection, then verily! We have created you (i.e. Adam) from dust, then from a Nutfah (mixed drops of male and female sexual discharge i.e. offspring of Adam), then from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood) then from a little lump of flesh, some formed and some unformed (miscarriage), that We may make (it) clear to you (i.e. to show you Our Power and Ability to do what We will). And We cause whom We will to remain in the wombs for an appointed term, then We bring you out as infants, then (give you growth) that you may reach your age of full strength. And among you there is he who dies (young), and among you there is he who is brought back to the miserable old age, so that he knows nothing after having known. And you see the earth barren, but when We send down water (rain) on it, it is stirred (to life), it swells and puts forth every lovely kind (of growth).
6. That is because God, He is the Truth, and it is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is He Who is Able to do all things.
7. And surely, the Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it, and certainly, God will resurrect those who are in the graves.
8. And among men is he who disputes about God, without knowledge or guidance, or a Book giving light (from God),
9. Bending his neck in pride (far astray from the Path of God), and leading (others) too (far) astray from the Path of God. For him there is disgrace in this worldly life, and on the Day of Resurrection We shall make him taste the torment of burning (Fire).
10. That is because of what your hands have sent forth, and verily, God is not unjust to (His) slaves.
11. And among mankind is he who worships God as it were, upon the very edge (i.e. in doubt); if good befalls him, he is content therewith; but if a trial befalls him, he turns back on his face (i.e. reverts back to disbelief after embracing Islâm). He loses both this world and the Hereafter. That is the evident loss.
12. He calls besides God unto that which hurts him not, nor profits him. That is a straying far away.
13. He calls unto him whose harm is nearer than his profit; certainly, and evil Maula (patron) and certainly an evil friend!
14. Truly, God will admit those who believe (in Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds (according to the Qur'ân and the Sunnah) to Gardens underneath which rivers flow (in Paradise). Verily, God does what He wills.
15. Whoever thinks that God will not help him (Muhammad) in this world and in the Hereafter, let him stretch out a rope to the ceiling and let him strangle himself. Then let him see whether his plan will remove that whereat he rages!
16. Thus have We sent it (this Qur'ân) down (to Muhammad) as clear signs, evidences and proofs, and surely, God guides whom He wills.
17. Verily, those who believe (in God and in His Messenger Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians, and the Magians, and those who worship others besides God, truly, God will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Verily! God is Witness over all things.
18. See you not that to God prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and Ad-Dawâb (moving living creatures, beasts, etc.), and many of mankind? But there are many (men) on whom the punishment is justified. And whomsoever God disgraces, none can honour him. Verily! God does what He wills.
19. These two opponents (believers and disbelievers) dispute with each other about their Lord; then as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling water will be poured down over their heads.
20. With it will melt or vanish away what is within their bellies, as well as (their) skins.
21. And for them are hooked rods of iron (to punish them).
22. Every time they seek to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be driven back therein, and (it will be) said to them: "Taste the torment of burning!"
23. Truly, God will admit those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, to Gardens underneath which rivers flow (in Paradise), wherein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls and their garments therein will be of silk.
24. And they are guided (in this world) unto goodly speech (i.e. Lâ ilâha ill-God, Alhamdu lillâh, recitation of the Qur'ân, etc.) and they are guided to the Path of Him (i.e. God's Religion of Islâmic Monotheism), Who is Worthy of all praises.
25. Verily! Those who disbelieve and hinder (men) from the Path of God, and from Al-Masjid-al-Harâm (at Makkah) which We have made (open) to (all) men, the dweller in it and the visitor from the country are equal there [as regards its sanctity and pilgrimage (Hajj and 'Umrah)]. And whoever inclines to evil actions therein or to do wrong (i.e. practise polytheism and leave Islâmic Monotheism), him We shall cause to taste a painful torment.
26. And (remember) when We showed Ibrâhim (Abraham) the site of the (Sacred) House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) (saying): "Associate not anything (in worship) with Me, [Lâ ilâha ill-God (none has the right to be worshipped but God Islâmic Monotheism], and sanctify My House for those who circumambulate it, and those who stand up for prayer, and those who bow (submit themselves with humility and obedience to God), and make prostration (in prayer, etc.);"
27. And proclaim to mankind the Hajj (pilgrimage). They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they will come from every deep and distant (wide) mountain highway (to perform Hajj).
28. That they may witness things that are of benefit to them (i.e. reward of Hajj in the Hereafter, and also some worldly gain from trade, etc.), and mention the Name of God on appointed days (i.e. 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th day of Dhul-Hijjâh), over the beast of cattle that He has provided for them (for sacrifice) (at the time of their slaughtering by saying: Bismillah, Wallâhu-Akbar, Godumma Minka wa Ilaik). Then eat thereof and feed therewith the poor who have a very hard time.
29. Then let them complete the prescribed duties (Manâsik of Hajj) for them, and perform their vows, and circumambulate the Ancient House (the Ka'bah at Makkah).
30. That (Manâsik prescribed duties of Hajj is the obligation that mankind owes to God), and whoever honours the sacred things of God, then that is better for him with his Lord. The cattle are lawful to you, except those (that will be) mentioned to you (as exceptions). So shun the abomination (worshipping) of idol, and shun lying speech (false statements)
31. Hunafâ' Lillâh (i.e. to worship none but God), not associating partners (in worship, etc.) unto Him and whoever assigns partners to God, it is as if he had fallen from the sky, and the birds had snatched him, or the wind had thrown him to a far off place.
32. Thus it is [what has been mentioned in the above said Verses (27, 28, 29, 30, 31) is an obligation that mankind owes to God]. And whosoever honours the Symbols of God, then it is truly from the piety of the heart.
33. In them (cattle offered for sacrifice) are benefits for you for an appointed term, and afterwards they are brought for sacrifice unto the ancient House (the Haram -- sacred territory of Makkah city).
34. And for every nation We have appointed religious ceremonies, that they may mention the Name of God over the beast of cattle that He has given them for food. And your Ilâh (God) is One Ilâh (God God), so you must submit to Him Alone (in Islâm). And (O Muhammad) give glad tidings to the Mukhbitin [those who obey God with humility and are humble from among the true believers of Islâmic Monotheism],
35. Whose hearts are filled with fear when God is mentioned; who patiently bear whatever may befall them (of calamities); and who perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and who spend (in God's Cause) out of what We have provided them.
36. And the Budn (cows, oxen, or camels driven to be offered as sacrifices by the pilgrims at the sanctuary of Makkah.) We have made for you as among the Symbols of God, therein you have much good. So mention the Name of God over them when they are drawn up in lines (for sacrifice). Then, when they are down on their sides (after slaughter), eat thereof, and feed the beggar who does not ask (men), and the beggar who asks (men). Thus have We made them subject to you that you may be grateful.
37. It is neither their meat nor their blood that reaches God, but it is piety from you that reaches Him. Thus have We made them subject to you that you may magnify God for His Guidance to you. And give glad tidings (O Muhammad) to the Muhsinûn (doers of good).
38. Truly, God defends those who believe. Verily! God likes not any treacherous ingrate to God [those who disobey God but obey Shaitân (Satan)].
39. Permission to fight is given to those (i.e. believers against disbelievers), who are fighting them, (and) because they (believers) have been wronged, and surely, God is Able to give them (believers) victory
40. Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly only because they said: "Our Lord is God." -- For had it not been that God checks one set of people by means of another, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, wherein the Name of God is mentioned much would surely have been pulled down. Verily, God will help those who help His (Cause). Truly, God is All-Strong, All-Mighty.
41. Those (Muslim rulers) who, if We give them power in the land, (they) order for Iqamat-as-Salât. [i.e. to perform the five compulsory congregational Salât (prayers) (the males in mosques)], to pay the Zakât and they enjoin Al-Ma'rûf (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islâm orders one to do), and forbid Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism and all that Islâm has forbidden) [i.e. they make the Qur'ân as the law of their country in all the spheres of life]. And with God rests the end of (all) matters (of creatures).
42. And if they belie you (O Muhammad), so were belied the Prophets before them, (by) the people of Nûh (Noah), 'Ad and Thamûd,
43. And the people of Ibrâhim (Abraham) and the people of Lout (Lot),
44. And the dwellers of Madyan (Midian); and belied was Mûsa (Moses), but I granted respite to the disbelievers for a while, then I seized them, and how (terrible) was My Punishment (against their wrong-doing).
45. And many a township have We destroyed while it was given to wrong-doing, so that it lies in ruins (up to this day), and (many) a deserted well and lofty castles!
46. Have they not travelled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind.
47. And they ask you to hasten on the torment! And God fails not His Promise. And verily, a day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you reckon.
48. And many a township did I give respite while it was given to wrong-doing. Then (in the end) I seized it (with punishment). And to Me is the (final) return (of all).
49. Say (O Muhammad): "O mankind! I am (sent) to you only as a plain warner."
50. So those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, for them is forgiveness and Rizqûn Karîm (generous provision, i.e. Paradise).
51. But those who strive against Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), to frustrate and obstruct them, they will be dwellers of the Hell-fire.
52. Never did We send a Messenger or a Prophet before you, but; when he did recite the revelation or narrated or spoke, Shaitân (Satan) threw (some falsehood) in it. But God abolishes that which Shaitân (Satan) throws in. Then God establishes His Revelations. And God is All-Knower, All-Wise:
53. That He (God) may make what is thrown in by Shaitân (Satan) a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy and disbelief) and whose hearts are hardened. And certainly, the Zalimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) are in an opposition far-off (from the truth against God's Messenger and the believers).
54. And that those who have been given knowledge may know that it (this Qur'ân) is the truth from your Lord, and that they may believe therein, and their hearts may submit to it with humility. And verily, God is the Guide of those who believe, to the Straight Path.
55. And those who disbelieve will not cease to be in doubt about it (this Qur'ân) until the Hour comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them the torment of the Day after which there will be no night (i.e. the Day of Resurrection).
56. The sovereignty on that Day will be that of God (the one Who has no partners). He will judge between them. So those who believed (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and did righteous good deeds will be in Gardens of delight (Paradise).
57. And those who disbelieved and belied Our Verses (of this Qur'ân), for them will be a humiliating torment (in Hell).
58. Those who emigrated in the Cause of God and after that were killed or died, surely, God will provide a good provision for them. And verily, it is God Who indeed is the Best of those who make provision.
59. Truly, He will make them enter an entrance with which they shall be well-pleased, and verily, God indeed is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.
60. That is so. And whoever has retaliated with the like of that which he was made to suffer, and then has again been wronged, God will surely help him. Verily! God indeed is Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.
61. That is because God merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night. And verily, God is All-Hearer, All-Seer.
62. That is because God He is the Truth (the only True God of all that exists, Who has no partners or rivals with Him), and what they (the polytheists) invoke besides Him, it is Bâtil (falsehood) And verily, God He is the Most High, the Most Great.
63. See you not that God sends down water (rain) from the sky, and then the earth becomes green? Verily, God is the Most Kind and Courteous, Well-Acquainted with all things.
64. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. And verily, God He is Rich (Free of all wants), Worthy of all praise.
65. See you not that God has subjected to you (mankind) all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by His Command? He withholds the heaven from falling on the earth except by His Leave. Verily, God is, for mankind, full of Kindness, Most Merciful.
66. It is He, Who gave you life, and then will cause you to die, and will again give you life (on the Day of Resurrection). Verily! Man is indeed an ingrate.
67. For every nation We have ordained religious ceremonies [e.g. slaughtering of the beast of cattle during the three days of stay at Mîna (Makkah) during the Hajj (pilgrimage)] which they must follow; so let them (pagans) not dispute with you on the matter (i.e. to eat of the cattle which you slaughter, and not to eat of cattle which God kills by its natural death), but invite them to your Lord. Verily! You (O Muhammad) indeed are on the (true) straight guidance. (i.e. the true religion of Islâmic Monotheism).
68. And if they argue with you (as regards the slaughtering of the sacrifices), say; "God knows best of what you do.
69. "God will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection about that wherein you used to differ."
70. Know you not that God knows all that is in heaven and on earth? Verily, it is (all) in the Book (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz). Verily! That is easy for God.
71. And they worship besides God others for which He has sent down no authority, and of which they have no knowledge and for the Zâlimûn (wrong-doers, polytheists and disbelievers in the Oneness of God) there is no helper.
72. And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them, you will notice a denial on the faces of the disbelievers! They are nearly ready to attack with violence those who recite Our Verses to them. Say: "Shall I tell you of something worse than that? The Fire (of Hell) which God has promised to those who disbelieve, and worst indeed is that destination!"
73. O mankind! A similitude has been coined, so listen to it (carefully): Verily! Those on whom you call besides God, cannot create (even) a fly, even though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly snatched away a thing from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly. So weak are (both) the seeker and the sought.
74. They have not estimated God His Rightful Estimate; Verily, God is All-Strong, All-Mighty.
75. God chooses Messengers from angels and from men. Verily, God is All-Hearer, All-Seer.
76. He knows what is before them, and what is behind them. And to God return all matters (for decision).
77. O you who believe! Bow down, and prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord and do good that you may be successful.
78. And strive hard in God's Cause as you ought to strive (with sincerity and with all your efforts that His Name should be superior). He has chosen you (to convey His Message of Islâmic Monotheism to mankind by inviting them to His religion, Islâm), and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship, it is the religion of your father Ibrahim (Abraham) (Islâmic Monotheism). It is He (God) Who has named you Muslims both before and in this (the Qur'ân), that the Messenger (Muhammad) may be a witness over you and you be witnesses over mankind! So perform As-Salât (Iqamat-as-Salât), give Zakât and hold fast to God [i.e. have confidence in God, and depend upon Him in all your affairs] He is your Maula (Patron, Lord, etc.), what an Excellent Maula (Patron, Lord, etc.) and what an Excellent Helper!
Surah 23
2. Those who offer their Salât (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness.
3. And those who turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and all that God has forbidden).
4. And those who pay the Zakât .
5. And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts)
6. Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then, they are free from blame;
7. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors;
8. Those who are faithfully true to their Amanât (all the duties which God has ordained, honesty, moral responsibility and trusts etc.) and to their covenants;
9. And those who strictly guard their (five compulsory congregational) Salawât (prayers) (at their fixed stated hours).
10. These are indeed the inheritors.
11. Who shall inherit the Firdaus (Paradise). They shall dwell therein forever.
12. And indeed We created man (Adam) out of an extract of clay (water and earth).
13. Thereafter We made him (the offspring of Adam) as a Nutfah (mixed drops of the male and female sexual discharge) (and lodged it) in a safe lodging (womb of the woman).
14. Then We made the Nutfah into a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So blessed be God, the Best of creators.
15. After that, surely, you will die.
16. Then (again), surely, you will be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection.
17. And indeed We have created above you seven heavens (one over the other), and We are never unaware of the creation.
18. And We sent down from the sky water (rain) in (due) measure, and We gave it lodging in the earth, and verily, We are Able to take it away.
19. Then We brought forth for you therewith gardens of date-palms and grapes, wherein is much fruit for you, and whereof you eat.
20. And a tree (olive) that springs forth from Mount Sinai, that grows oil, and (it is a) relish for the eaters.
21. And Verily! In the cattle there is indeed a lesson for you. We give you to drink (milk) of that which is in their bellies. And there are, in them, numerous (other) benefits for you, and of them you eat.
22. And on them, and on ships you are carried.
23. And indeed We sent Nûh (Noah) to his people, and he said: "O my people! Worship God! You have no other Ilâh (God) but Him (Islâmic Monotheism). Will you not then be afraid (of Him i.e. of His Punishment because of worshipping others besides Him)?"
24. But the chiefs of those who disbelieved among his people said: "He is no more than a human being like you, he seeks to make himself superior to you. Had God willed, He surely could have sent down angels; never did we hear such a thing among our fathers of old.
25. "He is only a man in whom is madness, so wait for him a while."
26. [Nûh (Noah)] said: "O my Lord! Help me because they deny me."
27. So We inspired him (saying): "Construct the ship under Our Eyes and under Our Revelation (guidance). Then, when Our Command comes, and the oven gushes forth water, take on board of each kind two (male and female), and your family, except those thereof against whom the Word has already gone forth. And address Me not in favour of those who have done wrong. Verily, they are to be drowned.
28. And when you have embarked on the ship, you and whoever is with you, then say: "All the praises and thanks be to God, Who has saved us from the people who are Zâlimûn (i.e. oppressors, wrong-doers, polytheists, those who join others in worship with God, etc.).
29. And say: "My Lord! Cause me to land at a blessed landing-place, for You are the Best of those who bring to land."
30. Verily, in this [what We did as regards drowning of the people of Nûh (Noah)], there are indeed Ayât (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc. for men to understand), for sure We are ever putting (men) to the test.
31. Then, after them, We created another generation.
32. And We sent to them a Messenger from among themselves (saying): "Worship God! You have no other Ilâh (God) but Him. Will you not then be afraid (of Him i.e. of His Punishment because of worshipping others besides Him)?"
33. And the chiefs of his people, who disbelieved and denied the Meeting in the Hereafter, and to whom We had given the luxuries and comforts of this life, said: "He is no more than a human being like you, he eats of that which you eat, and drinks of what you drink.
34. "If you were to obey a human being like yourselves, then verily! You indeed would be losers.
35. "Does he promise you that when you have died and have become dust and bones, you shall come out alive (resurrected)?
36. "Far, very far is that which you are promised.
37. "There is nothing but our life of this world! We die and we live! And we are not going to be resurrected!
38. "He is only a man who has invented a lie against God, but we are not going to believe in him."
39. He said: "O my Lord! Help me because they deny me."
40. (God) said: "In a little while, they are sure to be regretful."
41. So As-Saîhah (torment -- awful cry, etc.) overtook them with justice, and We made them as rubbish of dead plants. So away with the people who are Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers, disbelievers in the Oneness of God, disobedient to His Messengers, etc.).
42. Then, after them, We created other generations.
43. No nation can anticipate their term, nor can they delay it.
44. Then We sent Our Messengers in succession, every time there came to a nation their Messenger, they denied him, so We made them follow one another (to destruction), and We made them as Ahadîth (the true stories for mankind to learn a lesson from them). So away with a people who believe not.
45. Then We sent Mûsa (Moses) and his brother Hârûn (Aaron), with Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and manifest authority,
46. To Fir'aun (Pharaoh) and his chiefs, but they behaved insolently and they were people self-exalting (by disobeying their Lord, and exalting themselves over and above the Messenger of God).
47. They said: "Shall we believe in two men like ourselves, and their people are obedient to us with humility (and we use them to serve us as we like)."
48. So they denied them both [Mûsa (Moses) and Hârûn (Aaron)] and became of those who were destroyed.
49. And indeed We gave Mûsa (Moses) the Scripture, that they may be guided.
50. And We made the son of Maryam (Mary) and his mother as a sign, And We gave them refuge on high ground, a place of rest, security and flowing streams.
51. O (you) Messengers! Eat of the Taiyibât [all kinds of Halâl (legal) foods which God has made legal (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, milk products, fats, vegetables, fruits, etc.], and do righteous deeds. Verily! I am Well-Acquainted with what you do.
52. And verily! This your religion (of Islâmic Monotheism) is one religion, and I am your Lord, so keep your duty to Me.
53. But they (men) have broken their religion among them into sects, each group rejoicing in its belief.
54. So leave them in their error for a time.
55. Do they think that We enlarge them in wealth and children,
56. We hasten unto them with good things (in this worldly life so that they will have no share of good things in the Hereafter)? Nay, but they perceive not.
57. Verily! Those who live in awe for fear of their Lord;
58. And those who believe in the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord,
59. And those who join not anyone (in worship) as partners with their Lord;
60. And those who give that (their charity) which they give (and also do other good deeds) with their hearts full of fear (whether their alms and charities, etc., have been accepted or not), because they are sure to return to their Lord (for reckoning).
61. It is these who race for the good deeds, and they are foremost in them [e.g. offering the compulsory Salât (prayers) in their (early) stated, fixed times and so on].
62. And We tax not any person except according to his capacity, and with Us is a Record which speaks the truth, and they will not be wronged.
63. Nay, but their hearts are covered (blind) from understanding this (the Qur'ân), and they have other (evil) deeds, besides, which they are doing.
64. Until, when We grasp those of them who lead a luxurious life with punishment, behold! They make humble invocation with a loud voice.
65. Invoke not loudly this day! Certainly, you shall not be helped by Us.
66. Indeed My Verses used to be recited to you, but you used to turn back on your heels (denying them, and with hatred to listen to them).
67. In pride (they Quraish pagans and polytheists of Makkah used to feel proud that they are the dwellers of Makkah sanctuary Haram), talking evil about it (the Qur'ân) by night.
68. Have they not pondered over the Word (of God, i.e. what is sent down to the Prophet ), or has there come to them what had not come to their fathers of old?
69. Or is it that they did not recognize their Messenger (Muhammad) so they deny him?
70. Or say they: "There is madness in him?" Nay, but he brought them the truth [i.e. "(A) Tauhîd: Worshipping God Alone in all aspects (B) The Qur'ân (C) The religion of Islâm,"] but most of them (the disbelievers) are averse to the truth.
71. And if the truth had been in accordance with their desires, verily, the heavens and the earth, and whosoever is therein would have been corrupted! Nay, We have brought them their reminder, but they turn away from their reminder.
72. Or is it that you (O Muhammad) ask them for some wages? But the recompense of your Lord is better, and He is the Best of those who give sustenance.
73. And certainly, you (O Muhammad) call them to a Straight Path (true religion Islâmic Monotheism).
74. And verily, those who believe not in the Hereafter are indeed deviating far astray from the Path (true religion Islâmic Monotheism).
75. And though We had mercy on them and removed the distress which is on them, still they would obstinately persist in their transgression, wandering blindly.
76. And indeed We seized them with punishment, but they humbled not themselves to their Lord, nor did they invoke (God) with submission to Him.
77. Until, when We open for them the gate of severe punishment, then lo! They will be plunged into destruction with deep regrets, sorrows and in despair.
78. It is He, Who has created for you (the sense of) hearing (ears), sight (eyes), and hearts (understanding). Little thanks you give.
79. And it is He Who has created you on the earth, and to Him you shall be gathered back.
80. And it is He Who gives life and causes death, and His is the alternation of night and day. Will you not then understand?
81. Nay, but they say the like of what the men of old said.
82. They said: "When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we be resurrected indeed?
83. "Verily, this we have been promised, we and our fathers before (us)! This is only the tales of the ancients!"
84. Say: "Whose is the earth and whosoever is therein? If you know!"
85. They will say: "It is God's!" Say: "Will you not then remember?"
86. Say: "Who is (the) Lord of the seven heavens, and (the) Lord of the Great Throne?"
87. They will say: "God." Say: "Will you not then fear God (believe in His Oneness, obey Him, believe in the Resurrection and Recompense for each and every good or bad deed)."
88. Say "In Whose Hand is the sovereignty of everything (i.e. treasures of each and everything)? And He protects (all), while against Whom there is no protector, (i.e. if God saves anyone none can punish or harm him, and if God punishes or harms anyone none can save him), if you know." [Tafsir Al-Qurtubî, Vol. 12, Page 145]
89. They will say: "(All that belongs) to God." Say: "How then are you deceived and turn away from the truth?"
90. Nay, but We have brought them the truth (Islâmic Monotheism), and verily, they (disbelievers) are liars.
91. No son (or offspring or children) did God beget, nor is there any ilâh (god) along with Him; (if there had been many gods), behold, each god would have taken away what he had created, and some would have tried to overcome others! Glorified be God above all that they attribute to Him!
92. All-Knower of the unseen and the seen! Exalted be He over all that they associate as partners to Him!
93. Say (O Muhammad): " My Lord! If You would show me that with which they are threatened (torment),
94. "My Lord! Then (save me from Your Punishment), and put me not amongst the people who are the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doing)."
95. And indeed We are Able to show you (O Muhammad) that with which We have threatened them.
96. Repel evil with that which is better. We are Best-Acquainted with the things they utter.
97. And say: "My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings (suggestions) of the Shayâtin (devils).
98. "And I seek refuge with You, My Lord! lest they may attend (or come near) me."
99. Until, when death comes to one of them (those who join partners with God), he says: "My Lord! Send me back,
100. "So that I may do good in that which I have left behind!" No! It is but a word that he speaks, and behind them is Barzakh (a barrier) until the Day when they will be resurrected.
101. Then, when the Trumpet is blown, there will be no kinship among them that Day, nor will they ask of one another.
102. Then, those whose scales (of good deeds) are heavy, -- these, they are the successful.
103. And those whose scales (of good deeds) are light, they are those who lose their ownselves, in Hell will they abide.
104. The Fire will burn their faces, and therein they will grin, with displaced lips (disfigured).
105. "Were not My Verses (this Qur'ân) recited to you, and then you used to deny them?"
106. They will say: "Our Lord! Our wretchedness overcame us, and we were (an) erring people.
107. "Our Lord! Bring us out of this; if ever we return (to evil), then indeed we shall be Zâlimûn: (polytheists, oppressors, unjust, and wrong-doers, etc.)."
108. He (God) will say: "Remain you in it with ignominy! And speak you not to Me!"
109. Verily! There was a party of My slaves, who used to say: "Our Lord! We believe, so forgive us, and have mercy on us, for You are the Best of all who show mercy!"
110. But you took them for a laughingstock, so much so that they made you forget My Remembrance while you used to laugh at them!
111. Verily! I have rewarded them this Day for their patience, they are indeed the ones that are successful.
112. He (God) will say: "What number of years did you stay on earth?"
113. They will say: "We stayed a day or part of a day. Ask of those who keep account."
114. He (God) will say: "You stayed not but a little, if you had only known!
115. "Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?"
116. So Exalted be God, the True King, Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Lord of the Supreme Throne!
117. And whoever invokes (or worships), besides God, any other ilâh (god), of whom he has no proof, then his reckoning is only with his Lord. Surely! Al-Kâfirûn (the disbelievers in God and in the Oneness of God, polytheists, pagans, idolaters, etc.) will not be successful.
118. And say (O Muhammad): "My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for You are the Best of those who show mercy!"
Surah 24
2. The woman and the man guilty of illegal sexual intercourse, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by God, if you believe in God and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment. (This punishment is for unmarried persons guilty of the above crime but if married persons commit it, the punishment is to stone them to death, according to God's Law).
3. The adulterer marries not but an adulteress or a Mushrikah and the adulteress none marries her except an adulterer or a Muskrik [and that means that the man who agrees to marry (have a sexual relation with) a Mushrikah (female polytheist, pagan or idolatress) or a prostitute, then surely he is either an adulterer, or a Mushrik (polytheist, pagan or idolater, etc.) And the woman who agrees to marry (have a sexual relation with) a Mushrik (polytheist, pagan or idolater) or an adulterer, then she is either a prostitute or a Mushrikah (female polytheist, pagan, or idolatress, etc.)]. Such a thing is forbidden to the believers (of Islâmic Monotheism).
4. And those who accuse chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes, and reject their testimony forever, they indeed are the Fâsiqûn (liars, rebellious, disobedient to God).
5. Except those who repent thereafter and do righteous deeds, (for such) verily, God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
6. And for those who accuse their wives, but have no witnesses except themselves, let the testimony of one of them be four testimonies (i.e. testifies four times) by God that he is one of those who speak the truth.
7. And the fifth (testimony) (should be) the invoking of the Curse of God on him if he be of those who tell a lie (against her).
8. But it shall avert the punishment (of stoning to death) from her, if she bears witness four times by God, that he (her husband) is telling a lie.
9. And the fifth (testimony) should be that the Wrath of God be upon her if he (her husband) speaks the truth.
10. And had it not been for the Grace of God and His Mercy on you (He would have hastened the punishment upon you)! And that God is the One Who accepts repentance, the All-Wise.
11. Verily! Those who brought forth the slander (against 'Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) the wife of the Prophet ) are a group among you. Consider it not a bad thing for you. Nay, it is good for you. Unto every man among them will be paid that which he had earned of the sin, and as for him among them who had the greater share therein, his will be a great torment.
12. Why then, did not the believers, men and women, when you heard it (the slander) think good of their own people and say: "This (charge) is an obvious lie?"
13. Why did they not produce four witnesses? Since they (the slanderers) have not produced witnesses! Then with God they are the liars.
14. Had it not been for the Grace of God and His Mercy unto you in this world and in the Hereafter, a great torment would have touched you for that whereof you had spoken.
15. When you were propagating it with your tongues, and uttering with your mouths that whereof you had no knowledge, you counted it a little thing, while with God it was very great.
16. And why did you not, when you heard it, say? "It is not right for us to speak of this. Glory be to You (O God) this is a great lie."
17. God forbids you from it and warns you not to repeat the like of it forever, if you are believers.
18. And God makes the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) plain to you, and God is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
19. Verily, those who like that (the crime of) illegal sexual intercourse should be propagated among those who believe, they will have a painful torment in this world and in the Hereafter. And God knows and you know not.
20. And had it not been for the Grace of God and His Mercy on you, (God would have hastened the punishment upon you). And that God is full of kindness, Most Merciful.
21. O you who believe! Follow not the footsteps of Shaitân (Satan). And whosoever follows the footsteps of Shaitân (Satan), then, verily he commands Al-Fahshâ' [i.e. to commit indecency (illegal sexual intercourse, etc.)], and Al-Munkar [disbelief and polytheism (i.e. to do evil and wicked deeds; to speak or to do what is forbidden in Islâm, etc.)]. And had it not been for the Grace of God and His Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been pure from sins. But God purifies (guides to Islâm) whom He wills, and God is All-Hearer, All-Knower.
22. And let not those among you who are blessed with graces and wealth swear not to give (any sort of help) to their kinsmen, Al-Masâkîn (the poor), and those who left their homes for God's Cause. Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love that God should forgive you? And God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
23. Verily, those who accuse chaste women, who never even think of anything touching their chastity and are good believers, are cursed in this life and in the Hereafter, and for them will be a great torment,
24. On the Day when their tongues, their hands, and their legs or feet will bear witness against them as to what they used to do.
25. On that Day God will pay them the recompense of their deeds in full, and they will know that God, He is the Manifest Truth.
26. Bad statements are for bad people (or bad women for bad men) and bad people for bad statements (or bad men for bad women). Good statements are for good people (or good women for good men) and good people for good statements (or good men for good women), such (good people) are innocent of (each and every) bad statement which they say, for them is Forgiveness, and Rizqun Karîm (generous provision i.e.Paradise).
27. O you who believe! Enter not houses other than your own, until you have asked permission and greeted those in them, that is better for you, in order that you may remember.
28. And if you find no one therein, still, enter not until permission has been given. And if you are asked to go back, go back, for it is purer for you, and God is All-Knower of what you do.
29. There is no sin on you that you enter (without taking permission) houses uninhabited (i.e. not possessed by anybody), (when) you have any interest in them. And God has knowledge of what you reveal and what you conceal.
30. Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, God is All-Aware of what they do.
31. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like palms of hands or one eye or both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islâm), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg God to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.
32. And marry those among you who are single (i.e. a man who has no wife and the woman who has no husband) and (also marry) the Sâlihûn (pious, fit and capable ones) of your (male) slaves and maid-servants (female slaves). If they be poor, God will enrich them out of His Bounty. And God is All-Sufficent for His creatures' needs, All-Knowing (about the state of the people).
33. And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until God enriches them of His Bounty. And such of your slaves as seek a writing (of emancipation), give them such writing, if you know that they are good and trustworthy. And give them something yourselves out of the wealth of God which He has bestowed upon you. And force not your maids to prostitution, if they desire chastity, in order that you may make a gain in the (perishable) goods of this worldly life. But if anyone compels them (to prostitution), then after such compulsion, God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (to those women, i.e. He will forgive them because they have been forced to do this evil action unwillingly).
34. And indeed We have sent down for you Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) that make things plain, and the example of those who passed away before you, and an admonition for those who are Al-Muttaqûn (the pious -- see V.2:2).
35. God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as (if there were) a niche and within it a lamp, the lamp is in glass, the glass as it were a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east (i.e. neither it gets sun-rays only in the morning) nor of the west (i.e. nor it gets sun-rays only in the afternoon, but it is exposed to the sun all day long), whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself), though no fire touched it. Light upon Light! God guides to His Light whom He wills. And God sets forth parables for mankind, and God is All-Knower of everything.
36. In houses (mosques), which God has ordered to be raised (to be cleaned, and to be honoured), in them His Name is glorified in the mornings and in the afternoons or the evenings,
37. Men whom neither trade nor sale diverts them from the Remembrance of God (with heart and tongue), nor from performing As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), nor from giving the Zakât. They fear a Day when hearts and eyes will be overturned (from the horror of the torment of the Day of Resurrection).
38. That God may reward them according to the best of their deeds, and add even more for them out of His Grace. And God provides without measure to whom He wills.
39. As for those who disbelieve, their deeds are like a mirage in a desert. The thirsty one thinks it to be water, until he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing, but he finds God with him, Who will pay him his due (Hell). And God is Swift in taking account.
40. Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with a great wave topped by a great wave, topped by dark clouds, darkness, one above another, if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! And he for whom God has not appointed light, for him there is no light.
41. See you not (O Muhammad) that God, He it is Whom glorify whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, and the birds with wings out-spread (in their flight). Of each one He (God) knows indeed his Salât (prayer) and his glorification, [or everyone knows his Salât (prayer) and his glorification], and God is All-Aware of what they do.
42. And to God belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and to God is the return (of all).
43. See you not that God drives the clouds gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a heap of layers, and you see the rain comes forth from between them. And He sends down from the sky hail (like) mountains, (or there are in the heaven mountains of hail from where He sends down hail), and strike therewith whom He will, and averts it from whom He wills. The vivid flash of its (clouds) lightning nearly blinds the sight. [Tafsir At-Tabarî].
44. God causes the night and the day to succeed each other (i.e. if the day is gone, the night comes, and if the night is gone, the day comes, and so on). Truly, in these things is indeed a lesson for those who have insight.
45. God has created every moving (living) creature from water. Of them there are some that creep on their bellies, some that walk on two legs, and some that walk on four. God creates what He wills. Verily! God is Able to do all things.
46. We have indeed sent down (in this Qur'ân) manifest Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, lawful and unlawful things, and the set boundries of Islâmic religion, etc. that make things clear showing the Right Path of God). And God guides whom He wills to a Straight Path (i.e. to God's religion of Islâmic Monotheism).
47. They (hypocrites) say: "We have believed in God and in the Messenger (Muhammad), and we obey," then a party of them turn away thereafter, such are not believers.
48. And when they are called to God (i.e. His Words, the Qur'ân) and His Messenger1, to judge between them, lo! a party of them refuse (to come) and turn away.
49. But if the right is with them, they come to him willingly with submission.
50. Is there a disease in their hearts? Or do they doubt or fear lest God and His Messenger1 should wrong them in judgement. Nay, it is they themselves who are the Zâlimûn (polytheists, hypocrites and wrong-doers, etc.).
51. The only saying of the faithful believers, when they are called to God (His Words, the Qur'ân) and His Messenger1, to judge between them, is that they say: "We hear and we obey." And such are the prosperous ones (who will live forever in Paradise).
52. And whosoever obeys God and His Messenger1, fears God, and keeps his duty (to Him), such are the successful ones.
53. They swear by God their strongest oaths, that if only you would order them, they would leave (their homes for fighting in God's Cause). Say: "Swear you not; (this) obedience (of yours) is known (to be false). Verily, God knows well what you do."
54. Say: "Obey God and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he (Messenger Muhammad) is only responsible for the duty placed on him (i.e. to convey God's Message) and you for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on the right guidance. The Messenger's duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear way (i.e. to preach in a plain way)."
55. God has promised those among you who believe, and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth, as He granted it to those before them, and that He will grant them the authority to practise their religion, that which He has chosen for them (i.e. Islâm). And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything (in worship) with Me. But whoever disbelieved after this, they are the Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient to God).
56. And perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and give Zakât and obey the Messenger (Muhammad) that you may receive mercy (from God).
57. Consider not that the disbelievers can escape in the land. Their abode shall be the Fire, and worst indeed is that destination.
58. O you who believe! Let your legal slaves and slave-girls, and those among you who have not come to the age of puberty ask your permission (before they come to your presence) on three occasions; before Fajr (morning) prayer, and while you put off your clothes for the noonday (rest), and after the 'Ishâ' (late-night) prayer. (These) three times are of privacy for you, other than these times there is no sin on you or on them to move about, attending (helping) you each other. Thus God makes clear the Ayât (the Verses of this Qur'ân, showing proofs for the legal aspects of permission for visits, etc.) to you. And God is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
59. And when the children among you come to puberty, then let them (also) ask for permission, as those senior to them (in age). Thus God makes clear His Ayât (Commandments and legal obligations) for you. And God is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
60. And as for women past child-bearing who do not expect wed-lock, it is no sin on them if they discard their (outer) clothing in such a way as not to show their adornment. But to refrain (i.e. not to discard their outer clothing) is better for them. And God is All-Hearer, All-Knower.
61. There is no restriction on the blind, nor any restriction on the lame, nor any restriction on the sick, nor on yourselves, if you eat from your houses, or the houses of your fathers, or the houses of your mothers, or the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your sisters, or the houses of your father's brothers, or the houses of your father's sisters, or the houses of your mother's brothers, or the houses of your mother's sisters, or (from that) whereof you hold keys, or (from the house) of a friend. No sin on you whether you eat together or apart. But when you enter the houses, greet one another with a greeting from God (i.e. say: As-Salâmu 'Alaikum - peace be on you) blessed and good. Thus God makes clear the Ayât (these Verses or your religious symbols and signs, etc.) to you that you may understand.
62. The true believers are only those, who believe in (the Oneness of) God and His Messenger (Muhammad), and when they are with him on some common matter, they go not away until they have asked his permission. Verily! Those who ask your permission, those are they who (really) believe in God and His Messenger. So if they ask your permission for some affairs of theirs, give permission to whom you will of them, and ask God for their forgiveness. Truly, God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
63. Make not the calling of the Messenger (Muhammad) among you as your calling of one another. God knows those of you who slip away under shelter (of some excuse without taking the permission to leave, from the Messenger ). And let those who oppose the Messenger's (Muhammad) commandment (i.e. his Sunnah legal ways, orders, acts of worship, statements, etc.) (among the sects) beware, lest some Fitnah (disbelief, trials, afflictions, earthquakes, killing, overpowered by a tyrant, etc.) befall them or a painful torment be inflicted on them.
64. Certainly, to God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Surely, He knows your condition and (He knows) the Day when they will be brought back to Him, then He will inform them of what they did. And God is All-Knower of everything.
Surah 25
2. He to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and Who has begotten no son (children or offspring) and for Whom there is no partner in the dominion. He has created everything, and has measured it exactly according to its due measurements.
3. Yet they have taken besides Him other âlihâ (gods) that created nothing but are themselves created, and possess neither hurt nor benefit for themselves, and possess no power (of causing) death, nor (of giving) life, nor of raising the dead.
4. Those who disbelieve say: "This (the Qur'ân) is nothing but a lie that he (Muhammad) has invented, and others have helped him at it, so that they have produced an unjust wrong (thing) and a lie."
5. And they say: "Tales of the ancients, which he has written down, and they are dictated to him morning and afternoon."
6. Say: "It (this Qur'ân) has been sent down by Him (God) (the Real Lord of the heavens and earth) Who knows the secret of the heavens and the earth. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
7. And they say: "Why does this Messenger (Muhammad) eat food, and walk about in the markets (like ourselves). Why is not an angel sent down to him to be a warner with him?
8. "Or (why) has not a treasure been granted to him, or why has he not a garden whereof he may eat?" And the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) say: "You follow none but a man bewitched."
9. See how they coin similitudes for you, so they have gone astray, and they cannot find a (Right) Path.
10. Blessed be He Who, if He will, will assign you better than (all) that, -- Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise) and will assign you palaces (i.e. in Paradise).
11. Nay, they deny the Hour (the Day of Resurrection), and for those who deny the Hour, We have prepared a flaming Fire (i.e. Hell).
12. When it (Hell) sees them from a far place, they will hear its raging and its roaring.
13. And when they shall be thrown into a narrow place thereof, chained together, they will exclaim therein for destruction.
14. Exclaim not today for one destruction, but exclaim for many destructions.
15. Say: (O Muhammad) "Is that (torment) better or the Paradise of Eternity promised to the Muttaqûn (pious and righteous persons -- see V.2:2)?" It will be theirs as a reward and as a final destination.
16. For them there will be therein all that they desire, and they will abide (there forever). It is a promise binding upon your Lord that must be fulfilled.
17. And on the Day when He will gather them together and that which they worship besides God [idols, angels, pious men, saints, 'Iesa (Jesus) -- son of Maryam (Mary), etc.]. He will say: "Was it you who misled these My slaves or did they (themselves) stray from the (Right) Path?"
18. They will say: "Glorified be You! It was not for us to take any Auliyâ' (Protectors, Helpers, etc.) besides You, but You gave them and their fathers comfort till they forgot the warning, and became a lost people (doomed to total loss).
19. Thus they (false gods all deities other than God) will give you (polytheists) the lie regarding what you say (that they are gods besides God), then you can neither avert (the punishment), nor get help. And whoever among you does wrong (i.e. sets up rivals to God), We shall make him taste a great torment.
20. And We never sent before you (O Muhammad) any of the Messengers but verily, they ate food and walked in the markets. And We have made some of you as a trial for others: will you have patience? And your Lord is Ever All-Seer (of everything).
21. And those who expect not for a Meeting with Us (i.e. those who deny the Day of Resurrection and the life of the Hereafter), say: "Why are not the angels sent down to us, or why do we not see our Lord?" Indeed they think too highly of themselves, and are scornful with great pride.
22. On the Day they will see the angels, no glad tidings will there be for the Mujrimûn (criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) that day. And they (angels) will say: "All kinds of glad tidings are forbidden for you," [None will be allowed to enter Paradise except the one who said: Lâ ilâha ill-God, "(none has the right to be worshipped but God) and acted practically on its legal orders and obligations].
23. And We shall turn to whatever deeds they (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) did, and We shall make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust.
24. The dwellers of Paradise (i.e. those who deserved it through their Faith and righteousness) will, on that Day, have the best abode, and have the fairest of places for repose.
25. And (remember) the Day when the heaven shall be rent asunder with clouds, and the angels will be sent down, with a grand descending.
26. The sovereignty on that Day will be the true (sovereignty), belonging to the Most Beneficent (God), and it will be a hard Day for the disbelievers (those who disbelieve in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism).
27. And (remember) the Day when the Zâlim (wrong-doer, oppressor, polytheist, etc.) will bite at his hands, he will say: "Oh! Would that I had taken a path with the Messenger ( Muhammad).
28. "Ah! Woe to me! Would that I had never taken so-and-so as a friend!
29. "He indeed led me astray from the Reminder (this Qur'ân) after it had come to me. And Shaitân (Satan) is ever a deserter to man in the hour of need."
30. And the Messenger (Muhammad) will say: "O my Lord! Verily, my people deserted this Qur'ân (neither listened to it, nor acted on its laws and orders).
31. Thus have We made for every Prophet an enemy among the Mujrimûn (disbelievers, polytheists, criminals, etc.). But Sufficient is your Lord as a Guide and Helper.
32. And those who disbelieve say: "Why is not the Qur'ân revealed to him all at once?" Thus (it is sent down in parts), that We may strengthen your heart thereby. And We have revealed it to you gradually, in stages. (It was revealed to the Prophet in 23 years.).
33. And no example or similitude do they bring (to oppose or to find fault in you or in this Qur'ân), but We reveal to you the truth (against that similitude or example), and the better explanation thereof.
34. Those who will be gathered to Hell (prone) on their faces, such will be in an evil state, and most astray from the (Straight) Path.
35. And indeed We gave Mûsa (Moses) the Scripture [the Taurât (Torah)], and placed his brother Hârûn (Aaron) with him as a helper;
36. And We said: "Go you both to the people who have denied Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)." Then We destroyed them with utter destruction.
37. And Nûh's (Noah) people, when they denied the Messengers We drowned them, and We made them as a sign for mankind. And We have prepared a painful torment for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc).
38. And (also) 'Ad and Thamûd, and the dwellers of Ar-Rass, and many generations in between.
39. And for each of them We put forward examples (as proofs and lessons, etc.), and each (of them) We brought to utter ruin (because of their disbelief and evil deeds).
40. And indeed they have passed by the town [of Prophet Lout (Lot)] on which was rained the evil rain. Did they (disbelievers) not then see it (with their own eyes)? Nay ! But they used not to expect for any resurrection.
41. And when they see you (O Muhammad), they treat you only as a mockery (saying):"Is this the one whom God has sent as a Messenger?
42. "He would have nearly misled us from our âliha (gods), had it not been that we were patient and constant in their worship!" And they will know when they see the torment, who it is that is most astray from the (Right) Path!
43. Have you (O Muhammad) seen him who has taken as his ilâh (god) his own desire? Would you then be a Wakîl (a disposer of his affairs or a watcher) over him?
44. Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are only like cattle; nay, they are even farther astray from the Path. (i.e. even worst than cattle).
45. Have you not seen how your Lord spread the shadow. If He willed, He could have made it still then We have made the sun its guide [i.e. after the sunrise, it (the shadow) squeezes and vanishes at midnoon and then again appears in the afternoon with the decline of the sun, and had there been no sun light, there would have been no shadow].
46. Then We withdraw it to Us a gradual concealed withdrawal.
47. And it is He Who makes the night a covering for you, and the sleep (as) repose, and makes the day Nushûr (i.e. getting up and going about here and there for daily work, etc. after one's sleep at night or like resurrection after one's death).
48. And it is He Who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His Mercy (rain), and We send down pure water from the sky,
49. That We may give life thereby to a dead land, and We give to drink thereof many of the cattle and men that We had created.
50. And indeed We have distributed it (rain or water) amongst them in order that they may remember the Grace of God, but most men refuse (or deny the Truth or Faith) and accept nothing but disbelief or ingratitude.
51. And had We willed, We would have raised a warner in every town.
52. So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them (by preaching) with the utmost endeavour, with it (the Qur'ân).
53. And it is He Who has let free the two seas (kinds of water), one palatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter, and He has set a barrier and a complete partition between them.
54. And it is He Who has created man from water, and has appointed for him kindred by blood, and kindred by marriage. And your Lord is Ever All-Powerful to do what He will.
55. And they (disbelievers, polytheists, etc.) worship besides God, that which can neither profit them nor harm them, and the disbeliever is ever a helper (of the Satan) against his Lord.
56. And We have sent you (O Muhammad) only as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner.
57. Say: "No reward do I ask of you for this (that which I have brought from my Lord and its preaching, etc.), save that whosoever wills, may take a Path to his Lord.
58. And put your trust (O Muhammad) in the Ever Living One Who dies not, and glorify His Praises, and Sufficient is He as the All-Knower of the sins of His slaves;
59. Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six Days. Then He Istawâ (rose over) the Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). The Most Beneficent (God)! Ask Him (O Prophet Muhammad), (concerning His Qualities, His rising over His Throne, His creations, etc.), as He is Al-Khabîr (The All-Knower of everything i.e. God).
60. And when it is said to them: "Prostrate to the Most Beneficent (God)! They say: "And what is the Most Beneficent? Shall we fall down in prostration to that which you (O Muhammad) command us?" And it increases in them only aversion.
61. Blessed be He Who has placed in the heaven big stars, and has placed therein a great lamp (sun), and a moon giving light.
62. And He it is Who has put the night and the day in succession, for such who desires to remember or desires to show his gratitude.
63. And the slaves of the Most Beneficent (God) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness.
64. And those who spend the night before their Lord, prostrate and standing.
65. And those who say: "Our Lord! Avert from us the torment of Hell. Verily! Its torment is ever an inseparable, permanent punishment."
66. Evil indeed it (Hell) is as an abode and as a place to dwell.
67. And those, who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor niggardly, but hold a medium (way) between those (extremes).
68. And those who invoke not any other ilâh (god) along with God, nor kill such life as God has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse and whoever does this shall receive the punishment.
69. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace;
70. Except those who repent and believe (in Islâmic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds, for those, God will change their sins into good deeds, and God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
71. And whosoever repents and does righteous good deeds, then verily, he repents towards God with true repentance.
72. And those who do not witness falsehood, and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass by it with dignity.
73. And those who, when they are reminded of the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord, fall not deaf and blind thereat.
74. And those who say: "Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders for the Muttaqûn" (pious -- see V.2:2 and the footnote of V.3:164)."
75. Those will be rewarded with the highest place (in Paradise) because of their patience. Therein they shall be met with greetings and the word of peace and respect.
76. Abiding therein; excellent it is as an abode, and as a place to dwell.
77. Say (O Muhammad to the disbelievers): "My Lord pays attention to you only because of your invocation to Him. But now you have indeed denied (Him). So the torment will be yours for ever (inseparable permanent punishment)."
Surah 26
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings.]
2. These are the Verses of the manifest Book [this Qur'ân, which was promised by God in the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), makes things clear].
3. It may be that you (O Muhammad) are going to kill yourself with grief, that they do not become believers [in your Risalah (Messengership) and in your Message of Islâmic Monotheism].
4. If We will, We could send down to them from the heaven a sign, to which they would bend their necks in humility.
5. And never comes there unto them a Reminder as a recent revelation from the Most Beneficent (God), but they turn away therefrom.
6. So they have indeed denied (the truth -- this Qur'ân), then the news of what they mocked at, will come to them.
7. Do they not observe the earth, how much of every good kind We cause to grow therein?
8. Verily, in this is an Ayâh (proof or sign), yet most of them (polytheists, pagans, etc., who do not believe in Resurrection) are not believers.
9. And verily, your Lord! He is truly the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.
10. And (remember) when your Lord called Mûsa (Moses) (saying): "Go to the people who are Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doing),
11. The people of Fir'aun (Pharaoh). Will they not fear God and become righteous?"
12. He said: "My Lord! Verily, I fear that they will belie me,
13. "And my breast straitens, and my tongue expresses not well. So send for Hârûn (Aaron) (to come along with me).
14. "And they have a charge of crime against me, and I fear they will kill me."
15. God said: "Nay! Go you both with Our Signs. Verily! We shall be with you, listening.
16. "And when you both come to Fir'aun (Pharaoh), say: 'We are the Messengers of the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists),
17. "So allow the Children of Israel to go with us.' "
18. [Fir'aun (Pharaoh)] said [to Mûsa (Moses)]: "Did we not bring you up among us as a child? And you did dwell many years of your life with us.
19. "And you did your deed, which you did (i.e. the crime of killing a man). And you are one of the ingrates."
20. Mûsa (Moses) said: "I did it then, when I was an ignorant (as regards my Lord and His Message).
21. "So I fled from you when I feared you. But my Lord has granted me Hukman (i.e. religious knowledge, right judgement of the affairs and Prophethood), and appointed me as one of the Messengers.
22. "And this is the past favour with which you reproach me, that you have enslaved the Children of Israel."
23. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "And what is the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)?"
24. Mûsa (Moses) said: "Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, if you seek to be convinced with certainty."
25. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said to those around: "Do you not hear (what he says)?"
26. Mûsa (Moses) said: "Your Lord and the Lord of your ancient fathers!"
27. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "Verily, your Messenger who has been sent to you is a madman!"
28. Mûsa (Moses) said: "Lord of the east and the west, and all that is between them, if you did but understand!"
29. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "If you choose an ilâh (god) other than me, I will certainly put you among the prisoners."
30. Mûsa (Moses) said: "Even if I bring you something manifest (and convincing)?"
31. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "Bring it forth then, if you are of the truthful!"
32. So [Mûsa (Moses)] threw his stick, and behold, it was a serpent, manifest.
33. And he drew out his hand, and behold, it was white to all beholders!
34. [Fir'aun (Pharaoh)] said to the chiefs around him: "Verily! This is indeed a well-versed sorcerer.
35. "He wants to drive you out of your land by his sorcery, then what is it your counsel, and what do you command?"
36. They said: "Put him off and his brother (for a while), and send callers to the cities;
37. "To bring up to you every well-versed sorcerer."
38. So the sorcerers were assembled at a fixed time on a day appointed.
39. And it was said to the people: "Are you (too) going to assemble?
40. "That we may follow the sorcerers [who were on Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) religion of disbelief] if they are the winners."
41. So when the sorcerers arrived, they said to Fir'aun (Pharaoh): "Will there surely be a reward for us if we are the winners?"
42. He said: "Yes, and you shall then verily be of those brought near (to myself)."
43. Mûsa (Moses) said to them: "Throw what you are going to throw!"
44. So they threw their ropes and their sticks, and said: "By the might of Fir'aun (Pharaoh), it is we who will certainly win!"
45. Then Mûsa (Moses) threw his stick, and behold, it swallowed up all the falsehoods which they showed!
46. And the sorcerers fell down prostrate.
47. Saying: "We believe in the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
48. "The Lord of Mûsa (Moses) and Hârûn (Aaron)."
49. [Fir'aun (Pharaoh)] said: "You have believed in him before I give you leave. Surely, he indeed is your chief, who has taught you magic! So verily, you shall come to know. Verily, I will cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and I will crucify you all."
50. They said: "No harm! Surely, to our Lord (God) we are to return;
51. "Verily! We really hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins, as we are the first of the believers [in Mûsa (Moses) and in the Monotheism which he has brought from God]."
52. And We inspired Mûsa (Moses), saying: "Take away My slaves by night, verily, you will be pursued."
53. Then Fir'aun (Pharaoh) sent callers to (all) the cities.
54. (Saying): "Verily! These indeed are but a small band.
55. "And verily, they have done what has enraged us;
56. "But we are host all assembled, amply fore-warned."
57. So, We expelled them from gardens and springs,
58. Treasures, and every kind of honourable place.
59. Thus [We turned them (Pharaoh's people) out] and We caused the Children of Israel to inherit them.
60. So they pursued them at sunrise.
61. And when the two hosts saw each other, the companions of Mûsa (Moses) said: "We are sure to be overtaken."
62. [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me."
63. Then We inspired Mûsa (Moses) (saying): "Strike the sea with your stick." And it parted, and each separate part (of that sea water) became like the huge, firm mass of a mountain.
64. Then We brought near the others [Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) party] to that place.
65. And We saved Mûsa (Moses) and all those with him.
66. Then We drowned the others.
67. Verily! In this is indeed a sign (or a proof), yet most of them are not believers.
68. And verily, your Lord! He is truly the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.
69. And recite to them the story of Ibrâhim (Abraham).
70. When he said to his father and his people: "What do you worship?"
71. They said: "We worship idols, and to them we are ever devoted."
72. He said: "Do they hear you, when you call (on them)?
73. "Or do they benefit you or do they harm (you)?"
74. They said: "Nay, but we found our fathers doing so."
75. He said: "Do you observe that which you have been worshipping,
76. "You and your ancient fathers?
77. "Verily! They are enemies to me, save the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists);
78. "Who has created me, and it is He Who guides me;
79. "And it is He Who feeds me and gives me to drink.
80. "And when I am ill, it is He who cures me;
81. "And Who will cause me to die, and then will bring me to life (again);
82. "And Who, I hope will forgive me my faults on the Day of Recompense, (the Day of Resurrection),"
83. My Lord! Bestow Hukman (religious knowledge, right judgement of the affairs and Prophethood) on me, and join me with the righteous;
84. And grant me an honourable mention in later generations;
85. And make me one of the inheritors of the Paradise of Delight;
86. And forgive my father, verily he is of the erring;
87. And disgrace me not on the Day when (all the creatures) will be resurrected;
88. The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail,
89. Except him who brings to God a clean heart [clean from Shirk (polytheism) and Nifâq (hypocrisy)].
90. And Paradise will be brought near to the Muttaqûn (pious -- see V.2:2).
91. And the (Hell) Fire will be placed in full view of the erring.
92. And it will be said to them: "Where are those (the false gods whom you used to set up as rivals with God) that you used to worship
93. "Instead of God? Can they help you or (even) help themselves?"
94. Then they will be thrown on their faces into the (Fire), They and the Ghâwûn (devils, and those who were in error).
95. And the whole hosts of Iblîs (Satan) together.
96. They will say while contending therein,
97. By God, we were truly in a manifest error,
98. When We held you (false gods) as equals (in worship) with the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists);
99. And none has brought us into error except the Mujrimûn [Iblîs (Satan) and those of human beings who commit crimes, murderers, polytheists, oppressors, etc.].
100. Now we have no intercessors,
101. Nor a close friend (to help us).
102. (Alas!) If we only had a chance to return (to the world), we shall truly be among the believers!
103. Verily! In this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers.
104. And verily, your Lord! He is truly the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.
105. The people of Nûh (Noah) belied the Messengers.
106. When their brother Nûh (Noah) said to them: "Will you not fear God and obey Him?
107. "I am a trustworthy Messenger to you.
108. "So fear God, keep your duty to Him, and obey me.
109. "No reward do I ask of you for it (my Message of Islâmic Monotheism), my reward is only from the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
110. "So keep your duty to God, fear Him and obey me."
111. They said: "Shall we believe in you, when the meanest (of the people) follow you?"
112. He said: "And what knowledge have I of what they used to do?
113. "Their account is only with my Lord, if you could (but) know.
114. "And I am not going to drive away the believers.
115. I am only a plain warner."
116. They said: "If you cease not, O Nûh (Noah)! You will surely be among those stoned (to death)."
117. He said: "My Lord! Verily, my people have belied me.
118. Therefore judge You between me and them, and save me and those of the believers who are with me."
119. And We saved him and those with him in the laden ship.
120. Then We drowned the rest (disbelievers) thereafter.
121. Verily, in this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers.
122. And verily! Your Lord, He is indeed the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.
123. 'Ad (people) belied the Messengers.
124. When their brother Hûd said to them: "Will you not fear God and obey Him?
125. "Verily! I am a trustworthy Messenger to you.
126. "So fear God, keep your duty to Him, and obey me.
127. "No reward do I ask of you for it (my Message of Islâmic Monotheism), my reward is only from the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns, and all that exists).
128. "Do you build high palaces on every high place, while you do not live in them?
129. "And do you get for yourselves palaces (fine buildings) as if you will live therein for ever.
130. "And when you seize, seize you as tyrants?
131. "So fear God, keep your duty to Him, and obey me.
132. "And keep your duty to Him, fear Him Who has aided you with all (good things) that you know.
133. "He has aided you with cattle and children.
134. "And gardens and springs.
135. "Verily, I fear for you the torment of a Great Day."
136. They said: "It is the same to us whether you preach or be not of those who preach.
137. "This is no other than the false-tales and religion of the ancients, [Tafsir At-Tabarî, Vol.19, Page 97]
138. "And we are not going to be punished."
139. So they belied him, and We destroyed them. Verily! In this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers.
140. And verily! Your Lord, He is indeed the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.
141. Thamûd (people) belied the Messenger.
142. When their brother Sâlih (Saleh) said to them: "Will you not fear God and obey Him?
143. "I am a trustworthy Messenger to you.
144. "So fear God, keep your duty to Him, and obey me.
145. "No reward do I ask of you for it (my Message of Islâmic Monotheism), my reward is only from the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
146. "Will you be left secure in that which you have here?
147. "In gardens and springs.
148. And green crops (fields etc.) and date-palms with soft spadix.
149. "And you carve houses out of mountains with great skill.
150. "So fear God, keep your duty to Him, and obey me.
151. "And follow not the command of Al-Musrifûn [i.e. their chiefs, leaders who were polytheists, criminals and sinners],
152. "Who make mischief in the land, and reform not."
153. They said: "You are only of those bewitched!
154. "You are but a human being like us. Then bring us a sign if you are of the truthful."
155. He said: "Here is a she-camel; it has a right to drink (water), and you have a right to drink (water) (each) on a day, known.
156. "And touch her not with harm, lest the torment of a Great Day seize you."
157. But they killed her, and then they became regretful.
158. So the torment overtook them. Verily, in this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers.
159. And verily! Your Lord, He is indeed the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.
160. The prople of Lout (Lot) (those dwelt in the towns of Sodom in Palestine) belied the Messengers.
161. When their brother Lout (Lot) said to them: "Will you not fear God and obey Him?
162. "Verily! I am a trustworthy Messenger to you.
163. "So fear God, keep your duty to Him, and obey me.
164. "No reward do I ask of you for it (my Message of Islâmic Monotheism), my reward is only from the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
165. "Go you in unto the males of the 'Alamîn (mankind),
166. "And leave those whom God has created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are a trespassing people!"
167. They said: "If you cease not. O Lout (Lot)! Verily, you will be one of those who are driven out!"
168. He said: "I am, indeed, of those who disapprove with severe anger and fury your (this evil) action (of sodomy).
169. "My Lord! Save me and my family from what they do."
170. So We saved him and his family, all,
171. Except an old woman (his wife) among those who remained behind.
172. Then afterward We destroyed the others.
173. And We rained on them a rain (of torment). And how evil was the rain of those who had been warned.
174. Verily, in this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers.
175. And verily! Your Lord, He is indeed the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.
176. The dwellers of Al-Aiyka [near Madyan (Midian)] belied the Messengers.
177. When Shu'âib (Shuaib) said to them: "Will you not fear God (and obey Him)?
178. "I am a trustworthy Messenger to you.
179. "So fear God, keep your duty to Him, and obey me.
180. "No reward do I ask of you for it (my Message of Islâmic Monotheism), my reward is only from the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
181. "Give full measure, and cause no loss (to others).
182. "And weigh with the true and straight balance.
183. "And defraud not people by reducing their things, nor do evil, making corruption and mischief in the land.
184. "And fear Him Who created you and the generations of the men of old."
185. They said: "You are only one of those bewitched!
186. "You are but a human being like us and verily, we think that you are one of the liars!
187. "So cause a piece of the heaven to fall on us, if you are of the truthful!"
188. He said: "My Lord is the Best Knower of what you do."
189. But they belied him, so the torment of the day of shadow (a gloomy cloud) seized them, indeed that was the torment of a Great Day.
190. Verily, in this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers.
191. And verily! Your Lord, He is indeed the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.
192. And truly, this (the Qur'ân) is a revelation from the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists),
193. Which the trustworthy Rûh [Jibrael (Gabriel)] has brought down;
194. Upon your heart (O Muhammad) that you may be (one) of the warners,
195. In the plain Arabic language.
196. And verily, it (the Qur'ân, and its revelation to Prophet Muhammad) is (announced) in the Scriptures [i.e. the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] of former people.
197. Is it not a sign to them that the learned scholars (like 'Abdullâh bin Salâm who embraced Islâm) of the Children of Israel knew it (as true)?
198. And if We had revealed it (this Qur'ân) unto any of the non-Arabs,
199. And he had recited it unto them, they would not have believed in it.
200. Thus have We caused it (the denial of the Qur'ân) to enter the hearts of the Mûjrimûn (criminals, polytheists, sinners, etc.).
201. They will not believe in it until they see the painful torment;
202. It shall come to them of a sudden, while they perceive it not;
203. Then they will say: "Can we be respited?"
204. Would they then wish for Our Torment to be hastened on?
205. Tell Me, if We do let them enjoy for years,
206. And afterwards comes to them that (punishment) which they had been promised!
207. All that with which they used to enjoy shall not avail them.
208. And never did We destroy a township, but it had its warners
209. By way of reminder, and We have never been unjust.
210. And it is not the Shayâtin (devils) who have brought it (this Qur'ân) down,
211. Neither would it suit them, nor they can (produce it).
212. Verily, they have been removed far from hearing it.
213. So invoke not with God another ilâh (god) lest you be among those who receive punishment.
214. And warn your tribe (O Muhammad) of near kindred.
215. And be kind and humble to the believers who follow you.
216. Then if they disobey you, say: "I am innocent of what you do."
217. And put your trust in the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful,
218. Who sees you (O Muhammad) when you stand up (alone at night for Tahajjud prayers).
219. And your movements among those who fall prostrate (along with you to God in the five compulsory congregational prayers).
220. Verily! He, only He, is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.
221. Shall I inform you (O people!) upon whom the Shayâtin (devils) descend?
222. They descend on every lying (one who tells lies), sinful person.
223. Who gives ear (to the devils and they pour what they may have heard of the unseen from the angels), and most of them are liars.
224. As for the poets, the erring follow them,
225. See you not that they speak about every subject (praising others right or wrong) in their poetry?
226. And that they say what they do not do.
227. Except those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds, and remember God much, and reply back (in poetry) to the unjust poetry (which the pagan poets utter against the Muslims). And those who do wrong will come to know by what overturning they will be overturned.
Surah 27
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings]. These are the Verses of the Qur'ân, and (it is) a Book (that makes things) clear;
2. A guide (to the Right Path); and glad tidings for the believers [who believe in the Oneness of God (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism)].
3. Those who perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât) and give Zakât and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter (resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell, etc.).
4. Verily, those who believe not in the Hereafter, We have made their deeds fair-seeming to them, so they wander about blindly.
5. They are those for whom there will be an evil torment (in this world). And in the Hereafter they will be the greatest losers.
6. And verily, you (O Muhammad) are receiving the Qur'ân from the One, All-Wise, All-Knowing.
7. (Remember) when Mûsa (Moses) said to his household: "Verily! I have seen a fire, I will bring you from there some information, or I will bring you a burning brand, that you may warm yourselves."
8. But when he came to it, he was called: "Blessed is whosoever is in the fire, and whosoever is round about it! And glorified be God, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
9. "O Mûsa (Moses)! Verily! It is I, God, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
10. "And throw down your stick!" But when he saw it moving as if it were a snake, he turned in flight, and did not look back. (It was said): "O Mûsa (Moses)! Fear not, verily! The Messengers fear not in front of Me.
11. "Except him who has done wrong and afterwards has changed evil for good, then surely, I am Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
12. "And put your hand into your bosom, it will come forth white without hurt. (These are) among the nine signs (you will take) to Fir'aun (Pharaoh) and his people, they are a people who are the Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient to God).
13. But when Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) came to them, clear to see, they said: "This is a manifest magic."
14. And they belied them (those Ayât) wrongfully and arrogantly, though their ownselves were convinced thereof [i.e. those (Ayât) are from God, and Mûsa (Moses) is the Messenger of God in truth, but they disliked to obey Mûsa (Moses), and hated to believe in his Message of Monotheism]. So see what was the end of the Mufsidûn (disbelievers, disobedient to God, evil-doers, liars.).
15. And indeed We gave knowledge to Dawûd (David) and Sulaimân (Solomon), and they both said: "All the praises and thanks be to God, Who has preferred us above many of His believing slaves!"
16. And Sulaimân (Solomon) inherited (the knowledge of) Dawûd (David). He said: "O mankind! We have been taught the language of birds, and on us have been bestowed all things. This, verily, is an evident grace (from God)."
17. And there were gathered before Sulaimân (Solomon) his hosts of jinns and men, and birds, and they all were set in battle order (marching forwards).
18. Till, when they came to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said: "O ants! Enter your dwellings, lest Sulaimân (Solomon) and his hosts crush you, while they perceive not."
19. So he [Sulaimân (Solomon)] smiled, amused at her speech and said: "My Lord! Inspire and bestow upon me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your Favours which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds that will please You, and admit me by Your Mercy among Your righteous slaves."
20. He inspected the birds, and said: "What is the matter that I see not the hoopoe? Or is he among the absentees?
21. "I will surely punish him with a severe torment, or slaughter him, unless he brings me a clear reason."
22. But the hoopoe stayed not long, he (came up and) said: "I have grasped (the knowledge of a thing) which you have not grasped and I have come to you from Saba' (Sheba) with true news.
23. "I found a woman ruling over them, and she has been given all things that could be possessed by any ruler of the earth, and she has a great throne.
24. "I found her and her people worshipping the sun instead of God, and Shaitân (Satan) has made their deeds fair-seeming to them, and has barred them from (God's) Way, so they have no guidance,"
25. Al-Lâ (this word has two interpretations) (A) [As Shaitân (Satan) has barred them from God's Way] so that they do not worship (prostrate before) God, or (B) So that they may worship (prostrate before) God, Who brings to light what is hidden in the heavens and the earth, and knows what you conceal and what you reveal. [Tafsir At-Tabarî, Vol. 19, Page 149]
26. God, Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Lord of the Supreme Throne!
27. [Sulaimân (Solomon)] said: "We shall see whether you speak the truth or you are (one) of the liars.
28. "Go you with this letter of mine, and deliver it to them, then draw back from them, and see what (answer) they return."
29. She said: "O chiefs! Verily! Here is delivered to me a noble letter,
30. "Verily! It is from Sulaimân (Solomon), and verily! It (reads): In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful;
31. "Be you not exalted against me, but come to me as Muslims (true believers who submit to God with full submission)' "
32. She said: "O chiefs! Advise me in (this) case of mine. I decide no case till you are present with me."
33. They said: "We have great strength, and great ability for war, but it is for you to command; so think over what you will command."
34. She said: "Verily! Kings, when they enter a town (country), they despoil it, and make the most honourable amongst its people low. And thus they do.
35. "But verily! I am going to send him a present, and see with what (answer) the messengers return."
36. So when (the messengers with the present) came to Sulaimân (Solomon), he said: "Will you help me in wealth? What God has given me is better than that which He has given you! Nay, you rejoice in your gift!"
37. [Then Sulaimân (Solomon) said to the chief of her messengers who brought the present]: "Go back to them. We verily shall come to them with hosts that they cannot resist, and we shall drive them out from there in disgrace, and they will be abased."
38. He said: "O chiefs! Which of you can bring me her throne before they come to me surrendering themselves in obedience?"
39. An Ifrît (strong) from the jinns said: "I will bring it to you before you rise from your place (council). And verily, I am indeed strong, and trustworthy for such work."
40. One with whom was knowledge of the Scripture said: "I will bring it to you within the twinkling of an eye!" then when [Sulaimân (Solomon)] saw it placed before him, he said: "This is by the Grace of my Lord to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful! And whoever is grateful, truly, his gratitude is for (the good of) his ownself, and whoever is ungrateful, (he is ungrateful only for the loss of his ownself). Certainly! My Lord is Rich (Free of all wants), Bountiful."
41. He said: "Disguise her throne for her that we may see whether she will be guided (to recognise her throne), or she will be one of those not guided."
42. So when she came, it was said (to her): "Is your throne like this?" She said: "(It is) as though it were the very same." And [Sulaimân (Solomon) said]: "Knowledge was bestowed on us before her, and we were submitted to God (in Islâm as Muslims before her)."
43. And that which she used to worship besides God has prevented her (from Islâm), for she was of a disbelieving people.
44. It was said to her: "Enter As-Sarh" [(a glass surface with water underneath it) or a palace], but when she saw it, she thought it was a pool, and she (tucked up her clothes) uncovering her legs, Sulaimân (Solomon) said: "Verily, it is Sarh [(a glass surface with water underneath it) or a palace] paved smooth with slab of glass." She said: "My Lord! Verily, I have wronged myself, and I submit (in Islâm, together with Sulaimân (Solomon), to God, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)."
45. And indeed We sent to Thamûd their brother Sâlih (Saleh), saying: "Worship God (Alone and none else). Then look! They became two parties (believers and disbelievers) quarreling with each other."
46. He said: "O my people! Why do you seek to hasten the evil (torment) before the good (God's Mercy)? Why seek you not the Forgiveness of God, that you may receive mercy?"
47. They said: "We augur ill omen from you and those with you." He said: "Your ill omen is with God; nay, but you are a people that are being tested."
48. And there were in the city nine men (from the sons of their chiefs), who made mischief in the land, and would not reform.
49. They said: "Swear one to another by God that we shall make a secret night attack on him and his household, and afterwards we will surely say to his near relatives: 'We witnessed not the destruction of his household, and verily! We are telling the truth.'"
50. So they plotted a plot, and We planned a plan, while they perceived not.
51. Then see how was the end of their plot! Verily! We destroyed them and their nation, all together.
52. These are their houses in utter ruin, for they did wrong. Verily, in this is indeed an Ayâh (a lesson or a sign) for people who know.
53. And We saved those who believed, and used to fear God, and keep their duty to Him.
54. And (remember) Lout (Lot)! When he said to his people . Do you commit Al-Fâhishah (evil, great sin, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, sodomy, etc.) while you see (one another doing evil without any screen, etc.)?"
55. "Do you approach men in your lusts rather than women? Nay, but you are a people who behave senselessly."
56. There was no other answer given by his people except that they said: "Drive out the family of Lout (Lot) from your city. Verily, these are men who want to be clean and pure!"
57. So We saved him and his family, except his wife. We destined her to be of those who remained behind.
58. And We rained down on them a rain (of stones). So evil was the rain of those who were warned.
59. Say (O Muhammad): "Praise and thanks be to God, and peace be on His slaves whom He has chosen (for His Message)! Is God better, or (all) that you ascribe as partners (to Him)?" (Of course, God is Better).
60. Is not He (better than your gods) Who created the heavens and the earth, and sends down for you water (rain) from the sky, whereby We cause to grow wonderful gardens full of beauty and delight? It is not in your ability to cause the growth of their trees. Is there any ilâh (god) with God? Nay, but they are a people who ascribe equals (to Him)!
61. Is not He (better than your gods) Who has made the earth as a fixed abode, and has placed rivers in its midst, and has placed firm mountains therein, and has set a barrier between the two seas (of salt and sweet water).Is there any ilâh (god) with God? Nay, but most of them know not.
62. Is not He (better than your gods) Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls Him, and Who removes the evil, and makes you inheritors of the earth, generations after generations. Is there any ilâh (god) with God? Little is that you remember!
63. Is not He (better than your gods) Who guides you in the darkness of the land and the sea, and Who sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His Mercy (rain)? Is there any ilâh (god) with God? High Exalted be God above all that they associate as partners (to Him)!
64. Is not He (better than your so-called gods) Who originates creation, and shall thereafter repeat it, and Who provides for you from heaven and earth? Is there any ilâh (god) with God? Say, "Bring forth your proofs, if you are truthful."
65. Say: "None in the heavens and the earth knows the Ghaib (unseen) except God, nor can they perceive when they shall be resurrected."
66. Nay, they have no knowledge of the Hereafter. Nay, they are in doubt about it. Nay, they are blind about it.
67. And those who disbelieve say: "When we have become dust, we and our fathers, shall we really be brought forth (again)?
68. "Indeed we were promised this, we and our forefathers before, Verily, these are nothing but tales of ancients."
69. Say to them (O Muhammad) "Travel in the land and see how has been the end of the criminals (those who denied God's Messengers and disobeyed God)."
70. And grieve you not for them, nor be straitened (in distress) because of what they plot.
71. And they (the disbelievers in the Oneness of God) say: "When (will) this promise (be fulfilled), if you are truthful?"
72. Say: "Perhaps that which you wish to hasten on, may be close behind you.
73. "Verily, your Lord is full of Grace for mankind, yet most of them do not give thanks."
74. And verily, your Lord knows what their breasts conceal and what they reveal.
75. And there is nothing hidden in the heaven and the earth, but is in a Clear Book (i.e. Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz).
76. Verily, this Qur'ân narrates to the Children of Israel most of that about which they differ.
77. And truly, it (this Qur'ân) is a guide and a mercy to the believers.
78. Verily, your Lord will decide between them (various sects) by His Judgement. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.
79. So put your trust in God; surely, you (O Muhammad) are on manifest truth.
80. Verily, you cannot make the dead to hear (i.e. benefit them and similarly the disbelievers), nor can you make the deaf to hear the call, when they flee, turning their backs.
81. Nor can you lead the blind out of their error, you can only make to hear those who believe in Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), and who have submitted (themselves to God in Islâm as Muslims).
82. And when the Word (of torment) is fulfilled against them, We shall bring out from the earth a beast to them, which will speak to them because mankind believed not with certainty in Our Ayât (Verses of the Qur'ân and Prophet Muhammad).
83. And (remember) the Day when We shall gather out of every nation a troop of those who denied Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), and (then) they (all) shall be gathered (and driven to the place of reckoning),
84. Till, when they come (before their Lord at the place of reckoning), He will say: "Did you deny My Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) when you comprehended them not in knowledge, or what (else) was it that you used to do?"
85. And the Word (of torment) will be fulfilled against them, because they have done wrong, and they will be unable to speak (in order to defend themselves).
86. See they not that We have made the night for them to rest therein, and the day sight-giving? Verily, in this are Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) for the people who believe.
87. And (remember) the Day on which the Trumpet will be blown and all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth, will be terrified except him whom God will (exempt). And all shall come to Him humbled.
88. And you will see the mountains and think them solid, but they shall pass away as the passing away of the clouds. The Work of God, Who perfected all things, verily! He is Well-Acquainted with what you do.
89. Whoever brings a good deed (i.e. Belief in the Oneness of God along with every deed of righteousness), will have better than its worth, and they will be safe from the terror on that Day.
90. And whoever brings an evil (deed) (i.e. Shirk polytheism, disbelief in the Oneness of God and every evil sinful deed), they will be cast down (prone) on their faces in the Fire. (And it will be said to them) "Are you being recompensed anything except what you used to do?"
91. I (Muhammad) have been commanded only to worship the Lord of this city (Makkah), Him Who has sanctified it and His is everything. And I am commanded to be from among the Muslims (those who submit to God in Islâm).
92. And to recite the Qur'ân, so whosoever receives guidance, receives it for the good of his ownself, and whosoever goes astray, say (to him): "I am only one of the warners."
93. And say [(O Muhammad) to these polytheists and pagans etc.]: "All the praises and thanks be to God. He will show you His Ayât (signs, in yourselves, and in the universe or punishments, etc.), and you shall recognise them. And your Lord is not unaware of what you do."
Surah 28
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings]
2. These are Verses of the manifest Book (that makes clear truth from falsehood, good from evil, etc.).
3. We recite to you some of the news of Mûsa (Moses) and Fir'aun (Pharaoh) in truth, for a people who believe (those who believe in this Qur'ân, and in the Oneness of God).
4. Verily, Fir'aun (Pharaoh) exalted himself in the land and made its people sects, weakening (oppressing) a group (i.e. Children of Israel) among them, killing their sons, and letting their females live. Verily, he was of the Mufsidûn (i.e. those who commit great sins and crimes, oppressors, tyrants, etc.).
5. And We wished to do a favour to those who were weak (and oppressed) in the land, and to make them rulers and to make them the inheritors,
6. And to establish them in the land, and We let Fir'aun (Pharaoh) and Hâmân and their hosts receive from them that which they feared.
7. And We inspired the mother of Mûsa (Moses), (saying): "Suckle him [Mûsa (Moses)], but when you fear for him, then cast him into the river and fear not, nor grieve. Verily! We shall bring him back to you, and shall make him one of (Our) Messengers."
8. Then the household of Fir'aun (Pharaoh) picked him up, that he might become for them an enemy and a (cause of) grief. Verily! Fir'aun (Pharaoh), Hâmân and their hosts were sinners.
9. And the wife of Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "A comfort of the eye for me and for you. Kill him not, perhaps he may be of benefit to us, or we may adopt him as a son." And they perceive not (the result of that).
10. And the heart of the mother of Mûsa (Moses) became empty [from every thought, except the thought of Mûsa (Moses)]. She was very near to disclose his (case, i.e. the child is her son), had We not strengthened her heart (with Faith), so that she might remain as one of the believers.
11. And she said to his [Musa's (Moses)] sister: "Follow him." So she (his sister) watched him from a far place secretly, while they perceived not.
12. And We had already forbidden (other) foster suckling mothers for him, until she (his sister came up and) said: "Shall I direct you to a household who will rear him for you, and sincerely they will look after him in a good manner?"
13. So did We restore him to his mother, that she might be delighted, and that she might not grieve, and that she might know that the Promise of God is true. But most of them know not.
14. And when he attained his full strength, and was perfect (in manhood), We bestowed on him Hukman (Prophethood, right judgement of the affairs) and religious knowledge [of the religion of his forefathers i.e. Islâmic Monotheism]. And thus do We reward the Muhsinûn (i.e. good doers -- see the footnote of V.9:120).
15. And he entered the city at a time of unawareness of its people, and he found there two men fighting, -- one of his party (his religion -- from the Children of Israel), and the other of his foes. The man of his (own) party asked him for help against his foe, so Mûsa (Moses) struck him with his fist and killed him. He said: "This is of Shaitân's (Satan) doing, verily, he is a plain misleading enemy."
16. He said: "My Lord! Verily, I have wronged myself, so forgive me." Then He forgave him. Verily, He is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
17. He said: "My Lord! For that with which You have favoured me, I will never more be a helper for the Mujrimûn (criminals, disobedient to God, polytheists, sinners, etc.)!"
18. So he became afraid, looking about in the city (waiting as to what will be the result of his crime of killing), when behold, the man who had sought his help the day before, called for his help (again). Mûsa (Moses) said to him: "Verily, you are a plain misleader!"
19. Then when he decided to seize the man who was an enemy to both of them, the man said: "O Mûsa (Moses)! Is it your intention to kill me as you killed a man yesterday? Your aim is nothing but to become a tyrant in the land, and not to be one of those who do right."
20. And there came a man running, from the farthest end of the city. He said: "O Mûsa (Moses)! Verily, the chiefs are taking counsel together about you, to kill you, so escape.Truly, I am to you of those who give sincere advice."
21. So he escaped from there, looking about in a state of fear. He said: "My Lord! Save me from the people who are Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers)!"
22. And when he went towards (the land of) Madyan (Midian) he said: "It may be that my Lord guides me to the Right Way."
23. And when he arrived at the water of Madyan (Midian) he found there a group of men watering (their flocks), and besides them he found two women who were keeping back (their flocks). He said: "What is the matter with you?" They said: "We cannot water (our flocks) until the shepherds take (their flocks). And our father is a very old man."
24. So he watered (their flocks) for them, then he turned back to shade, and said: "My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!"
25. Then there came to him one of the two women, walking shyly. She said: "Verily, my father calls you that he may reward you for having watered (our flocks) for us." So when he came to him and narrated the story, he said: "Fear you not. You have escaped from the people who are Zâlimûn (polytheists, disbelievers, and wrong-doers)."
26. And said one of them (the two women): "O my father! Hire him! Verily, the best of men for you to hire is the strong, the trustworthy."
27. He said: "I intend to wed one of these two daughters of mine to you, on condition that you serve me for eight years, but if you complete ten years, it will be (a favour) from you. But I intend not to place you under a difficulty. If God will, you will find me one of the righteous."
28. He [Mûsa (Moses)] said: "That (is settled) between me and you whichever of the two terms I fulfill, there will be no injustice to me, and God is Surety over what we say."
29. Then, when Mûsa (Moses) had fulfilled the term, and was travelling with his family, he saw a fire in the direction of Tûr (Mount). He said to his family: "Wait, I have seen a fire; perhaps I may bring to you from there some information, or a burning fire-brand that you may warm yourselves."
30. So when he reached it (the fire), he was called from the right side of the valley, in the blessed place from the tree: "O Mûsa (Moses)! Verily! I am God, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)!
31. "And throw your stick!" But when he saw it moving as if it were a snake, he turned in flight, and looked not back. (It was said): "O Mûsa (Moses)! Draw near, and fear not. Verily, you are of those who are secure.
32. "Put your hand in your bosom, it will come forth white without a disease, and draw your hand close to your side to be free from fear (that which you suffered from the snake, and also by that your hand will return to its original state). these are two Burhân (signs, miracles, evidences, proofs) from your Lord to Fir'aun (Pharaoh) and his chiefs. Verily, they are the people who are Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient to God).
33. He said: "My Lord! I have killed a man among them, and I fear that they will kill me.
34. "And my brother Hârûn (Aaron) he is more eloquent in speech than me so send him with me as a helper to confirm me. Verily! I fear that they will belie me."
35. God said: "We will strengthen your arm through your brother, and give you both power, so they shall not be able to harm you, with Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), you two as well as those who follow you will be the victors."
36. Then when Mûsa (Moses) came to them with Our Clear Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), they said: "This is nothing but invented magic. Never did we hear of this among our fathers of old."
37. Mûsa (Moses) said: "My Lord knows best him who came with guidance from Him, and whose will be the happy end in the Hereafter. Verily, the Zâlimûn (wrong-doers, polytheists and disbelievers in the Oneness of God) will not be successful."
38. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "O chiefs! I know not that you have an ilâh (a god) other than me, so kindle for me (a fire), O Hâmân, to bake (bricks out of) clay, and set up for me a Sarhan (a lofty tower, or palace, etc.) in order that I may look at (or look for) the Ilâh (God) of Mûsa (Moses); and verily, I think that he [Mûsa (Moses)] is one of the liars."
39. And he and his hosts were arrogant in the land, without right, and they thought that they would never return to Us.
40. So We seized him and his hosts, and We threw them all into the sea (and drowned them). So behold (O Muhammad) what was the end of the Zâlimûn [wrong-doers, polytheists and those who disbelieved in the Oneness of their Lord (God), or rejected the advice of His Messenger Mûsa (Moses)].
41. And We made them leaders inviting to the Fire, and on the Day of Resurrection, they will not be helped.
42. And We made a curse to follow them in this world, and on the Day of Resurrection, they will be among Al-Maqbuhûn (those who are prevented to receive God's Mercy or any good, despised or destroyed, etc.).
43. And indeed We gave Mûsa (Moses), after We had destroyed the generations of old, the Scripture [the Taurât (Torah)] as an enlightenment for mankind, and a guidance and a mercy, that they might remember (or receive admonition).
44. And you (O Muhammad) were not on the western side (of the Mount), when We made clear to Mûsa (Moses) the commandment, and you were not among those present.
45. But We created generations [after generations i.e. after Mûsa (Moses)], and long were the ages that passed over them. And you (O Muhammad) were not a dweller among the people of Madyan (Midian), reciting Our Verses to them. But it is We Who kept sending (Messengers).
46. And you (O Muhammad) were not at the side of the Tûr (Mount) when We did call, [it is said that God called the followers of Muhammad , and they answered His Call, or that God called Mûsa (Moses)]. But (you are sent) as a mercy from your Lord, to give warning to a people to whom no warner had come before you, in order that they may remember or receive admonition. [Tafsir At-Tabarî, Vol. 20, Page 81].
47. And if (We had) not (sent you to the people of Makkah) in case a calamity should seize them for (the deeds) that their hands have sent forth, they should have said: "Our Lord! Why did You not send us a Messenger? We should then have followed Your Ayât (Verses of the Qur'ân) and should have been among the believers."
48. But when the truth (i.e. Muhammad with his Message) has come to them from Us, they say: "Why is he not given the like of what was given to Mûsa (Moses)? Did they not disbelieve in that which was given to Mûsa (Moses) of old? They say: "Two kinds of magic [the Taurât (Torah) and the Qur'ân] each helping the other!" And they say: "Verily! In both we are disbelievers."
49. Say (to them, O Muhammad): "Then bring a Book from God, which is a better guide than these two [the Taurât (Torah) and the Qur'ân], that I may follow it, if you are truthful."
50. But if they answer you not (i.e. do not believe in your doctrine of Islâmic Monotheism, nor follow you), then know that they only follow their own lusts. And who is more astray than one who follows his own lusts, without guidance from God? Verily! God guides not the people who are Zâlimûn (wrong-doers, disobedient to God, and polytheists).
51. And indeed now We have conveyed the Word (this Qur'ân in which is the news of everything to them), in order that they may remember (or receive admonition).
52. Those to whom We gave the Scripture [i.e. the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.] before it, -- they believe in it (the Qur'ân).
53. And when it is recited to them, they say: "We believe in it. Verily, it is the truth from our Lord. Indeed even before it we have been from those who submit themselves to God in Islâm as Muslims (like 'Abdullâh bin Salâm and Salmân Al-Farisî, etc.).
54. These will be given their reward twice over, because they are patient, and repel evil with good, and spend (in charity) out of what We have provided them.
55. And when they hear Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk), they withdraw from it and say: "To us our deeds, and to you your deeds. Peace be to you. We seek not the ignorant."
56. Verily! You (O Muhammad) guide not whom you like, but God guides whom He wills. And He knows best those who are the guided.
57. And they say: "If we follow the guidance with you, we would be snatched away from our land." Have We not established for them a secure sanctuary (Makkah), to which are brought fruits of all kinds, a provision from Ourselves, but most of them know not.
58. And how many a town (population) have We destroyed, which were thankless for its means of livelihood (disobeyed God, and His Messengers, by doing evil deeds and crimes) ! And those are their dwellings, which have not been inhabited after them except a little. And verily! We have been the inheritors.
59. And never will your Lord destroy the towns (populations) until He sends to their mother town a Messenger reciting to them Our Verses. And never would We destroy the towns unless the people thereof are Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers, disbelievers in the Oneness of God, oppressors and tyrants).
60. And whatever you have been given is an enjoyment of the life of (this) world and its adornment, and that (Hereafter) which is with God is better and will remain forever. Have you then no sense?
61. Is he whom We have promised an excellent promise (Paradise), which he will find true, like him whom We have made to enjoy the luxuries of the life of (this) world, then on the Day of Resurrection, he will be among those brought up (to be punished in the Hell-fire)?
62. And (remember) the Day when He will call to them, and say: "Where are My (so-called) partners whom you used to assert?"
63. Those about whom the Word will have come true (to be punished) will say: "Our Lord! These are they whom we led astray. We led them astray, as we were astray ourselves. We declare our innocence (from them) before You. It was not us they worshipped."
64. And it will be said (to them): "Call upon your (so-called) partners (of God), and they will call upon them, but they will give no answer to them, and they will see the torment. (They will then wish) if only they had been guided!
65. And (remember) the Day (God) will call to them, and say: "What answer gave you to the Messengers?"
66. Then the news of a good answer will be obscured to them on that day, and they will not be able to ask one another.
67. But as for him who repented (from polytheism and sins, etc.), believed (in the Oneness of God, and in His Messenger Muhammad), and did righteous deeds (in the life of this world), then he will be among those who are successful.
68. And your Lord creates whatsoever He wills and chooses, no choice have they (in any matter). Glorified be God, and exalted above all that they associate as partners (with Him).
69. And your Lord knows what their breasts conceal, and what they reveal.
70. And He is God; Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). His is all praise, in the first (i.e. in this world) and in the last ( the Hereafter). And for Him is the Decision, and to Him shall you (all) be returned.
71. Say (O Muhammad): "Tell me! If God made night continuous for you till the Day of Resurrection, who is an ilâh (a god) besides God who could bring you light? Will you not then hear?"
72. Say (O Muhammad): "Tell me! If God made day continuous for you till the Day of Resurrection, who is an ilâh (a god) besides God who could bring you night wherein you rest? Will you not then see?"
73. It is out of His Mercy that He has put for you night and day, that you may rest therein (i.e. during the night) and that you may seek of His Bounty (i.e. during the day), and in order that you may be grateful.
74. And (remember) the Day when He (your Lord God) will call them (those who worshipped others along with God), and will say: "Where are My (so-called) partners, whom you used to assert?"
75. And We shall take out from every nation a witness, and We shall say: "Bring your proof." Then they shall know that the truth is with God (Alone), and the lies (false gods) which they invented will disappear from them.
76. Verily, Qârûn (Korah) was of Mûsa's (Moses) people, but he behaved arrogantly towards them. And We gave him of the treasures, that of which the keys would have been a burden to a body of strong men. When his people said to him: "Do not be glad (with ungratefulness to God's Favours). Verily! God likes not those who are glad (with ungratefulness to God's Favours).
77. But seek, with that (wealth) which God has bestowed on you, the home of the Hereafter, and forget not your portion of legal enjoyment in this world, and do good as God has been good to you, and seek not mischief in the land. Verily, God likes not the Mufsidûn (those who commit great crimes and sins, oppressors, tyrants, mischief-makers, corrupts).
78. He said: "This has been given to me only because of knowledge I possess." Did he not know that God had destroyed before him generations, men who were stronger than him in might and greater in the amount (of riches) they had collected. But the Mujrimûn (criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) will not be questioned of their sins (because God knows them well, so they will be punished without account).
79. So he went forth before his people in his pomp. Those who were desirous of the life of the world, said: "Ah, would that we had the like of what Qârûn (Korah) has been given? Verily! He is the owner of a great fortune."
80. But those who had been given (religious) knowledge said: "Woe to you! The Reward of God (in the Hereafter) is better for those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and this none shall attain except those who are patient (in following the truth)."
81. So We caused the earth to swallow him and his dwelling place. Then he had no group or party to help him against God, nor was he one of those who could save themselves.
82. And those who had desired (for a position like) his position the day before, began to say: "Know you not that it is God Who enlarges the provision or restricts it to whomsoever He pleases of His slaves. Had it not been that God was Gracious to us, He could have caused the earth to swallow us up (also)! Know you not that the disbelievers will never be successful.
83. That home of the Hereafter (i.e. Paradise), We shall assign to those who rebel not against the truth with pride and oppression in the land nor do mischief by committing crimes. And the good end is for the Muttaqûn (pious -- see V.2:2).
84. Whosoever brings good (Islâmic Monotheism along with righteous deeds), he shall have the better thereof, and whosoever brings evil (polytheism along with evil deeds) then, those who do evil deeds will only be requited for what they used to do.
85. Verily, He Who has given you (O Muhammad) the Qur'an (i.e. ordered you to act on its laws and to preach it to others) will surely bring you back to the Ma'âd (place of return, either to Makkah or to Paradise after your death, etc.). Say (O Muhammad): "My Lord is Aware of him who brings guidance, and he who is in manifest error."
86. And you were not expecting that the Book (this Qur'ân) would be sent down to you, but it is a mercy from your Lord. So never be a supporter of the disbelievers.
87. And let them not turn you (O Muhammad) away from (preaching) the Ayât (revelations and verses) of God after they have been sent down to you, and invite (men) to (believe in) your Lord [i.e: in the Oneness (Tauhîd) of God (1) Oneness of the Lordship of God; (2) Oneness of the worship of God; (3) Oneness of the Names and Qualities of God], and be not of Al-Mushrikûn (those who associate partners with God, e.g. polytheists, pagans, idolaters, those who disbelieve in the Oneness of God and deny the Prophethood of Messenger Muhammad).
88. And invoke not any other ilâh (god) along with God, Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). Everything will perish save His Face. His is the Decision, and to Him you (all) shall be returned.
Surah 29
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings.]
2. Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: "We believe," and will not be tested.
3. And We indeed tested those who were before them. And God will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although God knows all that before putting them to test).
4. Or those who do evil deeds think that they can outstrip Us (i.e. escape Our Punishment)? Evil is that which they judge!
5. Whoever hopes for the Meeting with God, then God's Term is surely coming. and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.
6. And whosoever strives, he strives only for himself. Verily, God is free of all wants from the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns, and all that exists).
7. Those who believe [in the Oneness of God (Monotheism) and in Messenger Muhammad , and do not apostate because of the harm they receive from the polytheists], and do righteous good deeds, surely, We shall remit from them their evil deeds and shall reward them according to the best of that which they used to do.
8. And We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents, but if they strive to make you join with Me (in worship) anything (as a partner) of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not. Unto Me is your return, and I shall tell you what you used to do.
9. And for those who believe (in the Oneness of God and other items of Faith) and do righteous good deeds, surely, We shall make them enter in (the enterance of) the righteous (i.e. in Paradise).
10. Of mankind are some who say: "We believe in God," but if they are made to suffer for the sake of God, they consider the trial of mankind as God's punishment, and if victory comes from your Lord, (the hypocrites) will say: "Verily! We were with you (helping you)." Is not God Best Aware of what is in the breast of the 'Alamîn (mankind and jinns).
11. Verily, God knows those who believe, and verily, He knows the hypocrites [i.e. God will test the people with good and hard days to discriminate the good from the wicked (although God knows all that before putting them to test)].
12. And those who disbelieve say to those who believe: "Follow our way and we will verily bear your sins," never will they bear anything of their sins. Surely, they are liars.
13. And verily, they shall bear their own loads, and other loads besides their own, and verily, they shall be questioned on the Day of Resurrection about that which they used to fabricate.
14. And indeed We sent Nûh (Noah) to his people, and he stayed among them a thousand years less fifty years [inviting them to believe in the Oneness of God (Monotheism), and discard the false gods and other deities], and the Deluge overtook them while they were Zâlimûn (wrong-doers, polytheists, disbelievers, etc.).
15. Then We saved him and those with him in the ship, and made it (the ship) as an Ayâh (a lesson, a warning, etc.) for the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
16. And (remember) Ibrâhim (Abraham) when he said to his people: "Worship God (Alone), and fear Him, that is better for you if you did but know.
17. "You worship besides God only idols, and you only invent falsehood. Verily, those whom you worship besides God have no power to give you provision, so seek your provision from God (Alone), and worship Him (Alone), and be grateful to Him. To Him (Alone) you will be brought back.
18. "And if you deny, then nations before you have denied (their Messengers). And the duty of the Messenger is only to convey (the Message) plainly."
19. See they not how God originates creation, then repeats it. Verily, that is easy for God.
20. Say: "Travel in the land and see how (God) originated creation, and then God will bring forth (resurrect) the creation of the Hereafter (i.e. resurrection after death). Verily, God is Able to do all things."
21. He punishes whom He will, and shows mercy to whom He will, and to Him you will be returned.
22. And you cannot escape in the earth or in the heaven. And besides God you have neither any Walî (Protector or Guardian) nor any Helper.
23. And those who disbelieve in the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of God and the Meeting with Him, it is they who have no hope of My Mercy, and it is they who will (have) a painful torment.
24. So nothing was the answer of [Ibrahîm's (Abraham)] people except that they said: "Kill him or burn him." Then God saved him from the fire. Verily, in this are indeed signs for a people who believe.
25. And [Ibrâhim (Abraham)] said: "You have taken (for worship) idols instead of God, and the love between you is only in the life of this world, but on the Day of Resurrection, you shall disown each other, and curse each other, and your abode will be the Fire, and you shall have no helper."
26. So Lout (Lot) believed in him [Ibrâhim's (Abraham) Message of Islâmic Monotheism]. He [Ibrâhim (Abraham)] said: "I will emigrate for the sake of my Lord. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."
27. And We bestowed on him [Ibrâhim (Abraham)], Ishâque (Isaac) and Ya'qûb (Jacob), and ordained among his offspring Prophethood and the Book [i.e. the Taurât (Torah) (to Mûsa -- Moses), the Injeel (Gospel) (to 'Iesa -- Jesus), the Qur'ân (to Muhammad), all from the offspring of Ibrâhim (Abraham)], and We granted him his reward in this world, and verily, in the Hereafter he is indeed among the righteous.
28. And (remember) Lout (Lot), when he said to his people: "You commit Al-Fâhishah (sodomy the worst sin) which none has preceded you in (committing) it in the 'Alamîn (mankind and jinns)."
29. "Verily, you do sodomy with men, and rob the wayfarer (travellers, etc.)! And practise Al-Munkar (disbelief and polytheism and every kind of evil wicked deed) in your meetings." But his people gave no answer except, that they said: "Bring God's Torment upon us if you are one of the truthful."
30. He said: "My Lord! Give me victory over the people who are Mufsidûn (those who commit great crimes and sins, oppressors, tyrants, mischief-makers, corrupts).
31. And when Our Messengers came to Ibrâhim (Abraham) with the glad tidings they said: "Verily, we are going to destroy the people of this [Lout's (Lot's)] town (i.e. the town of Sodom in Palestine) truly, its people have been Zâlimûn [wrong-doers, polytheists and disobedient to God, and have also belied their Messenger Lout (Lot)]."
32. Ibrâhim (Abraham) said: "But there is Lout (Lot) in it." They said:"We know better who is there, we will verily save him [Lout (Lot)] and his family, except his wife, she will be of those who remain behind (i.e. she will be destroyed along with those who will be destroyed from her folk)."
33. And when Our Messengers came to Lout (Lot), he was grieved because of them, and felt straitened on their account. They said: "Have no fear, and do not grieve! Truly, we shall save you and your family, except your wife, she will be of those who remain behind (i.e. she will be destroyed along with those who will be destroyed from her folk).
34. Verily, we are about to bring down on the people of this town a great torment from the sky, because they have been rebellious (against God's Command)."
35. And indeed We have left thereof an evident Ayâh (a lesson and a warning and a sign the place where the Dead Sea is now in Palestine) for a folk who understand.
36. And to (the people of) Madyan (Midian), We sent their brother Shu'aib (Shuaib). He said: "O my people! Worship God, and hope for (the reward of good deeds by worshipping God Alone, on) the last Day, and commit no mischief on the earth as Mufsidûn (those who commit great crimes, oppressors, tyrants, mischief-makers, corrupts).
37. And they belied him [Shu'aib (Shuaib)], so the earthquake seized them, and they lay (dead), prostrate in their dwellings.
38. And 'Ad and Thamûd (people)! And indeed (their destruction) is clearly apparent to you from their (ruined) dwellings. Shaitân (Satan) made their deeds fair-seeming to them, and turned them away from the (Right) Path, though they were intelligent.
39. And (We destroyed also) Qârûn (Korah), Fir'aun (Pharaoh), and Hâmân. And indeed Mûsa (Moses) came to them with clear Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), but they were arrogant in the land, yet they could not outstrip Us (escape Our punishment).
40. So We punished each (of them) for his sins, of them were some on whom We sent Hâsiban (a violent wind with shower of stones) [as the people of Lout (Lot)], and of them were some who were overtaken by As-Saihah [torment -- awful cry, etc. (as Thamûd or Shu'aib's people)], and of them were some whom We caused the earth to swallow [as Qârûn (Korah)], and of them were some whom We drowned [as the people of Nûh (Noah), or Fir'aun (Pharaoh) and his people]. It was not God Who wronged them, but they wronged themselves.
41. The likeness of those who take Auliyâ' (protectors and helpers) other than God is as the likeness of a spider, who builds (for itself) a house, but verily, the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider's house; if they but knew.
42. Verily, God knows what things they invoke instead of Him. He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
43. And these similitudes We put forward for mankind, but none will understand them except those who have knowledge (of God and His Signs, etc.).
44. (God says to His Prophet Muhammad): "God (Alone) created the heavens and the earth with truth (and none shared Him in their creation)." Verily! Therein is surely a sign for those who believe.
45. Recite (O Muhammad) what has been revealed to you of the Book (the Qur'ân), and perform As-Salât (Iqamât-as-Salât). Verily, As-Salât (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fahshâ' (i.e. great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) and Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed, etc.) and the remembering (praising, etc.) of (you by) God (in front of the angels) is greater indeed [than your remembering (praising, etc.) God in prayers, etc.]. And God knows what you do.
46. And argue not with the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), unless it be in (a way) that is better (with good words and in good manner, inviting them to Islâmic Monotheism with His Verses), except with such of them as do wrong, and say (to them): "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you; our Ilâh (God) and your Ilâh (God) is One (i.e. God), and to Him we have submitted (as Muslims)."
47. And thus We have sent down the Book (i.e this Qur'an) to you (O Muhammad), and those whom We gave the Scripture [the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) aforetime] believe therein as also do some of these (who are present with you now like 'Abdullâh bin Salâm) and none but the disbelievers reject Our Ayât [(proofs, signs, verses, lessons, etc., and deny Our Oneness of Lordship and Our Oneness of worship and Our Oneness of Our Names and Qualities: i.e. Islâmic Monotheism)].
48. Neither did you (O Muhammad) read any book before it (this Qur'ân), nor did you write any book (whatsoever) with your right hand. In that case, indeed, the followers of falsehood might have doubted.
49. Nay, but they, the clear Ayât [i.e the description and the qualities of Prophet Muhammad written like verses in the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] are preserved in the breasts of those who have been given knowledge (from the people of the Scriptures). And none but the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrongdoers, etc.) deny Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.).
50. And they say: "Why are not signs sent down to him from his Lord? Say: "The signs are only with God, and I am only a plain warner."
51. Is it not sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book (the Qur'ân) which is recited to them? Verily, herein is mercy and a reminder (or an admonition) for a people who believe.
52. Say (to them O Muhammad): "Sufficient is God for a witness between me and you. He knows what is in the heavens and on earth." And those who believe in Bâtil (all false deities other than God), and disbelieve in God and (in His Oneness), it is they who are the losers.
53. And they ask you to hasten on the torment (for them), and had it not been for a term appointed, the torment would certainly have come to them. And surely, it will come upon them suddenly while they perceive not!
54. They ask you to hasten on the torment. And verily! Hell, of a surety, will encompass the disbelievers.
55. On the Day when the torment (Hell-fire) shall cover them from above them and from underneath their feet, and it will be said: "Taste what you used to do."
56. O My slaves who believe! Certainly, spacious is My earth. Therefore worship Me (Alone)."
57. Everyone shall taste the death. Then unto Us you shall be returned.
58. And those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, to them We shall surely give lofty dwellings in Paradise, underneath which rivers flow, to live therein forever. Excellent is the reward of the workers.
59. Those who are patient, and put their trust (only) in their Lord (God).
60. And so many a moving (living) creature there is, that carries not its own provision! God provides for it and for you. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.
61. If you were to ask them: "Who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon?" They will surely reply: "God." How then are they deviating (as polytheists and disbelievers)?
62. God enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His slaves, and straitens it for whom (He wills). Verily, God is the All-Knower of everything.
63. If you were to ask them: "Who sends down water (rain) from the sky, and gives life therewith to the earth after its death?" They will surely reply: "God." Say: "All the praises and thanks be to God!" Nay! Most of them have no sense.
64. And this life of the world is only amusement and play! Verily, the home of the Hereafter, that is the life indeed (i.e. the eternal life that will never end), if they but knew
65. And when they embark on a ship, they invoke God, making their Faith pure for Him only, but when He brings them safely to land, behold, they give a share of their worship to others.
66. So that they become ingrate for that which We have given them, and that they take their enjoyment (as a warning and a threat), but they will come to know.
67. Have they not seen that We have made (Makkah) a sanctuary secure, and that men are being snatched away from all around them? Then do they believe in Bâtil (falsehood -- polytheism, idols and all deities other than God), and deny (become ingrate for) the Graces of God?
68. And who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against God or denies the truth (Muhammad and his doctrine of Islâmic Monotheism and this Qur'ân), when it comes to him? Is there not a dwelling in Hell for disbelievers (in the Oneness of God and in His Messenger Muhammad)?
69. As for those who strive hard in Us (Our Cause), We will surely guide them to Our Paths (i.e. God's Religion -- Islâmic Monotheism). And verily, God is with the Muhsinûn (good doers)."
Surah 30
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings].
2. The Romans have been defeated.
3. In the nearer land (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious.
4. Within three to nine years. The decision of the matter, before and after (these events) is only with God, (before the defeat of Romans by the Persians, and after, i.e. the defeat of the Persians by the Romans). And on that Day, the believers (i.e. Muslims) will rejoice (at the victory given by God to the Romans against the Persians),
5. With the help of God, He helps whom He wills, and He is the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.
6. (It is) a Promise of God (i.e. God will give victory to the Romans against the Persians), and God fails not in His Promise, but most of men know not.
7. They know only the outside appearance of the life of the world (i.e. the matters of their livelihood, like irrigating or sowing or reaping, etc.), and they are heedless of the Hereafter.
8. Do they not think deeply (in their ownselves) about themselves (how God created them from nothing, and similarly He will resurrect them)? God has created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, except with truth and for an appointed term. And indeed many of mankind deny the Meeting with their Lord. [See Tafsir At-Tabarî, Part 21, Page 24].
9. Do they not travel in the land, and see what was the end of those before them? They were superior to them in strength, and they tilled the earth and populated it in greater numbers than these (pagans) have done, and there came to them their Messengers with clear proofs. Surely, God wronged them not, but they used to wrong themselves.
10. Then evil was the end of those who did evil, because they belied the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, Messengers, etc.) of God and made mock of them.
11. God (Alone) originates the creation, then He will repeat it, then to Him you will be returned.
12. And on the Day when the Hour will be established, the Mujrimûn (disbelievers, sinners, criminals, polytheists, etc.) will be plunged into destruction with deep regrets, sorrows, and despair.
13. No intercessor will they have from those whom they made equal with God (partners i.e. their so-called associate gods), and they will (themselves) reject and deny their partners.
14. And on the Day when the Hour will be established, that Day shall (all men) be separated (i.e the believers will be separated from the disbelievers).
15. Then as for those who believed (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and did righteous good deeds, such shall be honoured and made to enjoy luxurious life (forever) in a Garden of delight (Paradise).
16. And as for those who disbelieved and belied Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, God's Messengers, Resurrection, etc.), and the Meeting of the Hereafter, such shall be brought forth to the torment (in the Hell-fire).
17. So glorify God [above all that (evil) they associate with Him (O believers)], when you come up to the evening [i.e. offer the (Maghrib) sunset and ('Ishâ') night prayers], and when you enter the morning [i.e offer the (Fajr) morning prayer].
18. And His is all the praises and thanks in the heavens and the earth, and (glorify Him) in the afternoon (i.e. offer 'Asr prayer) and when you come up to the time, when the day begins to decline (i.e offer Zuhr prayer). (Ibn 'Abbâs said: "These are the five compulsory congregational prayers mentioned in the Qur'ân)."
19. He brings out the living from the dead, and brings out the dead from the living. And He revives the earth after its death. And thus shall you be brought out (resurrected).
20. And among His Signs is this, that He created you (Adam) from dust, and then [Hawwa' (Eve) from Adam's rib, and then his offspring from the semen, and], -- behold you are human beings scattered!
21. And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect.
22. And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. Verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge.
23. And among His Signs is the sleep that you take by night and by day, and your seeking of His Bounty. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who listen.
24. And among His Signs is that He shows you the lightning, by way of fear and hope, and He sends down water (rain) from the sky, and therewith revives the earth after its death. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who understand.
25. And among His Signs is that the heaven and the earth stand by His Command, then afterwards when He will call you by single call, behold, you will come out from the earth (i.e from your graves for reckoning and recompense).
26. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. All are obedient to Him.
27. And He it is Who originates the creation, then will repeat it (after it has been perished), and this is easier for Him. His is the highest description (i.e. none has the right to be worshipped but He, and there is nothing comparable unto Him) in the heavens and in the earth. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
28. He sets forth for you a parable from your ownselves, -- Do you have partners among those whom your right hands possess (i.e your slaves) to share as equals in the wealth We have bestowed on you? Whom you fear as you fear each other? Thus do We explain the signs in detail to a people who have sense .
29. Nay, but those who do wrong follow their own lusts without knowledge, Then who will guide him whom God has sent astray? And for such there will be no helpers.
30. So set you (O Muhammad) your face towards the religion of pure Islâmic Monotheism Hanifa (worship none but God Alone) God's Fitrah (i.e. God's Islâmic Monotheism), with which He has created mankind. No change let there be in Khalq-illâh (i.e. the Religion of God Islâmic Monotheism), that is the straight religion, but most of men know not. [Tafsir At-Tabarî, Vol 21, Page 41]
31. (Always) Turning in repentance to Him (only), and be afraid and dutiful to Him; and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât) and be not of Al-Mushrikûn (the disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, polytheists, idolaters, etc.).
32. Of those who split up their religion (i.e. who left the true Islâmic Monotheism), and became sects, [i.e. they invented new things in the religion (Bid'ah), and followed their vain desires], each sect rejoicing in that which is with it.
33. And when harm touches men, they cry sincerely only to their Lord (God), turning to Him in repentance, but when He gives them a taste of His Mercy, behold! a party of them associate partners in worship with their Lord.
34. So as to be ungrateful for the graces which We have bestowed on them. Then enjoy (your short life); but you will come to know.
35. Or have We revealed to them a Scripture, which speaks of that which they have been associating with Him?
36. And when We cause mankind to taste of mercy, they rejoice therein, but when some evil afflicts them because of (evil deeds and sins) that their (own) hands have sent forth, lo! They are in despair!
37. Do they not see that God enlarges the provision for whom He wills and straitens (it for whom He wills). Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who believe.
38. So give to the kindred his due, and to Al-Miskîn (the poor) and to the wayfarer. That is best for those who seek God's Countenance, and it is they who will be successful.
39. And that which you give in gift (to others), in order that it may increase (your wealth by expecting to get a better one in return) from other people's property, has no increase with God, but that which you give in Zakât seeking God's Countenance then those, they shall have manifold increase.
40. God is He Who created you, then provided food for you, then will cause you to die, then (again) He will give you life (on the Day of Resurrection). Is there any of your (so-called) partners (of God) that do anything of that ? Glory be to Him! And Exalted be He above all that (evil) they associate (with Him).
41. Evil (sins and disobedience of God, etc.) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds, etc.), that God may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to God, and begging His Pardon).
42. Say (O Muhammad): "Travel in the land and see what was the end of those before (you)! Most of them were Mushrikûn (the disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, polytheists, idolaters, etc.)."
43. So set you (O Muhammad) your face to (the obedience of God, your Lord) the straight and right religion (Islâmic Monotheism), before there comes from God a Day which none can avert it. On that Day men shall be divided [(in two groups), a group in Paradise and a group in Hell].
44. Whosoever disbelieves will suffer from his disbelief, and whosoever does righteous good deeds (by practising Islâmic Monotheism), then such will prepare a good place (in Paradise) for themselves (and will be saved by God from His Torment).
45. That He may reward those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism), and do righteous good deeds, out of His Bounty. Verily, He likes not the disbelievers.
46. And among His Signs is this, that He sends the winds as glad tidings, giving you a taste of His Mercy (i.e. rain), and that the ships may sail at His Command, and that you may seek of His Bounty, in order that you may be thankful.
47. And indeed We did send Messengers before you (O Muhammad) to their own peoples. They came to them with clear proofs, then, We took vengeance on those who committed crimes (disbelief, setting partners in worship with God, sins, etc.), and (as for) the believers it was incumbent upon Us to help (them).
48. God is He Who sends the winds, so they raise clouds, and spread them along the sky as He wills, and then break them into fragments, until you see rain drops come forth from their midst! Then when He has made them fall on whom of His slaves as He will, lo! they rejoice!
49. And verily before that (rain), just before it was sent down upon them, they were in despair!
50. Look then at the effects (results) of God's Mercy, how He revives the earth after its death. Verily! That (God) Who revived the earth after its death shall indeed raise the dead (on the Day of Resurrection), and He is Able to do all things.
51. And if We send a wind [which would spoil the green growth (tilth) brought up by the previous rain], and they see (their tilth) turn yellow, behold, they then after their being glad, would become unthankful (to their Lord God as) disbelievers.
52. So verily, you (O Muhammad) cannot make the dead to hear (i.e. the disbelievers, etc.), nor can you make the deaf to hear the call, when they show their backs, turning away.
53. And you (O Muhammad) cannot guide the blind from their straying; you can make to hear only those who believe in Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), and have submitted to God in Islâm (as Muslims).
54. God is He Who created you in (a state of) weakness, then gave you strength after weakness, then after strength gave (you) weakness and grey hair. He creates what He wills. And it is He Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful (i.e. Able to do all things).
55. And on the Day that the Hour will be established, the Mujrimûn (criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) will swear that they stayed not but an hour, thus were they ever deluded [away from the truth (i.e they used to tell lies and take false oaths, and turn away from the truth) in this life of the world)].
56. And those who have been bestowed with knowledge and faith will say: "Indeed you have stayed according to the Decree of God, until the Day of Resurrection, so this is the Day of Resurrection, but you knew not."
57. So on that Day no excuse of theirs will avail those who did wrong (by associating partners in worship with God, and by denying the Day of Resurrection), nor will they be allowed (then) to return to seek God's Pleasure (by having Islâmic Faith with righteous deeds and by giving up polytheism, sins and crimes with repentance).
58. And indeed We have set forth for mankind, in this Qur'ân every kind of parable. But if you (O Muhammad) bring to them any sign or proof, (as an evidence for the truth of your Prophethood), the disbelievers are sure to say (to the believers): "You follow nothing but falsehood, and magic."
59. Thus does God seal up the hearts of those who know not [the proofs and evidence of the Oneness of God i.e. those who try not to understand true facts that which you (Muhammad) have brought to them].
60. So be patient (O Muhammad). Verily, the Promise of God is true, and let not those who have no certainty of faith, discourage you from conveying God's Message (which you are obliged to convey).
Surah 31
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings.]
2. These are Verses of the Wise Book (the Qur'ân).
3. A guide and a mercy for the Muhsinûn (good-doers)
4. Those who perform As-Salât (Iqamat-as- Salât) and give Zakât and they have faith in the Hereafter with certainty.
5. Such are on guidance from their Lord, and such are the successful.
6. And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (, singing, etc.) to mislead (men) from the Path of God without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of God, the Verses of the Qur'ân) by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment (in the Hell-fire).
7. And when Our Verses (of the Qur'ân) are recited to such a one, he turns away in pride, as if he heard them not, as if there were deafness in his ear. So announce to him a painful torment.
8. Verily, those who believe (in Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, for them are Gardens of delight (Paradise).
9. To abide therein. It is a Promise of God in truth. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
10. He has created the heavens without any pillars, that you see and has set on the earth firm mountains, lest it should shake with you. And He has scattered therein moving (living) creatures of all kinds. And We send down water (rain) from the sky, and We cause (plants) of every goodly kind to grow therein.
11. This is the creation of God. So show Me that which those (whom you worship), besides Him have created. Nay, the Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers and those who do not believe in the Oneness of God) are in plain error.
12. And indeed We bestowed upon Luqmân Al-Hikmah (wisdom and religious understanding, etc.) saying: "Give thanks to God," and whoever gives thanks, he gives thanks for (the good of) his ownself. And whoever is unthankful, then verily, God is All-Rich (Free of all wants), Worthy of all praise.
13. And (remember) when Luqmân said to his son when he was advising him: "O my son! Join not in worship others with God. Verily! Joining others in worship with God is a great Zûlm (wrong) indeed.
14. And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and his weaning is in two years give thanks to Me and to your parents, unto Me is the final destination.
15. But if they (both) strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not, but behave with them in the world kindly, and follow the path of him who turns to Me in repentance and in obedience. Then to Me will be your return, and I shall tell you what you used to do.
16. "O my son! If it be (anything) equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed, and though it be in a rock, or in the heavens or in the earth, God will bring it forth. Verily, God is Subtle (in bringing out that grain), Well-Aware (of its place).
17. "O my son! Aqim-is-Salât (perform As-Salât), enjoin (people) for Al-Ma'rûf (Islâmic Monotheism and all that is good), and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief in the Oneness of God, polytheism of all kinds and all that is evil and bad), and bear with patience whatever befall you. Verily! These are some of the important commandments ordered by God with no exemption.
18. "And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, God likes not each arrogant boaster.
19. "And be moderate (or show no insolence) in your walking, and lower your voice. Verily, the harshest of all voices is the voice (braying) of the ass."
20. See you not (O men) that God has subjected for you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, and has completed and perfected His Graces upon you, (both) apparent (i.e Islâmic Monotheism, and the lawful pleasures of this world, including health, good looks, etc.) and hidden [i.e. One's Faith in God (of Islâmic Monotheism) knowledge, wisdom, guidance for doing righteous deeds, and also the pleasures and delights of the Hereafter in Paradise, etc.]? Yet of mankind is he who disputes about God without knowledge or guidance or a Book giving light!
21. And when it is said to them: "Follow that which God has sent down", they say: "Nay, we shall follow that which we found our fathers (following)." (Would they do so) even if Shaitân (Satan) invites them to the torment of the Fire.
22. And whosoever submits his face (himself) to God [i.e.(follows God's Religion of Islâmic Monotheism), worships God (Alone) with sincere Faith in the (1) Oneness of His Lordship,(2) Oneness of His worship, and (3) Oneness of His Names and Qualities], while he is a Muhsin (good-doer i.e. performs good deeds totally for God's sake without any show-off or to gain praise or fame etc. and does them in accordance with the Sunnah of God's Messenger Muhammad), then he has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold [Lâ ilâha ill-God (none has the right to be worshipped but God)]. And to God return all matters for decision.
23. And whoever disbelieved, let not his disbelief grieve you (O Muhammad),. to Us is their return, and We shall inform them what they have done. Verily, God is the All-Knower of what is in the breasts (of men).
24. We let them enjoy for a little while, then in the end We shall oblige them to (enter) a great torment.
25. And if you (O Muhammad) ask them: "Who has created the heavens and the earth," they will certainly say: "God." Say: "All the praises and thanks be to God!" But most of them know not.
26. To God belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth. Verily, God, He is Al-Ghanî (Rich, Free of all wants), Worthy of all praise.
27. And if all the trees on the earth were pens and the sea (were ink wherewith to write), with seven seas behind it to add to its (supply), yet the Words of God would not be exhausted. Verily, God is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
28. The creation of you all and the resurrection of you all are only as (the creation and resurrection of) a single person. Verily, God is All-Hearer, All-Seer.
29. See you not (O Muhammad) that God merges the night into the day (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the night are added in the hours of the day), and merges the day into the night (i.e. the decrease in the hours of day are added in the hours of night), and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running its course for a term appointed; and that God is All-Aware of what you do.
30. That is because God, He is the Truth, and that which they invoke besides Him is Al-Bâtil (falsehood, Satan and all other false deities), and that God, He is the Most High, the Most Great.
31. See you not that the ships sail through the sea by God's Grace? that He may show you of His Signs? Verily, in this are signs for every patient, grateful (person).
32. And when a wave covers them like shades (i.e. like clouds or the mountains of sea-water), they invoke God, making their invocations for Him only. But when He brings them safe to land, there are among them those that stop in the middle, between (Belief and disbelief). But none denies Our Signs except every perfidious ungrateful.
33. O mankind! Be afraid of your Lord (by keeping your duty to Him and avoiding all evil), and fear a Day when no father can avail aught for his son, nor a son avail aught for his father. Verily, the Promise of God is true, let not then this (worldly) present life deceive you, nor let the chief deceiver (Satan) deceive you about God.
34. Verily, God! With Him (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour, He sends down the rain, and knows that which is in the wombs. No person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no person knows in what land he will die. Verily, God is All-Knower, All-Aware (of things).
Surah 32
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings.]
2. The revelation of the Book (this Qur'ân) is from the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists) in which there is not doubt!
3. Or say they: "He (Muhammad) has fabricated it?" Nay, it is the truth from your Lord, that you may warn a people to whom no warner has come before you (O Muhammad), in order that they may be guided.
4. God it is He Who has created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them in six Days. Then He Istawâ (rose over) the Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). You (mankind) have none, besides Him, as a Walî (protector or helper etc.) or an intercessor. Will you not then remember (or be admonished)?
5. He arranges (every) affair from the heavens to the earth, then it (affair) will go up to Him, in one Day, the space whereof is a thousand years of your reckoning (i.e. reckoning of our present world's time).
6. That is He, the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen, the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.
7. Who made everything He has created good, and He began the creation of man from clay.
8. Then He made his offspring from semen of worthless water (male and female sexual discharge).
9. Then He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him the soul (created by God for that person), and He gave you hearing (ears), sight (eyes) and hearts. Little is the thanks you give!
10. And they say: "When we are (dead and become) lost in the earth, shall we indeed be recreated anew?" Nay, but they deny the Meeting with their Lord!
11. Say: "The angel of death, who is set over you, will take your souls, then you shall be brought to your Lord."
12. And if you only could see when the Mujrimûn (criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) shall hang their heads before their Lord (saying): "Our Lord! We have now seen and heard, so send us back (to the world), we will do righteous good deeds. Verily! We now believe with certainty."
13. And if We had willed, surely! We would have given every person his guidance, but the Word from Me took effect (about evil-doers), that I will fill Hell with jinn and mankind together.
14. Then taste you (the torment of the Fire) because of your forgetting the Meeting of this Day of yours, (and) surely! We too will forget you, so taste you the abiding torment for what you used to do.
15. Only those believe in Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), who, when they are reminded of them fall down prostrate, and glorify the Praises of their Lord, and they are not proud.
16. Their sides forsake their beds, to invoke their Lord in fear and hope, and they spend (charity in God's Cause) out of what We have bestowed on them.
17. No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do.
18. Is then he who is a believer like him who is Fâsiq (disbeliever and disobedient to God)? Not equal are they.
19. As for those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, for them are Gardens (Paradise) as an entertainment, for what they used to do.
20. And as for those who are Fâsiqûn (disbelievers and disobedient to God), their abode will be the Fire, every time they wish to get away therefrom, they will be put back thereto, and it will be said to them: "Taste you the torment of the Fire which you used to deny."
21. And verily, We will make them taste of the near torment (i.e. the torment in the life of this world, i.e. disasters, calamities, etc.) prior to the supreme torment (in the Hereafter), in order that they may (repent and) return (i.e. accept Islâm).
22. And who does more wrong than he who is reminded of the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of his Lord, then he turns aside therefrom? Verily, We shall exact retribution from the Mujrimûn (criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.).
23. And indeed We gave Mûsa (Moses) the Scripture [the Taurât (Torah)]. So be not you in doubt of meeting him [i.e.when you met Mûsa (Moses) during the night of Al-Isra' and Al-Mi'râj over the heavens]. And We made it [the Taurât (Torah)] a guide to the Children of Israel.
24. And We made from among them (Children of Israel), leaders, giving guidance under Our Command, when they were patient and used to believe with certainty in Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.).
25. Verily, your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection, concerning that wherein they used to differ.
26. Is it not a guidance for them, how many generations We have destroyed before them in whose dwellings they do walk about? Verily, therein indeed are signs. Would they not then listen?
27. Have they not seen how We drive water (rain clouds) to the dry land without any vegetation, and therewith bring forth crops providing food for their cattle and themselves? Will they not then see?
28. They say: "When will this Al-Fath (Decision) be (between us and you, i.e. the Day of Resurrection), if you are telling the truth?"
29. Say: "On the Day of Al-Fath (Decision), no profit will it be to those who disbelieve if they (then) believe! Nor will they be granted a respite."
30. So turn aside from them (O Muhammad) and await, verily they (too) are awaiting.
Surah 33
2. And follow that which is inspired in you from your Lord. Verily, God is Well-Acquainted with what you do.
3. And put your trust in God, and Sufficient is God as a Wakîl (Trustee, or Disposer of affairs).
4. God has not put for any man two hearts inside his body. Neither has He made your wives whom you declare to be like your mothers' backs, your real mothers. [Az-Zihâr is the saying of a husband to his wife, "You are to me like the back of my mother" i.e. You are unlawful for me to approach.], nor has He made your adopted sons your real sons. That is but your saying with your mouths. But God says the truth, and He guides to the (Right) Way.
5. Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just with God. But if you know not their father's (names, call them) your brothers in faith and Mawâlîkum (your freed slaves). And there is no sin on you if you make a mistake therein, except in regard to what your hearts deliberately intend. And God is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
6. The Prophet is closer to the believers than their ownselves, and his wives are their (believers') mothers (as regards respect and marriage). And blood relations among each other have closer personal ties in the Decree of God (regarding inheritance) than (the brotherhood of) the believers and the Muhajirûn (emigrants from Makkah, etc.), except that you do kindness to those brothers (when the Prophet joined them in brotherhood ties). This has been written in the (God's Book of Divine) Decrees (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz)."
7. And (remember) when We took from the Prophets their covenant, and from you (O Muhammad), and from Nûh (Noah), Ibrâhim (Abraham), Mûsa (Moses), and 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary). We took from them a strong covenant.
8. That He may ask the truthfuls (God's Messengers and His Prophets) about their truth (i.e. the conveyance of God's Message that which they were charged with). And He has prepared for the disbelievers a painful torment (Hell-fire).
9. O you who believe! Remember God's Favour to you, when there came against you hosts, and We sent against them a wind and forces that you saw not [i.e. troops of angels during the battle of Al-Ahzâb (the Confederates)]. And God is Ever All-Seer of what you do.
10. When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes grew wild and the hearts reached to the throats, and you were harbouring doubts about God.
11. There, the believers were tried and shaken with a mighty shaking.
12. And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease (of doubts) said: "God and His Messenger1 promised us nothing but delusions!"
13. And when a party of them said: "O people of Yathrib (Al-Madinah)! There is no stand (possible) for you (against the enemy attack!) Therefore go back!" And a band of them ask for permission of the Prophet ( ) saying: "Truly, our homes lie open (to the enemy)." And they lay not open. They but wished to flee.
14. And if the enemy had entered from all sides (of the city), and they had been exhorted to Al-Fitnah (i.e. to renegade from Islâm to polytheism) they would surely have committed it and would have hesitated thereupon but little.
15. And indeed they had already made a covenant with God not to turn their backs, and a covenant with God must be answered for.
16. Say (O Muhammad to these hypocrites who ask your permission to run away from you): "Flight will not avail you if you flee from death or killing, and then you will enjoy no more than a little while!"
17. Say: "Who is he who can protect you from God if He intends to harm you, or intends mercy on you?" And they will not find, besides God, for themselves any Walî (protector, supporter, etc.) or any helper.
18. God already knows those among you who keep back (men) from fighting in God's Cause, and those who say to their brethren "Come here towards us," while they (themselves) come not to the battle except a little.
19. Being miserly towards you (as regards help and aid in God's Cause). Then when fear comes, you will see them looking to you, their eyes revolving like (those of) one over whom hovers death, but when the fear departs, they will smite you with sharp tongues, miserly towards (spending anything in any) good (and only covetous of booty and wealth). Such have not believed. Therefore God makes their deeds fruitless, and that is ever easy for God.
20. They think that Al-Ahzâb (the Confederates) have not yet withdrawn, and if Al-Ahzâb (the Confederates) should come (again), they would wish they were in the deserts (wandering) among the bedouins, seeking news about you (from a far place); and if they (happen) to be among you, they would not fight but little.
21. Indeed in the Messenger of God (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) God and the Last Day and remembers God much.
22. And when the believers saw Al-Ahzâb (the Confederates), they said: "This is what God and His Messenger (Muhammad) had promised us, and God and His Messenger (Muhammad) had spoken the truth, and it only added to their faith and to their submissiveness (to God).
23. Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with God [i.e. they have gone out for Jihâd (holy fighting), and showed not their backs to the disbelievers], of them some have fulfilled their obligations (i.e. have been martyred), and some of them are still waiting, but they have never changed [i.e.they never proved treacherous to their covenant which they concluded with God] in the least.
24. That God may reward the men of truth for their truth (i.e. for their patience at the accomplishment of that which they covenanted with God), and punish the hypocrites if He will or accept their repentance by turning to them in Mercy. Verily, God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
25. And God drove back those who disbelieved in their rage, they gained no advantage (booty, etc.). God sufficed for the believers in the fighting (by sending against the disbelievers a severe wind and troops of angels). And God is Ever All-Strong, All-Mighty.
26. And those of the people of the Scripture who backed them (the disbelievers) God brought them down from their forts and cast terror into their hearts, (so that) a group (of them) you killed, and a group (of them) you made captives.
27. And He caused you to inherit their lands, and their houses, and their riches, and a land which you had not trodden (before). And God is Able to do all things.
28. O Prophet (Muhammad)! Say to your wives: If you desire the life of this world, and its glitter, Then come! I will make a provision for you and set you free in a handsome manner (divorce).
29. But if you desire God and His Messenger, and the home of the Hereafter, then verily, God has prepared for Al-Muhsinât (good-doers) amongst you an enormous reward.
30. O wives of the Prophet! Whoever of you commits an open illegal sexual intercourse, the torment for her will be doubled, and that is ever easy for God.
31. And whosoever of you is obedient to God and His Messenger , and does righteous good deeds, We shall give her, her reward twice over, and We have prepared for her Rizqan Karima (a noble provision Paradise).
32. O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. If you keep your duty (to God), then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery, etc.) should be moved with desire, but speak in an honourable manner.
33. And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance, and perform As-Salât (Iqamât-as-Salât), and give Zakât and obey God and His Messenger. God wishes only to remove Ar-Rijs (evil deeds and sins, etc.) from you, O members of the family (of the Prophet ), and to purify you with a thorough purification.
34. And remember (O you the members of the Prophet's family, the Graces of your Lord), that which is recited in your houses of the Verses of God and Al-Hikmah (i.e. Prophet's Sunnah legal ways, etc. so give your thanks to God and glorify His Praises for this Qur'an and the Sunnah). Verily, God is Ever Most Courteous, Well-Acquainted with all things.
35. Verily, the Muslims (those who submit to God in Islâm) men and women, the believers men and women (who believe in Islâmic Monotheism), the men and the women who are obedient (to God), the men and women who are truthful (in their speech and deeds), the men and the women who are patient (in performing all the duties which God has ordered and in abstaining from all that God has forbidden), the men and the women who are humble (before their Lord God), the men and the women who give Sadaqât (i.e. Zakât, and alms, etc.), the men and the women who observe Saum (fast) (the obligatory fasting during the month of Ramadân, and the optional Nawâfil fasting), the men and the women who guard their chastity (from illegal sexual acts) and the men and the women who remember God much with their hearts and tongues (while sitting, standing, lying, etc. for more than 300 times extra over the remembrance of God during the five compulsory congregational prayers) or praying extra additional Nawâfil prayers of night in the last part of night, etc.) God has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise).
36. It is not for a believer, man or woman, when God and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys God and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error.
37. And (remember) when you said to him (Zaid bin Hârithah; the freed-slave of the Prophet ) on whom God has bestowed Grace (by guiding him to Islâm) and you (O Muhammad too) have done favour (by manumitting him) "Keep your wife to yourself, and fear God." But you did hide in yourself (i.e. what God has already made known to you that He will give her to you in marriage) that which God will make manifest, you did fear the people (i.e., Muhammad married the divorced wife of his manumitted slave) whereas God had a better right that you should fear Him. So when Zaid had accomplished his desire from her (i.e. divorced her), We gave her to you in marriage, so that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in respect of (the marriage of) the wives of their adopted sons when the latter have no desire to keep them (i.e. they have divorced them). And God's Command must be fulfilled.
38. There is no blame on the Prophet1 in that which God has made legal for him.That has been God's Way with those who have passed away of (the Prophets of) old. And the Command of God is a decree determined.
39. Those who convey the Message of God and fear Him, and fear none save God. And Sufficient is God as a Reckoner.
40. Muhammad1 is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of God and the last (end) of the Prophets. And God is Ever All-Aware of everything.
41. O you who believe! Remember God with much remembrance.
42. And glorify His Praises morning and afternoon [the early morning (Fajr) and 'Asr prayers].
43. He it is Who sends Salât (His blessings) on you, and His angels too (ask God to bless and forgive you), that He may bring you out from darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into light (of Belief and Islâmic Monotheism). And He is Ever Most Merciful to the believers.
44. Their greeting on the Day they shall meet Him will be "Salâm: Peace (i.e. the angels will say to them: Salâmu 'Alaikum)!" And He has prepared for them a generous reward (i.e. Paradise).
45. O Prophet (MuhammadSAW )! Verily, We have sent you as witness, and a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner,
46. And as one who invites to God [Islâmic Monotheism, i.e. to worship none but God (Alone)] by His Leave, and as a lamp spreading light (through your instructions from the Qur'ân and the Sunnah the legal ways of the Prophet ).
47. And announce to the believers (in the Oneness of God and in His Messenger Muhammad) the glad tidings, that they will have from God a Great Bounty.
48. And obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and harm them not (till you are ordered). And put your trust in God, and Sufficient is God as a Wakîl (Trustee, or Disposer of affairs).
49. O you who believe! When you marry believing women, and then divorce them before you have sexual intercourse with them, no 'Iddah [divorce prescribed period, see (V.65:4)] have you to count in respect of them. So give them a present, and set them free i.e. divorce, in a handsome manner.
50. O Prophet (Muhammad)! Verily, We have made lawful to you your wives, to whom you have paid their Mahr (bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), and those (captives or slaves) whom your right hand possesses -- whom God has given to you, and the daughters of your 'Amm (paternal uncles) and the daughters of your 'Ammah (paternal aunts) and the daughters of your Khâl (maternal uncles) and the daughters of your Khâlah (maternal aunts) who migrated (from Makkah) with you, and a believing woman if she offers herself to the Prophet, and the Prophet wishes to marry her; a privilege for you only, not for the (rest of) the believers. Indeed We know what We have enjoined upon them about their wives and those (captives or slaves) whom their right hands possess, -- in order that there should be no difficulty on you. And God is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
51. You (O Muhammad) can postpone (the turn of) whom you will of them (your wives), and you may receive whom you will. And whomsoever you desire of those whom you have set aside (her turn temporarily), it is no sin on you (to receive her again), that is better; that they may be comforted and not grieved, and may all be pleased with what you give them. God knows what is in your hearts. And God is Ever All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.
52. It is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other wives even though their beauty attracts you, except those (captives or slaves) whom your right hand possesses. And God is Ever a Watcher over all things.
53. O you who believe! Enter not the Prophet's houses, except when leave is given to you for a meal, (and then) not (so early as) to wait for its preparation. But when you are invited, enter, and when you have taken your meal, disperse, without sitting for a talk. Verily, such (behaviour) annoys the Prophet, and he is shy of (asking) you (to go), but God is not shy of (telling you) the truth. And when you ask (his wives) for anything you want, ask them from behind a screen, that is purer for your hearts and for their hearts. And it is not (right) for you that you should annoy God's Messenger, nor that you should ever marry his wives after him (his death). Verily! With God that shall be an enormity.
54. Whether you reveal anything or conceal it, verily, God is Ever All-Knower of everything.
55. It is no sin on them (the Prophet's wives, if they appear unveiled) before their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their brother's sons, or the sons of their sisters, or their own (believing) women, or their (female) slaves, and keep your duty to God. Verily, God is Ever All-Witness over everything.
56. God sends His Salât (Graces, Honours, Blessings, Mercy, etc.) on the Prophet (Muhammad) and also His angels too (ask God to bless and forgive him). O you who believe! Send your Salât on (ask God to bless) him (Muhammad), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islâmic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As-Salâmu 'Alaikum).
57. Verily, those who annoy God and His Messenger1 God has cursed them in this world, and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating torment.
58. And those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly, bear on themselves the crime of slander and plain sin.
59. O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e.screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And God is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
60. If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease (evil desire for adultery, etc.), and those who spread false news among the people in Al-Madinah, cease not, We shall certainly let you overpower them, then they will not be able to stay in it as your neighbours but a little while.
61. Accursed, wherever found, they shall be seized and killed with a (terrible) slaughter.
62. That was the Way of God in the case of those who passed away of old, and you will not find any change in the Way of God.
63. People ask you concerning the Hour, say: "The knowledge of it is with God only. What do you know? It may be that the Hour is near!"
64. Verily, God has cursed the disbelievers, and has prepared for them a flaming Fire (Hell).
65. Wherein they will abide for ever, and they will find neither a Walî (a protector) nor a helper.
66. On the Day when their faces will be turned over in the Fire, they will say: "Oh, would that we had obeyed God and obeyed the Messenger (Muhammad)."
67. And they will say: "Our Lord! Verily, we obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us from the (Right) Way.
68. Our Lord! give them double torment and curse them with a mighty curse!"
69. O you who believe! Be not like those who annoyed Mûsa (Moses), but God cleared him of that which they alleged, and he was honourable before God.
70. O you who believe! Keep your duty to God and fear Him, and speak (always) the truth.
71. He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys God and His Messenger1 he has indeed achieved a great achievement (i.e. he will be saved from the Hell-fire and made to enter Paradise).
72. Truly, We did offer Al-Amânah (the trust or moral responsibility or honesty and all the duties which God has ordained) to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they declined to bear it and were afraid of it (i.e. afraid of God's Torment). But man bore it. Verily, he was unjust (to himself) and ignorant (of its results).
73. So that God will punish the hypocrites, men and women, and the men and women who are Al-Mushrikûn (the polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of God, and in His Messenger Muhammad). And God will pardon (accept the repentance of) the true believers of the Islâmic Monotheism, men and women. And God is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Surah 34
2. He knows that which goes into the earth and that which comes forth from it, and that which descend from the heaven and that which ascends to it. And He is the Most Merciful, the Oft-Forgiving.
3. Those who disbelieve say: "The Hour will not come to us." Say: "Yes, by my Lord, it will come to you." (God, He is) the All-Knower of the unseen, not even the weight of an atom (or a small ant) or less than that or greater, escapes from His Knowledge in the heavens or in the earth, but it is in a Clear Book (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz).
4. That He may recompense those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds. Those, theirs is forgiveness and Rizqun Karîm (generous provision, i.e. Paradise).
5. But those who strive against Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to frustrate them, those, for them will be a severe painful torment.
6. And those who have been given knowledge see that what is revealed to you (O Muhammad) from your Lord is the truth, and guides to the Path of the Exalted in Might, Owner of all praise.
7. Those who disbelieve say: "Shall we direct you to a man (Muhammad) who will tell you (that) when you have become fully disintegrated into dust with full dispersion, then, you will be created (again) anew?"
8. Has he (Muhammad) invented a lie against God, or is there a madness in him? Nay, but those who disbelieve in the Hereafter are (themselves) in a torment, and in far error.
9. See they not what is before them and what is behind them, of the heaven and the earth? If We will, We shall sink the earth with them, or cause a piece of the heaven to fall upon them. Verily, in this is a sign for every faithful believer that [believes in the Oneness of God], and turns to God (in all affairs with humility and in repentance).
10. And indeed We bestowed grace on David from Us (saying): "O you mountains. Glorify (God) with him! And you birds (also)! And We made the iron soft for him."
11. Saying: "Make you perfect coats of mail, balancing well the rings of chain armour, and work you (men) righteousness. Truly, I am All-Seer of what you do."
12. And to Solomon (We subjected) the wind, its morning (stride from sunrise till midnoon) was a month's (journey), and its afternoon (stride from the midday decline of the sun to sunset) was a month's (journey i.e. in one day he could travel two months' journey). And We caused a fount of (molten) brass to flow for him, and there were jinns that worked in front of him, by the Leave of his Lord, and whosoever of them turned aside from Our Command, We shall cause him to taste of the torment of the blazing Fire.
13. They worked for him what he desired, (making) high rooms, images, basins as large as reservoirs, and (cooking) cauldrons fixed (in their places). "Work you, O family of Dâwud (David), with thanks!" But few of My slaves are grateful.
14. Then when We decreed death for him [Sulaimân (Solomon)], nothing informed them (jinns) of his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his stick, so when he fell down, the jinns saw clearly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have stayed in the humiliating torment.
15. Indeed there was for Saba' (Sheba) a sign in their dwelling place, -- two gardens on the right hand and on the left (and it was said to them) "Eat of the provision of your Lord, and be grateful to Him, a fair land and an Oft-Forgiving Lord.
16. But they turned away (from the obedience of God), so We sent against them Sail Al-'Arim (flood released from the dam), and We converted their two gardens into gardens producing bitter bad fruit, and tamarisks, and some few lote-trees.
17. Like this We requited them because they were ungrateful disbelievers. And never do We requit in such a way except those who are ungrateful, (disbelievers).
18. And We placed between them and the towns which We had blessed, towns easy to be seen, and We made the stages (of journey) between them easy (saying): "Travel in them safely both by night and day."
19. But they said: "Our Lord! Make the stages between our journey longer," and they wronged themselves, so We made them as tales (in the land), and We dispersed them all, totally. Verily, in this are indeed signs for every steadfast grateful (person).
20. And indeed Iblîs (Satan) did prove true his thought about them, and they followed him, all except a group of true believers (in the Oneness of God).
21. And he (Iblîs -- Satan) had no authority over them, except that We might test him, who believes in the Hereafter from him who is in doubt about it. And your Lord is a Hafiz over everything. (All-Knower of everything i.e. He keeps record of each and every person as regards deeds, and then He will reward them accordingly).
22. Say: (O Muhammad to those polytheists, pagans, etc.) "Call upon those whom you assert (to be associate gods) besides God, they possess not even the weight of an atom (or a small ant), either in the heavens or on the earth, nor have they any share in either, nor there is for Him any supporter from among them.
23. Intercession with Him profits not, except for him whom He permits. Until when fear is banished from their (angels') hearts, they (angels) say: "What is it that your Lord has said?" They say: "The truth. And He is the Most High, the Most Great."
24. Say (O Muhammad to these polytheists, pagans, etc.) "Who gives you provision from the heavens and the earth?" Say: "God, And verily, (either) we or you are rightly guided or in a plain error."
25. Say (O Muhammad to these polytheists, pagans, etc.) "You will not be asked about our sins, nor shall we be asked of what you do."
26. Say: "Our Lord will assemble us all together (on the Day of Resurrection), then He will judge between us with truth. And He is the (Most Trustworthy) All-Knowing Judge."
27. Say (O Muhammad to these polytheists and pagans): "Show me those whom you have joined to Him as partners. Nay (there are not at all any partners with Him)! But He is God (Alone), the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."
28. And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a giver of glad tidings and a warner to all mankind, but most of men know not.
29. And they say: "When is this promise (i.e. the Day of Resurrection will be fulfilled) if you are truthful?"
30. Say (O Muhammad): "The appointment to you is for a Day, which you cannot put back for an hour (or a moment) nor put forward."
31. And those who disbelieve say: "We believe not in this Qur'ân nor in that which was before it," but if you could see when the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) will be made to stand before their Lord, how they will cast the (blaming) word one to another! Those who were deemed weak will say to those who were arrogant: "Had it not been for you, we should certainly have been believers!"
32. And those who were arrogant will say to those who were deemed weak: "Did we keep you back from guidance after it had come to you? Nay, but you were Mujrimûn (polytheists, sinners, criminals, disobedient to God, etc.).
33. Those who were deemed weak will say to those who were arrogant: "Nay, but it was your plotting by night and day, when you ordered us to disbelieve in God and set up rivals to Him!" And each of them (parties) will conceal their own regrets (for disobeying God during this worldly life), when they behold the torment. And We shall put iron collars round the necks of those who disbelieved. Are they requited aught except what they used to do?
34. And We did not send a warner to a township, but those who were given the worldly wealth and luxuries among them said: "We believe not in the (Message) with which you have been sent."
35. And they say: "We are more in wealth and in children, and we are not going to be punished."
36. Say (O Muhammad): "Verily, my Lord enlarges and restricts the provision to whom He pleases, but most men know not."
37. And it is not your wealth, nor your children that bring you nearer to Us (i.e. pleases God), but only he (will please Us) who believes (in the Islâmic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds; as for such, there will be twofold reward for what they did, and they will reside in the high dwellings (Paradise) in peace and security.
38. And those who strive against Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), to frustrate them, will be brought to the torment.
39. Say: "Truly, my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His slaves, and (also) restricts (it) for him, and whatsoever you spend of anything (in God's Cause), He will replace it. And He is the Best of providers."
40. And (remember) the Day when He will gather them all together, and then will say to the angels: "Was it you that these people used to worship?"
41. They (angels) will say: "Glorified be You! You are our Walî (Lord) instead of them. Nay, but they used to worship the jinns; most of them were believers in them."
42. So Today (i.e. the Day of Resurrection), none of you can profit or harm one another. And We shall say to those who did wrong [i.e. worshipped others (like angels, jinns, prophets, saints, righteous persons, etc.) along with God]: "Taste the torment of the Fire which you used to belie.
43. And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them, they say: "This (Muhammad) is naught but a man who wishes to hinder you from that which your fathers used to worship." And they say: "This is nothing but an invented lie." And those who disbelieve say of the truth when it has come to them (i.e. Prophet Muhammad when God sent him as a Messenger with proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, etc.): "This is nothing but evident magic!"
44. And We had not given them Scriptures which they could study, nor sent to them before you (O Muhammad) any warner (Messenger).
45. And those before them belied; these have not received one tenth (1/10th) of what We had granted to those (of old), yet they belied My Messengers, then how (terrible) was My denial (punishment)!
46. Say (to them O Muhammad): "I exhort you on one (thing) only: that you stand up for God's sake in pairs and singly, and reflect (within yourselves the life history of the Prophet ): there is no madness in your companion (Muhammad), he is only a warner to you in face of a severe torment."
47. Say (O Muhammad): "Whatever wage I might have asked of you is yours. My wage is from God only. and He is Witness over all things."
48. Say (O Muhammad): "Verily! My Lord sends down Inspiration and makes apparent the truth (i.e. this Revelation that had come to me), the All-Knower of the Ghaib (unseen).
49. Say (O Muhammad): "The truth (the Qur'ân and God's Inspiration) has come, and Al-Bâtil [falsehood -- Iblîs (Satan)] can neither create anything nor resurrect (anything)."
50. Say: "If (even) I go astray, I shall stray only to my own loss. But if I remain guided, it is because of the Inspiration of my Lord to me. Truly, He is All-Hearer, Ever Near (to all things)."
51. And if you could but see, when they will be terrified with no escape (for them), and they will be seized from a near place.
52. And they will say (in the Hereafter): "We do believe (now);" but how could they receive (Faith and the acceptance of their repentance by God) from a place so far off (i.e. to return to the worldly life again).
53. Indeed they did disbelieve (in the Oneness of God, Islâm, the Qur'ân and Muhammad) before (in this world), and they (used to) conjecture about the unseen [i.e. the Hereafter, Hell, Paradise, Resurrection and the Promise of God, etc. (by saying) all that is untrue], from a far place.
54. And a barrier will be set between them and that which they desire [i.e. At-Taubah (turning to God in repentance) and the accepting of Faith etc.], as was done in the past with the people of their kind. Verily, they have been in grave doubt.
Surah 35
2. Whatever of mercy (i.e.of good), God may grant to mankind, none can withhold it, and whatever He may withhold, none can grant it thereafter. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
3. O mankind! Remember the Grace of God upon you! Is there any creator other than God who provides for you from the sky (rain) and the earth? Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). How then are you turning away (from Him)?
4. And if they belie you (O Muhammad), so were Messengers belied before you. And to God return all matters (for decision).
5. O mankind! Verily, the Promise of God is true. So let not this present life deceive you, and let not the chief deceiver (Satan) deceive you about God.
6. Surely, Shaitân (Satan) is an enemy to you, so take (treat) him as an enemy. He only invites his Hizb (followers) that they may become the dwellers of the blazing Fire.
7. Those who disbelieve, theirs will be a severe torment; and those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, theirs will be forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise).
8. Is he, then, to whom the evil of his deeds made fair-seeming, so that he considers it as good (equal to one who is rightly guided)? Verily, God sends astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills. So destroy not yourself (O Muhammad) in sorrow for them. Truly, God is the All-Knower of what they do!
9. And it is God Who sends the winds, so that they raise up the clouds, and We drive them to a dead land, and revive therewith the earth after its death. As such (will be) the Resurrection!
10. Whosoever desires honour, power and glory then to God belong all honour, power and glory [and one can get honour, power and glory only by obeying and worshipping God (Alone)]. To Him ascend (all) the goodly words, and the righteous deeds exalt it (the goodly words i.e. the goodly words are not accepted by God unless and until they are followed by good deeds), but those who plot evils, theirs will be severe torment. And the plotting of such will perish.
11. And God did create you (Adam) from dust, then from Nutfah (male and female discharge semen drops i.e. Adam's offspring), then He made you pairs (male and female). And no female conceives or gives birth, but with His Knowledge. And no aged man is granted a length of life, nor is a part cut off from his life (or another man's life), but is in a Book (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz) Surely, that is easy for God.
12. And the two seas (kinds of water) are not alike, this fresh sweet, and pleasant to drink, and that saltish and bitter. And from them both you eat fresh tender meat (fish), and derive the ornaments that you wear. And you see the ships cleaving (the sea-water as they sail through it), that you may seek of His Bounty, and that you may give thanks.
13. He merges the night into the day (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the night are added to the hours of the day), and He merges the day into the night (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the day are added to the hours of the night). And He has subjected the sun and the moon, each runs its course for a term appointed. Such is God your Lord; His is the kingdom. And those, whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him, own not even a Qitmîr (the thin membrane over the date-stone).
14. If you invoke (or call upon) them, they hear not your call, and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grant it (your request) to you. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your worshipping them. And none can inform you (O Muhammad) like Him Who is the All-Knower (of each and everything).
15. O mankind! it is you who stand in need of God, but God is Rich (Free of all wants and needs), Worthy of all praise.
16. If He will, He could destroy you and bring about a new creation.
17. And that is not hard for God.
18. And no bearer of burdens shall bear another's burden, and if one heavily laden calls another to (bear) his load, nothing of it will be lifted even though he be near of kin. You (O Muhammad) can warn only those who fear their Lord unseen, and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât). And he who purifies himself (from all kinds of sins), then he purifies only for the benefit of his ownself. And to God is the (final) Return (of all).
19. Not alike are the blind (disbelievers in Islâmic Monotheism) and the seeing (believers in Islâmic Monotheism).
20. Nor are (alike) the darkness (disbelief) and the light (Belief in Islâmic Monotheism).
21. Nor are (alike) the shade and the sun's heat.
22. Nor are (alike) the living (believers) and the dead (disbelievers). Verily, God makes whom He will hear, but you cannot make hear those who are in graves.
23. You (O Muhammad) are only a warner (i.e. your duty is to convey God's Message to mankind but the guidance is in God's Hand).
24. Verily! We have sent you with the truth, a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner. And there never was a nation but a warner had passed among them.
25. And if they belie you, those before them also belied. Their Messengers came to them with clear signs, and with the Scriptures, and the book giving light.
26. Then I took hold of those who disbelieved, and how terrible was My denial (punishment)!
27. See you not that God sends down water (rain) from the sky, and We produce therewith fruits of varying colours, and among the mountains are streaks white and red, of varying colours and (others) very black.
28. And of men and Ad-Dawâb (moving living creatures, beasts, etc.), and cattle, in like manner of various colours. It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear God. Verily, God is All-Mighty, Oft-Forgiving.
29. Verily, those who recite the Book of God (this Qur'ân), and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and spend (in charity) out of what We have provided for them, secretly and openly, hope for a (sure) trade-gain that will never perish.
30. That He may pay them their wages in full, and give them (even) more, out of His Grace. Verily! He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (good deeds and to recompense).
31. And what We have inspired in you (O Muhammad), of the Book (the Qur'ân), it is the (very) truth [that you (Muhammad) and your followers must act on its instructions], confirming that which was (revealed) before it. Verily! God is indeed All-Aware, and All-Seer of His slaves.
32. Then We gave the Book the Qur'ân) for inheritance to such of Our slaves whom We chose (the followers of Muhammad). Then of them are some who wrong their ownselves, and of them are some who follow a middle course, and of them are some who are, by God's Leave, foremost in good deeds. That (inheritance of the Qur'ân), that is indeed a great grace.
33. 'Adn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting Gardens) will they enter, therein will they be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments there will be of silk (i.e. in Paradise).
34. And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to God, Who has removed from us (all) grief. Verily, our Lord is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (good deeds and to recompense).
35. Who, out of His Grace, has lodged us in a home that will last forever; there, toil will touch us not, nor weariness will touch us."
36. But those who disbelieve, (in the Oneness of God -- Islâmic Monotheism) for them will be the Fire of Hell. Neither it will have a complete killing effect on them so that they die, nor shall its torment be lightened for them. Thus do We requite every disbeliever!
37. Therein they will cry: "Our Lord! Bring us out, we shall do righteous good deeds, not (the evil deeds) that we used to do." (God will reply): "Did We not give you lives long enough, so that whosoever would receive admonition, -- could receive it? And the warner came to you. So taste you (the evil of your deeds). For the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) there is no helper."
38. Verily, God is the All-Knower of the unseen of the heavens and the earth. Verily! He is the All-Knower of that is in the breasts.
39. He it is Who has made you successors generations after generations in the earth, so whosoever disbelieves (in Islâmic Monotheism) on him will be his disbelief. And the disbelief of the disbelievers adds nothing but hatred with their Lord. And the disbelief of the disbelievers adds nothing but loss.
40. Say (O Muhammad): "Tell me or inform me (what) do you think about your (so-called) partner-gods to whom you call upon besides God, show me, what they have created of the earth? Or have they any share in the heavens? Or have We given them a Book, so that they act on clear proof therefrom? Nay, the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) promise one another nothing but delusions."
41. Verily! God grasps the heavens and the earth lest they move away from their places, and if they were to move away from their places, there is not one that could grasp them after Him. Truly, He is Ever Most Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving.
42. And they swore by God their most binding oath, that if a warner came to them, they would be more guided than any of the nations (before them), yet when a warner (Muhammad) came to them, it increased in them nothing but flight (from the truth),
43. (They took to flight because of their) arrogance in the land and their plotting of evil. But the evil plot encompasses only him who makes it. Then, can they expect anything (else), but the Sunnah (way of dealing) of the peoples of old? So no change will you find in God's Sunnah (way of dealing), and no turning off will you find in God's Sunnah (way of dealing).
44. Have they not travelled in the land, and seen what was the end of those before them, and they were superior to them in power? God is not such that anything in the heavens or in the earth escapes Him. Verily, He is All-Knowing, All-Omnipotent.
45. And if God were to punish men for that which they earned, He would not leave a moving (living) creature on the surface of the earth, but He gives them respite to an appointed term, and when their term comes, then verily, God is Ever All-Seer of His slaves.
Surah 36
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings.]
2. By the Qur'ân, full of wisdom (i.e. full of laws, evidences, and proofs),
3. Truly, you (O Muhammad) are one of the Messengers,
4. On a Straight Path (i.e. on God's religion of Islâmic Monotheism).
5. (This is) a Revelation sent down by the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful,
6. In order that you may warn a people whose forefathers were not warned, so they are heedless.
7. Indeed the Word (of punishment) has proved true against most of them, so they will not believe.
8. Verily! We have put on their necks iron collars reaching to chins, so that their heads are forced up.
9. And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up, so that they cannot see.
10. It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe.
11. You can only warn him who follows the Reminder (the Qur'ân), and fears the Most Beneficent (God) unseen. Bear you to such one the glad tidings of forgiveness, and a generous reward (i.e. Paradise).
12. Verily, We give life to the dead, and We record that which they send before (them), and their traces [their footsteps and walking on the earth with their legs to the mosques for the five compulsory congregational prayers, Jihâd (holy fighting in God's Cause) and all other good and evil they did, and that which they leave behind], and all things We have recorded with numbers (as a record) in a Clear Book.
13. And put forward to them a similitude; the (story of the) dwellers of the town, [It is said that the town was Antioch (Antakiya)], when there came Messengers to them.
14. When We sent to them two Messengers, they belied them both, so We reinforced them with a third, and they said: "Verily! We have been sent to you as Messengers."
15. They (people of the town) said: "You are only human beings like ourselves, and the Most Beneficent (God) has revealed nothing, you are only telling lies."
16. The Messengers said: "Our Lord knows that we have been sent as Messengers to you,
17. "And our duty is only to convey plainly (the Message)."
18. They (people) said: "For us, we see an evil omen from you, if you cease not, we will surely stone you, and a painful torment will touch you from us."
19. They (Messengers) said: "Your evil omens be with you! (Do you call it "evil omen") because you are admonished? Nay, but you are a people Musrifûn (transgressing all bounds by committing all kinds of great sins, and by disobeying God).
20. And there came running from the farthest part of the town, a man, saying: "O my people! Obey the Messengers;
21. "Obey those who ask no wages of you (for themselves), and who are rightly guided.
22. "And why should I not worship Him (God Alone) Who has created me and to Whom you shall be returned.
23. "Shall I take besides Him âliha (gods), if the Most Beneficent (God) intends me any harm, their intercession will be of no use for me whatsoever, nor can they save me?
24. "Then verily, I should be in plain error.
25. Verily! I have believed in your Lord, so listen to me!"
26. It was said (to him when the disbelievers killed him): "Enter Paradise." He said: "Would that my people knew!
27. "That my Lord (God) has forgiven me, and made me of the honoured ones!"
28. And We sent not against his people after him a host from heaven, nor do We send (such a thing).
29. It was but one Saihah (shout, etc.) and lo! They (all) were silent (dead-destroyed).
30. Alas for mankind! There never came a Messenger to them but they used to mock at him.
31. Do they not see how many of the generations We have destroyed before them? Verily, they will not return to them.
32. And surely, all, everyone of them will be brought before Us.
33. And a sign for them is the dead land. We gave it life, and We brought forth from it grains, so that they eat thereof.
34. And We have made therein gardens of date-palms and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.
35. So that they may eat of the fruit thereof, and their hands made it not. Will they not, then, give thanks?
36. Glory be to Him, Who has created all the pairs of that which the earth produces, as well as of their own (human) kind (male and female), and of that which they know not.
37. And a sign for them is the night, We withdraw therefrom the day, and behold, they are in darkness.
38. And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term (appointed). That is the Decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.
39. And the moon, We have measured for it mansions (to traverse) till it returns like the old dried curved date stalk.
40. It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. They all float, each in an orbit.
41. And an Ayâh (sign) for them is that We bore their offspring in the laden ship [of Nûh (Noah)].
42. And We have created for them of the like thereunto, so on them they ride.
43. And if We will, We shall drown them, and there will be no shout (or helper) for them (to hear their cry for help) nor will they be saved.
44. Unless it be a mercy from Us, and as an enjoyment for a while.
45. And when it is said to them: "Beware of that which is before you (worldly torments), and that which is behind you (torments in the Hereafter), in order that you may receive Mercy (i.e. if you believe in God's Religion -- Islâmic Monotheism, and avoid polytheism, and obey God with righteous deeds).
46. And never came an Ayâh from among the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord to them, but they did turn away from it.
47. And when it is said to them: "Spend of that with which God has provided you," those who disbelieve say to those who believe: "Shall we feed those whom, if God willed, He (Himself) would have fed? You are only in a plain error."
48. And they say: "When will this promise (i.e. Resurrection) be fulfilled, if you are truthful?"
49. They await only but a single Saihah (shout, etc.), which will seize them while they are disputing!
50. Then they will not be able to make bequest, nor they will return to their family.
51. And the Trumpet will be blown (i.e. the second blowing) and behold! From the graves they will come out quickly to their Lord.
52. They will say: "Woe to us! Who has raised us up from our place of sleep." (It will be said to them): "This is what the Most Beneficent (God) had promised, and the Messengers spoke truth!"
53. It will be but a single Saihah (shout, etc.), so behold! They will all be brought up before Us!
54. This Day (Day of Resurrection), none will be wronged in anything, nor will you be requited anything except that which you used to do.
55. Verily, the dwellers of the Paradise, that Day, will be busy in joyful things.
56. They and their wives will be in pleasant shade, reclining on thrones.
57. They will have therein fruits (of all kinds) and all that they ask for.
58. (It will be said to them): Salâmun (peace be on you), a Word from the Lord (God), Most Merciful.
59. (It will be said): "And O you Al-Mujrimûn (criminals, polytheists, sinners, disbelievers in the Islâmic Monotheism, wicked evil ones, etc.)! Get you apart this Day (from the believers).
60. Did I not ordain for you, O Children of Adam, that you should not worship Shaitân (Satan). Verily, he is a plain enemy to you.
61. And that you should worship Me [Alone Islâmic Monotheism, and set up not rivals, associate-gods with Me]. That is a Straight Path.
62. And indeed he (Satan) did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did you not, then, understand?
63. This is Hell which you were promised!
64. Burn therein this Day, for that you used to disbelieve.
65. This Day, We shall seal up their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their legs will bear witness to what they used to earn. (It is said that one's left thigh will be the first to bear the witness). [Tafsir At-Tabarî, Vol. 22, Page 24]
66. And if it had been Our Will, We would surely have wiped out (blinded) their eyes, so that they would struggle for the Path, how then would they see?
67. And if it had been Our Will, We could have transformed them (into animals or lifeless objects) in their places. Then they should have been unable to go forward (move about) nor they could have turned back. [As it happened with the Jews see Verse 7:166 The Qur'ân].
68. And he whom We grant long life, We reverse him in creation (weakness after strength). Will they not then understand?
69. And We have not taught him (Muhammad) poetry, nor is it meet for him. This is only a Reminder and a plain Qur'ân.
70. That he or it (Muhammad or the Qur'ân) may give warning to him who is living (a healthy minded the believer), and that Word (charge) may be justified against the disbelievers (dead, as they reject the warnings).
71. Do they not see that We have created for them of what Our Hands have created, the cattle, so that they are their owners.
72. And We have subdued them unto them so that some of them they have for riding and some they eat.
73. And they have (other) benefits from them (besides), and they get (milk) to drink, will they not then be grateful?
74. And they have taken besides God âliha (gods), hoping that they might be helped (by those so called gods).
75. They cannot help them, but they will be brought forward as a troop against those who worshipped them (at the time of Reckoning).
76. So let not their speech, then, grieve you (O Muhammad). Verily, We know what they conceal and what they reveal.
77. Does not man see that We have created him from Nutfah (mixed male and female discharge semen drops). Yet behold! He (stands forth) as an open opponent.
78. And he puts forth for Us a parable, and forgets his own creation. He says: "Who will give life to these bones when they have rotted away and became dust?"
79. Say: (O Muhammad) "He will give life to them Who created them for the first time! And He is the All-Knower of every creation!"
80. He, Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, when behold! You kindle therewith.
81. Is not He, Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them? Yes, indeed! He is the All-Knowing Supreme Creator.
82. Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" and it is!
83. So Glorified is He and Exalted above all that they associate with Him, and in Whose Hands is the dominion of all things, and to Him you shall be returned.
Surah 37
2. By those (angels) who drive the clouds in a good way.
3. By those (angels) who bring the Book and the Qur'ân from God to mankind [Tafsir Ibn Kathîr].
4. Verily your Ilâh (God) is indeed One (i.e. God);
5. Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and all that is between them, and Lord of every point of the sun's risings. (None has the right to be worshipped but God).
6. Verily! We have adorned the near heaven with the stars (for beauty).
7. And to guard against every rebellious devil.
8. They cannot listen to the higher group (angels) for they are pelted from every side.
9. Outcast, and theirs is a constant (or painful) torment.
10. Except such as snatch away something by stealing and they are pursued by a flaming fire of piercing brightness.
11. Then ask them (i.e. these polytheists, O Muhammad): "Are they stronger as creation, or those (others like the heavens and the earth and the mountains, etc.) whom We have created?" Verily, We created them of a sticky clay.
12. Nay, you (O Muhammad) wondered (at their insolence) while they mock (at you and at the Qur'ân).
13. And when they are reminded, they pay no attention.
14. And when they see an Ayâh (a sign, a proof, or an evidence) from God, they mock at it.
15. And they say: "This is nothing but evident magic!
16. "When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we (then) verily be resurrected?
17. "And also our fathers of old?"
18. Say (O Muhammad): "Yes, and you shall then be humiliated."
19. It will be a single Zajrah [shout (i.e. the second blowing of the Trumpet)], and behold, they will be staring!
20. They will say: "Woe to us! This is the Day of Recompense!"
21. (It will be said): "This is the Day of Judgement which you used to deny."
22. (It will be said to the angels): "Assemble those who did wrong, together with their companions (from the devils) and what they used to worship.
23. "Instead of God, and lead them on to the way of flaming Fire (Hell);
24. "But stop them, verily they are to be questioned.
25. "What is the matter with you? Why do you not help one another (as you used to do in the world)?"
26. Nay, but that Day they shall surrender,
27. And they will turn to one another and question one another.
28. They will say: "It was you who used to come to us from the right side [i.e. from the right side of one of us and beautify for us every evil, order us for polytheism, and stop us from the truth i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and from every good deed]."
29. They will reply: "Nay, you yourselves were not believers.
30. "And we had no authority over you. Nay! But you were transgressing people (disobedient, polytheists, and disbelievers).
31. "So now the Word of our Lord has been justified against us, that we shall certainly (have to) taste (the torment).
32. "So we led you astray because we were ourselves astray."
33. Then verily, that Day, they will (all) share in the torment.
34. Certainly, that is how We deal with Al-Mujrimûn (polytheists, sinners, criminals, the disobedient to God, etc.).
35. Truly, when it was said to them: Lâ ilâha ill-God "(none has the right to be worshipped but God)," they puffed themselves up with pride (i.e. denied it).
36. And (they) said: "Are we going to abandon our âliha (gods) for the sake of a mad poet?
37. Nay! he (Muhammad) has come with the truth (i.e. God's Religion -- Islâmic Monotheism and this Qur'ân) and he confirms the Messengers (before him who brought God's religion -- Islâmic Monotheism).
38. Verily, you (pagans of Makkah) are going to taste the painful torment;
39. And you will be requited nothing except for what you used to do (evil deeds, sins, and God's disobedience which you used to do in this world);
40. Save the chosen slaves of God (faithful, obedient, true believers of Islâmic Monotheism).
41. For them there will be a known provision (in Paradise).
42. Fruits; and they shall be honoured,
43. In the Gardens of delight (Paradise),
44. Facing one another on thrones,
45. Round them will be passed a cup of pure wine;
46. White, delicious to the drinkers,
47. Neither they will have Ghoul (any kind of hurt, abdominal pain, headache, a sin, etc.) from that, nor will they suffer intoxication therefrom.
48. And with them will be chaste females, restraining their glances (desiring none except their husbands), with wide and beautiful eyes.
49. (Delicate and pure) as if they were (hidden) eggs (well) preserved.
50. Then they will turn to one another, mutually questioning.
51. A speaker of them will say: "Verily, I had a companion (in the world),
52. Who used to say: "Are you among those who believe (in resurrection after death).
53. "(That) when we die and become dust and bones, shall we indeed (be raised up) to receive reward or punishment (according to our deeds)?"
54. (The man) said: "Will you look down?"
55. So he looked down and saw him in the midst of the Fire.
56. He said: "By God! You have nearly ruined me.
57. "Had it not been for the Grace of my Lord, I would certainly have been among those brought forth (to Hell)."
58. (God informs about that true believer that he said): "Are we then not to die (any more)?
59. "Except our first death, and we shall not be punished? (after we have entered Paradise)."
60. Truly, this is the supreme success!
61. For the like of this let the workers work.
62. Is that (Paradise) better entertainment or the tree of Zaqqûm (a horrible tree in Hell)?
63. Truly We have made it (as) a trail for the Zâlimûn (polytheists, disbelievers, wrong-doers, etc.).
64. Verily, it is a tree that springs out of the bottom of Hell-fire,
65. The shoots of its fruit-stalks are like the heads of Shayâtin (devils);
66. Truly, they will eat thereof and fill their bellies therewith.
67. Then on the top of that they will be given boiling water to drink so that it becomes a mixture (of boiling water and Zaqqûm in their bellies).
68. Then thereafter, verily, their return is to the flaming fire of Hell.
69. Verily, they found their fathers on the wrong path;
70. So they (too) made haste to follow in their footsteps!
71. And indeed most of the men of old went astray before them;
72. And indeed We sent among them warners (Messengers);
73. Then see what was the end of those who were warned (but heeded not).
74. Except the chosen slaves of God (faithful, obedient, and true believers of Islâmic Monotheism).
75. And indeed Nûh (Noah) invoked Us, and We are the Best of those who answer (the request).
76. And We rescued him and his family from the great distress (i.e. drowning),
77. And, his progeny, them We made the survivors (i.e. Shem, Ham and Japheth).
78. And left for him (a goodly remembrance) among generations to come in later times:
79. Salâmun (peace) be upon Nûh (Noah) (from Us) among the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)!"
80. Verily, thus We reward the Muhsinûn (good-doers -- see V.2:112).
81. Verily, he [Nûh (Noah)] was one of Our believing slaves.
82. Then We drowned the other (disbelievers and polytheists, etc.).
83. And, verily, among those who followed his [Nûh's (Noah)] way (Islâmic Monotheism) was Ibrâhim (Abraham).
84. When he came to his Lord with a pure heart [attached to God Alone and none else, worshipping none but God Alone true Islâmic Monotheism, pure from the filth of polytheism].
85. When he said to his father and to his people: "What is it that which you worship?
86. "Is it a falsehood âliha (gods) other than God that you seek?
87. "Then what do you think about the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns, and all that exists)?"
88. Then he cast a glance at the stars (to deceive them),
89. And he said: "Verily, I am sick (with plague. He did this trick to remain in their temple of idols to destroy them and not to accompany them to the pagan's feast)."
90. So they turned away from him, and departed (for fear of the disease).
91. Then he turned to their âliha (gods) and said: "Will you not eat (of the offering before you)?
92. "What is the matter with you that you speak not?"
93. Then he turned upon them, striking (them) with (his) right hand.
94. Then they (the worshippers of idols) came, towards him, hastening.
95. He said: "Worship you that which you (yourselves) carve?
96. "While God has created you and what you make!"
97. They said: "Build for him a building (it is said that the building was like a furnace) and throw him into the blazing fire!"
98. So they plotted a plot against him, but We made them the lowest.
99. And he said (after his rescue from the fire): "Verily, I am going to my Lord. He will guide me!"
100. "My Lord! Grant me (offspring) from the righteous."
101. So We gave him the glad tidings of a forbearing boy.
102. And, when he (his son) was old enough to walk with him, he said: "O my son! I have seen in a dream that I am slaughtering you (offer you in sacrifice to God), so look what you think!" He said: "O my father! Do that which you are commanded, Inshâ' God (if God will), you shall find me of As-Sâbirin (the patient ones, etc.)."
103. Then, when they had both submitted themselves (to the Will of God), and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead (or on the side of his forehead for slaughtering);
104. And We called out to him: "O Abraham!
105. You have fulfilled the dream (vision)!" Verily! Thus do We reward the Muhsinûn (good-doers -- see V.2:112).
106. Verily, that indeed was a manifest trial
107. And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice (i.e. a ram);
108. And We left for him (a goodly remembrance) among generations (to come) in later times.
109. Salâmun (peace) be upon Ibrâhim (Abraham)!"
110. Thus indeed do We reward the Muhsinûn (good-doers -- see V.2:112).
111. Verily, he was one of Our believing slaves.
112. And We gave him the glad tidings of Ishâque (Isaac) a Prophet from the righteous.
113. We blessed him and Ishâque (Isaac), and of their progeny are (some) that do right, and some that plainly wrong themselves.
114. And, indeed We gave Our Grace to Mûsa (Moses) and Hârûn (Aaron).
115. And We saved them and their people from the great distress;
116. And helped them, so that they became the victors;
117. And We gave them the clear Scripture;
118. And guided them to the Right Path;
119. And We left for them (a goodly remembrance) among generations (to come) in later times;
120. Salâmun (peace) be upon Mûsa (Moses) and Hârûn (Aaron)!"
121. Verily, thus do We reward the Muhsinûn (good-doers -- see V.2:112).
122. Verily! They were two of Our believing slaves.
123. And verily, Iliyâs (Elias) was one of the Messengers.
124. When he said to his people: "Will you not fear God?
125. "Will you call upon Ba'l (a well- known idol of his nation whom they used to worship) and forsake the Best of creators,
126. "God, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers?"
127. But they denied him [Iliyâs (Elias)], so they will certainly be brought forth (to the punishment),
128. Except the chosen slaves of God.
129. And We left for him (a goodly remembrance) among generations (to come) in later times;
130. Salâmun (peace) be upon Ilyâsîn (Elias)!"
131. Verily, thus do We reward the Muhsinûn (good-doers, who perform good deeds totally for God's sake only -- see V.2:112).
132. Verily, he was one of Our believing slaves.
133. And verily, Lout (Lot) was one of the Messengers.
134. When We saved him and his family, all,
135. Except an old woman (his wife) who was among those who remained behind.
136. Then We destroyed the rest [i.e. the towns of Sodom at the place of the Dead Sea (now) in Palestine]. [See the "Book of History" by Ibn Kathîr].
137. Verily, you pass by them in the morning.
138. And at night; will you not then reflect?
139. And, verily, Yûnus (Jonah) was one of the Messengers.
140. When he ran to the laden ship,
141. He (agreed to) cast lots, and he was among the losers,
142. Then a (big) fish swallowed him and he had done an act worthy of blame.
143. Had he not been of them who glorify God,
144. He would have indeed remained inside its belly (the fish) till the Day of Resurrection.
145. But We cast him forth on the naked shore while he was sick,
146. And We caused a plant of gourd to grow over him.
147. And We sent him to a hundred thousand (people) or even more.
148. And they believed; so We gave them enjoyment for a while.
149. Now ask them (O Muhammad): "Are there (only) daughters for your Lord and sons for them?"
150. Or did We create the angels females while they were witnesses?
151. Verily, it is of their falsehood that they (Quraish pagans) say:
152. "God has begotten off spring or children (i.e. angels are the daughters of God)?" And, verily, they are liars!
153. Has He (then) chosen daughters rather than sons?
154. What is the matter with you? How do you decide?
155. Will you not then remember?
156. Or is there for you a plain authority?
157. Then bring your Book if you are truthful!
158. And they have invented a kinship between Him and the jinns, but the jinns know well that they have indeed to appear (before Him) (i.e. they will be brought for accounts).
159. Glorified is God! (He is Free) from what they attribute unto Him!
160. Except the slaves of God, whom He choses (for His Mercy i.e. true believers of Islâmic Monotheism who do not attribute false things unto God).
161. So, verily you (pagans) and those whom you worship (idols).
162. Cannot lead astray [turn away from Him (God) anyone of the believers],
163. Except those who are predestined to burn in Hell!
164. There is not one of us (angels) but has his known place (or position);
165. Verily, we (angels), we stand in rows for the prayers (as you Muslims stand in rows for your prayers);
166. Verily, we (angels), we are they who glorify (God's Praises i.e. perform prayers).
167. And indeed they (Arab pagans) used to say;
168. "If we had a reminder as had the men of old (before the coming of Prophet Muhammad as a Messenger of God).
169. "We would have indeed been the chosen slaves of God (true believers of Islâmic Monotheism)!"
170. But (now that the Qur'ân has come) they disbelieve therein (i.e. in the Qur'ân and in Prophet Muhammad , and all that which he brought, the Divine Revelation), so they will come to know!
171. And, verily, Our Word has gone forth of old for Our slaves, the Messengers,
172. That they verily would be made triumphant.
173. And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors.
174. So turn away (O Muhammad) from them for a while,
175. And watch them and they shall see (the punishment)!
176. Do they seek to hasten on Our Torment?
177. Then, when it descends into their courtyard (i.e. near to them), evil will be the morning for those who had been warned!
178. So turn (O Muhammad) away from them for a while,
179. And watch and they shall see (the torment)!
180. Glorified be your Lord, the Lord of Honour and Power! (He is free) from what they attribute unto Him!
181. And peace be on the Messengers!
182. And all the praise and thanks be to God, Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
Surah 38
[These letters (Sâd etc.) are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings]. By the Qur'ân full of reminding.
2. Nay, those who desbelieve are in false pride and opposition.
3. How many a generation We have destroyed before them, and they cried out when there was no longer time for escape!
4. And they (Arab pagans) wonder that a warner (Prophet Muhammad) has come to them from among themselves! And the disbelievers say: "This (Prophet Muhammad) is a sorcerer, a liar.
5. "Has he made the âliha (gods) (all) into One Ilâh (God -- God). Verily, this is a curious thing!"
6. And the leaders among them went about (saying): "Go on, and remain constant to your âliha (gods)! Verily, This is a thing designed (against you)!
7. "We have not heard (the like) of this among the people of these later days. This is nothing but an invention!
8. "Has the Reminder been sent down to him (alone) from among us?" Nay! but they are in doubt about My Reminder (this Qur'ân)! Nay, but they have not tasted (My) Torment!
9. Or have they the treasures of the Mercy of your Lord, the All-Mighty, the Real Bestower?
10. Or is it that the dominion of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them is theirs? If so, let them ascend up with means (to the heavens)!
11. (As they denied God's Message) they will be a defeated host like the confederates of the old times (who were defeated).
12. Before them (were many who) belied Messengers, the people of Nûh (Noah); and 'Ad; and Fir'aun (Pharaoh) the man of stakes (with which he used to punish the people),
13. And Thamûd, and the people of Lout (Lot), and the dwellers of the wood; such were the confederates.
14. Not one of them but belied the Messengers, therefore My Torment was justified,
15. And these only wait for a single Saihah [shout (i.e. the blowing of the Trumpet by the angel Isrâfil Sarafil)] there will be no pause or ending thereto [till everything will perish except God (the only God full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour)].
16. They say: "Our Lord! Hasten to us Qittana (i.e. our Record of good and bad deeds so that we see it) before the Day of Reckoning!"
17. Be patient (O Muhammad) of what they say, and remember Our slave Dâwûd (David), endued with power. Verily, he was ever oft-returning in all matters and in repentance (toward God).
18. Verily, We made the mountains to glorify Our Praises with him [Dâwûd (David)] in the 'Ashi (i.e. after the mid-day till sunset) and Ishrâq (i.e. after the sunrise till mid-day).
19. And (so did) the birds assembled: all with him [Dâwûd (David)] did turn (to God i.e. glorified His Praises).
20. We made his kingdom strong and gave him Al-Hikmah (Prophethood, etc.) and sound judgement in speech and decision.
21. And has the news of the litigants reached you? When they climbed over the wall into (his) Mihrâb (a praying place or a private room,).
22. When they entered in upon Dâwûd (David), he was terrified of them, they said: "Fear not! (We are) two litigants, one of whom has wronged the other, therefore judge between us with truth, and treat us not with injustice, and guide us to the Right Way.
23. Verily, this my brother (in religion) has ninety nine ewes, while I have (only) one ewe, and he says: "Hand it over to me, and he overpowered me in speech."
24. [Dâwûd (David)] said (immediately without listening to the opponent): "He has wronged you in demanding your ewe in addition to his ewes. And, verily, many partners oppress one another, except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and they are few." And Dâwûd (David) guessed that We have tried him and he sought Forgiveness of his Lord, and he fell down prostrate and turned (to God) in repentance.
25. So We forgave him that, and verily, for him is a near access to Us, and a good place of (final) return (Paradise).
26. O Dâwûd (David)! Verily! We have placed you as a successor on earth, so judge you between men in truth (and justice) and follow not your desire for it will mislead you from the Path of God. Verily! Those who wander astray from the Path of God (shall) have a severe torment, because they forgot the Day of Reckoning.
27. And We created not the heaven and the earth and all that is between them without purpose! That is the consideration of those who disbelieve! Then woe to those who disbelieve (in Islâmic Monotheism) from the Fire!
28. Shall We treat those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, as Mufsidûn (those who associate partners in worship with God and commit crimes) on earth? Or shall We treat the Muttaqûn (pious -- see V.2:2), as the Fujjâr (criminals, disbelievers, wicked, etc)?
29. (This is) a Book (the Qur'ân) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may remember.
30. And to Dâwûd (David) We gave Sulaimân (Solomon). How excellent (a) slave! Verily, he was ever oft-returning in repentance (to Us)!
31. When there were displayed before him, in the afternoon, well trained horses of the highest breed [for Jihâd (holy fighting in God's Cause)].
32. And he said: "Alas! I did love the good (these horses) instead of remembering my Lord (in my 'Asr prayer)" till the time was over, and (the sun) had hidden in the veil (of night).
33. Then he said "Bring them (horses) back to me." Then he began to pass his hand over their legs and their necks (till the end of the display).
34. And, indeed We did try Sulaimân (Solomon) and We placed on his throne Jasadan (a devil, so he lost his kingdom for a while) but he did return (to his throne and kingdom by the Grace of God and he did return) to God with obedience and in repentance.
35. He said: "My Lord! Forgive me, and bestow upon me a kingdom such as shall not belong to any other after me: Verily, You are the Bestower."
36. So, We subjected to him the wind, it blew gently to his order whithersoever he willed,
37. And also the Shayâtin (devils) from the jinns (including) every kind of builder and diver,
38. And also others bound in fetters.
39. [Saying of God to Sulaimân (Solomon)]: "This is Our gift, so spend you or withhold, no account will be asked."
40. And verily, he enjoyed a near access to Us, and a good final return (Paradise).
41. And remember Our slave Ayûb (Job), when he invoked his Lord (saying): "Verily! Shaitân (Satan) has touched me with distress (by losing my health) and torment (by losing my wealth)!
42. (God said to him): "Strike the ground with your foot: This is a spring of water to wash in, cool and a (refreshing) drink."
43. And We gave him (back) his family, and along with them the like thereof, as a Mercy from Us, and a Reminder for those who understand.
44. "And take in your hand a bundle of thin grass and strike therewith (your wife), and break not your oath . Truly! We found him patient. How excellent (a) slave! Verily, he was ever oft-returning in repentance (to Us)!
45. And remember Our slaves, Ibrâhim (Abraham), Ishâque (Isaac), and Ya'qûb (Jacob), (all) owners of strength (in worshipping Us) and (also) of religious understanding.
46. Verily, We did choose them by granting them (a good thing, i.e.) the remembrance of the home [in the Hereafter and they used to make the people remember it, and also they used to invite the people to obey God and to do good deeds for the Hereafter].
47. And they are with Us, verily, of the chosen and the best!
48. And remember Ismâ'il (Ishmael), Al-Yasa'â (Elisha), and Dhul-Kifl (Isaiah), all are among the best.
49. This is a Reminder, and verily, for the Muttaqûn (pious and righteous persons -- see V.2:2) is a good final return (Paradise), -,
50. 'Adn (Edn) Paradise (everlasting Gardens), whose doors will be open for them, [It is said (in Tafsir At-Tabarî, Part 23, Page 174) that one can speak to the doors, just one tells it to open and close, and it will open or close as it is ordered].
51. Therein they will recline; therein they will call for fruits in abundance and drinks;
52. And beside them will be chaste females (virgins) restraining their glances only for their husbands, (and) of equal ages.
53. This it is what you (Al-Muttaqûn - the pious) are promised for the Day of Reckoning!
54. (It will be said to them)! Verily, this is Our Provision which will never finish;
55. This is so! And for the Tâghûn (transgressors, disobedient to God and His Messenger -- disbelievers in the Oneness of God, criminals, etc.), will be an evil final return (Fire),
56. Hell! Where they will burn, and worst (indeed) is that place to rest!
57. This is so! Then let them taste it, a boiling fluid and dirty wound discharges.
58. And other torments of similar kind, all together!
59. This is a troop entering with you (in Hell), no welcome for them! Verily, they shall burn in the Fire!
60. (The followers of the misleaders will say): "Nay, you (too)! No welcome for you! It is you (misleaders) who brought this upon us (because you misled us in the world), so evil is this place to stay in!"
61. They will say: "Our Lord! Whoever brought this upon us, add to him a double torment in the Fire!"
62. And they will say: "What is the matter with us that we see not men whom we used to count among the bad ones?"
63. Did we take them as an object of mockery, or have (our) eyes failed to perceive them?"
64. Verily, that is the very truth, the mutual dispute of the people of the Fire!
65. Say (O Muhammad): "I am only a warner and there is no Ilâh (God) except God (none has the right to be worshipped but God) the One, the Irresistible,
66. "The Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving."
67. Say: "That (this Qur'ân) is a great news,
68. "From which you turn away!
69. "I had no knowledge of the chiefs (angels) on high when they were disputing and discussing (about the creation of Adam).
70. "Only this has been inspired to me, that I am a plain warner."
71. (Remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "Truly, I am going to create man from clay".
72. So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by Me, then you fall down prostrate to him."
73. So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them:
74. Except Iblîs (Satan) he was proud and was one of the disbelievers.
75. (God) said: "O Iblîs (Satan)! What prevents you from prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with Both My Hands. Are you too proud (to fall prostrate to Adam) or are you one of the high exalted?"
76. [Iblîs (Satan)] said: "I am better than he, You created me from fire, and You created him from clay."
77. (God) said: "Then get out from here, for verily, you are outcast.
78. "And verily!, My Curse is on you till the Day of Recompense."
79. [Iblîs (Satan)] said: "My Lord! Give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are resurrected."
80. (God) said: "Verily! You are of those allowed respite
81. "Till the Day of the time appointed."
82. [Iblîs (Satan)] said: "By Your Might, then I will surely mislead them all,
83. "Except Your chosen slaves amongst them (faithful, obedient, true believers of Islâmic Monotheism)."
84. (God) said: "The Truth is, and the Truth I say,
85. That I will fill Hell with you [Iblîs (Satan)] and those of them (mankind) that follow you, together."
86. Say (O Muhammad): "No wage do I ask of you for this (the Qur'ân), nor am I one of the Mutakallifûn (those who pretend and fabricate things which do not exist).
87. "It (this Qur'ân) is only a Reminder for all the 'Alamîn (mankind and jinns).
88. "And you shall certainly know the truth of it after a while."
Surah 39
2. Verily, We have sent down the Book to you (O Muhammad) in truth: So worship God (Alone) by doing religious deeds sincerely for God's sake only, (and not to show-off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship).
3. Surely, the religion (i.e. the worship and the obedience) is for God only. And those who take Auliyâ' (protectors and helpers) besides Him (say): "We worship them only that they may bring us near to God." Verily, God will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Truly, God guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever.
4. Had God willed to take a son (or offspring or children), He could have chosen whom He pleased out of those whom He created. But glory be to Him! (He is above such things). He is God, the One, the Irresistible.
5. He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. He makes the night to go in the day and makes the day to go in the night. And He has subjected the sun and the moon. Each running (on a fixed course) for an appointed term. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving.
6. He created you (all) from a single person (Adam); then made from him his wife [Hawwa' (Eve)]. And He has sent down for you of cattle eight pairs (of the sheep, two, male and female; of the goats, two, male and female; of the oxen, two, male and female; and of the camels, two, male and female). He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation in three veils of darkness, such is God your Lord. His is the kingdom, Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). How then are you turned away?
7. If you disbelieve, then verily, God is not in need of you, He likes not disbelief for His slaves. And if you are grateful (by being believers), He is pleased therewith for you. No bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return, so He will inform you what you used to do. Verily, He is the All-Knower of that which is in (men's) breasts.
8. And when some hurt touches man, he cries to his Lord (God Alone), turning to Him in repentance, but when He bestows a favour upon him from Himself, he forgets that for which he cried for before, and he sets up rivals to God, in order to mislead others from His Path. Say: "Take pleasure in your disbelief for a while: surely, you are (one) of the dwellers of the Fire!"
9. Is one who is obedient to God, prostrating himself or standing (in prayer) during the hours of the night, fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the Mercy of his Lord (like one who disbelieves)? Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not?" It is only men of understanding who will remember (i.e. get a lesson from God's Signs and Verses).
10. Say (O Muhammad): "O My slaves who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism), be afraid of your Lord (God) and keep your duty to Him. Good is (the reward) for those who do good in this world, and God's earth is spacious (so if you cannot worship God at a place, then go to another)! Only those who are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without reckoning."
11. Say (O Muhammad): "Verily, I am commanded to worship God (Alone) by obeying Him and doing religious deeds sincerely for God's sake only and not to show off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship;
12. "And I am commanded (this) in order that I may be the first of those who submit themselves to God (in Islâm) as Muslims."
13. Say (O Muhammad): "Verily, if I disobey my Lord, I am afraid of the torment of a great Day."
14. Say (O Muhammad) "God Alone I worship by doing religious deeds sincerely for His sake only and not to show-off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship."
15. So worship what you like besides Him. Say (O Muhammad): "The losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, that will be a manifest loss!"
16. They shall have coverings of Fire, above them and covering (of Fire) beneath them; with this God does frighten His slaves: "O My slaves, therefore fear Me!"
17. Those who avoid At-Tâghût (false deities) by not worshipping them and turn to God in repentance, for them are glad tidings; so announce the good news to My slaves,
18. Those who listen to the Word [good advice Lâ ilâha ill-God (none has the right to be worshipped but God) and Islâmic Monotheism, etc.] and follow the best thereof (i.e. worship God Alone, repent to Him and avoid Tâghût, etc.) those are (the ones) whom God has guided and those are men of understanding (like Zaid bin 'Amr bin Nufail, Salmân Al-Fârisi and Abû Dhar Al-Ghifârî). [Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol. 12, P. 244]
19. Is, then one against whom the Word of punishment justified (equal to the one who avoids evil). Will you (O Muhammad) rescue him who is in the Fire?
20. But those who fear God and keep their duty to their Lord (God), for them are built lofty rooms; one above another under which rivers flow (i.e. Paradise). (This is) the Promise of God: and God does not fail in (His) Promise.
21. See you not, that God sends down water (rain) from the sky, and causes it to penetrate the earth, (and then makes it to spring up) as water-springs and afterward thereby produces crops of different colours, and afterward they wither and you see them turn yellow, then He makes them dry and broken pieces. Verily, in this, is a Reminder for men of understanding.
22. Is he whose breast God has opened to Islâm, so that he is in light from His Lord (as he who is non-Muslim)? So, woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembrance of God! They are in plain error!
23. God has sent down the best statement, a Book (this Qur'ân), its parts resembling each other in goodness and truth, oft-repeated. The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it (when they recite it or hear it). Then their skin and their heart soften to the remembrance of God. That is the guidance of God. He Guides therewith whom He pleases and whomever God sends astray, for him there is no guide.
24. Is he then, who will confront with his face the awful torment on the Day of Resurrection (as he who enters peacefully in Paradise)? And it will be said to the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.): "Taste what you used to earn!"
25. Those before them belied, and so the torment came on them from directions they perceived not.
26. So God made them to taste the disgrace in the present life, but greater is the torment of the Hereafter if they only knew!
27. And indeed We have put forth for men, in this Qur'ân every kind of similitude in order that they may remember.
28. An Arabic Qur'ân, without any crookedness (therein) in order that they may avoid all evil which God has ordered them to avoid, fear Him and keep their duty to Him.
29. God puts forth a similitude: a (slave) man belonging to many partners (like those who worship others along with God) disputing with one another, and a (slave) man belonging entirely to one master, (like those who worship God Alone). Are those two equal in comparison? All the praises and thanks be to God! But most of them know not.
30. Verily, you (O Muhammad) will die and verily, they (too) will die.
31. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be disputing before your Lord.
32. Then, who does more wrong than one who utters a lie against God, and denies the truth [this Qur'ân, the Prophet (Muhammad), the Islâmic Monotheism, the Resurrection and the reward or punishment according to good or evil deeds] when it comes to him! Is there not in Hell an abode for the disbelievers?
33. And he (Muhammad) who has brought the truth (this Qur'ân and Islâmic Monotheism) and (those who) believed therein (i.e. the true believers of Islâmic Monotheism), those are Al- Muttaqûn (the pious and righteous persons -- see V.2:2).
34. They shall have all that they will desire with their Lord. That is the reward of Muhsinûn (good-doers -- see V.2:112).
35. So that God may remit from them the evil of what they did and give them the reward, according to the best of what they used to do.
36. Is not God Sufficient for His slave? Yet they try to frighten you with those (whom they worship) besides Him! And whom God sends astray, for him there will be no guide.
37. And whomsoever God guides, for him there will be no misleader. Is not God All-Mighty, Possessor of Retribution?
38. And verily, if you ask them: "Who created the heavens and the earth?" Surely, they will say: "God (has created them)." Say: "Tell me then, the things that you invoke besides God, if God intended some harm for me, could they remove His harm, or if He (God) intended some mercy for me, could they withhold His Mercy?" Say : "Sufficient for me is God; in Him those who trust (i.e. believers) must put their trust."
39. Say: (O Muhammad) "O My people! Work according to your way, I am working (according to my way). Then you will come to know,
40. "To whom comes a disgracing torment, and on whom descends an everlasting torment."
41. Verily, We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (this Qur'ân) for mankind in truth. So whosoever accepts the guidance, it is only for his ownself, and whosoever goes astray, he goes astray only for his (own) loss. And you (O Muhammad) are not a Wakîl (trustee or disposer of affairs, or keeper) over them.
42. It is God Who takes away the souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep. He keeps those (souls) for which He has ordained death and sends the rest for a term appointed. Verily, in this are signs for a people who think deeply.
43. Have they taken others as intercessors besides God? Say: "Even if they have power over nothing whatever and have no intelligence?"
44. Say: "To God belongs all intercession. His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you shall be brought back."
45. And when God Alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter are filled with disgust (from the Oneness of God) and when those (whom they obey or worship) besides Him [like all false deities other than God, it may be a Messenger like 'Iesa (Jesus) -- son of Maryam (Mary), 'Uzair (Ezra), an angel, a pious man, a jinn, or any other creature even idols, graves of religious people, saints, priests, monks, etc.] are mentioned, behold, they rejoice!
46. Say (O Muhammad): "O God! Creator of the heavens and the earth! All-Knower of the Ghaib (unseen) and the seen. You will judge between your slaves about that wherein they used to differ."
47. And those who did wrong (the polytheists and disbelievers in the Oneness of God), if they had all that is in earth and therewith as much again, they verily, would offer it to ransom themselves therewith on the Day of Resurrection from the evil torment, and there will become apparent to them from God, what they had not been reckoning.
48. And the evils of that which they earned will become apparent to them, and they will be encircled by that which they used to mock at!
49. When harm touches man, he calls to Us (for help), then when We have (rescued him from that harm and) changed it into a favour from Us, he says: "Only because of knowledge (that I possess) I obtained it." Nay, it is only a trial, but most of them know not!
50. Verily, those before them said it, yet (all) that they had earned availed them not.
51. So, the evil results of that which they earned overtook them. And those who did wrong of these [people to whom you (Muhammad) have been sent], will also be overtaken by the evil results (torment) for that which they earned, and they will never be able to escape.
52. Do they not know that God enlarges the provision for whom He wills, and straitens it (for whom He wills). Verily, in this are signs for the folk who believe!
53. Say: "O 'Ibâdî (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of God, verily God forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
54. "And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith (Islâmic Monotheism) to your Lord and submit to Him, (in Islâm), before the torment comes upon you, then you will not be helped.
55. "And follow the best of that which is sent down to you from your Lord (i.e. this Qur'ân, do what it orders you to do and keep away from what it forbids), before the torment comes on you suddenly while you perceive not!"
56. Lest a person should say: "Alas, my grief that I was undutiful to God (i.e. I have not done what God has ordered me to do), and I was indeed among those who mocked [at the truth! i.e. Lâ ilâha ill-God (none has the right to be worshipped but God), the Qur'ân, and Muhammad and at the faithful believers, etc.]
57. Or (lest) he should say: "If only God had guided me, I should indeed have been among the Muttaqûn (pious and righteous persons -- see V.2:2)."
58. Or (lest) he should say when he sees the torment: "If only I had another chance (to return to the world) then I should indeed be among the Muhsinûn (good-doers -- see V.2:112)."
59. Yes! Verily, there came to you My Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and you denied them, and were proud and were among the disbelievers.
60. And on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied against God (i.e. attributed to Him sons, partners, etc.) their faces will be black. Is there not in Hell an abode for the arrogant ones?
61. And God will deliver those who are the Muttaqûn (pious -- see V.2:2) to their places of success (Paradise). Evil shall touch them not, nor shall they grieve.
62. God is the Creator of all things, and He is the Wakîl (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian, etc.) over all things.
63. To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. And those who disbelieve in the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations, etc.) of God, such are they who will be the losers.
64. Say (O Muhammad to the polytheists, etc.): "Do you order me to worship other than God O you fools ?"
65. And indeed it has been revealed to you (O Muhammad), as it was to those (God's Messengers) before you: "If you join others in worship with God, (then) surely (all) your deeds will be in vain, and you will certainly be among the losers."
66. Nay! But worship God (Alone and none else), and be among the grateful.
67. They made not a just estimate of God such as is due to Him. And on the Day of Resurrection the whole of the earth will be grasped by His Hand and the heavens will be rolled up in His Right Hand. Glorified is He, and High is He above all that they associate as partners with Him!
68. And the Trumpet will be blown, and all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth will swoon away, except him whom God will. Then it will blown a second time and behold, they will be standing, looking on (waiting).
69. And the earth will shine with the light of its Lord (God, when He will come to judge among men) and the Book will be placed (open) and the Prophets and the witnesses will be brought forward, and it will be judged between them with truth, and they will not be wronged.
70. And each person will be paid in full of what he did; and He is Best Aware of what they do.
71. And those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in groups, till, when they reach it, the gates thereof will be opened (suddenly like a prison at the arrival of the prisoners). And its keepers will say, "Did not the Messengers come to you from yourselves, reciting to you the Verses of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of this Day of yours?" They will say: "Yes, but the Word of torment has been justified against the disbelievers!"
72. It will be said (to them): "Enter you the gates of Hell, to abide therein. And (indeed) what an evil abode of the arrogant!"
73. And those who kept their duty to their Lord will be led to Paradise in groups, till, when they reach it, and its gates will be opened (before their arrival for their reception) and its keepers will say: Salâmun 'Alaikum (peace be upon you)! You have done well, so enter here to abide therein."
74. And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to God Who has fulfilled His Promise to us and has made us inherit (this) land. We can dwell in Paradise where we will; how excellent a reward for the (pious good) workers!"
75. And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne (of God) from all round, glorifying the praises of their Lord (God). And they (all the creatures) will be judged with truth, and it will be said. All the praises and thanks be to God, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)."
Surah 40
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings].
2. The revelation of the Book (this Qur'ân) is from God the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.
3. The Forgiver of sin, the Acceptor of repentance, the Severe in punishment, the Bestower (of favours), Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), to Him is the final return.
4. None disputes in the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of God but those who disbelieve. So let not their ability of going about here and there through the land (for their purposes) deceive you [O Muhammad , their ultimate end will be the Fire of Hell]!
5. The people of Nûh (Noah) and the confederates after them denied (their Messengers) before these, and every (disbelieving) nation plotted against their Messenger to seize him, and disputed by means of falsehood to refute therewith the truth. So I seized them (with punishment), and how (terrible) was My punishment!
6. Thus has the Word of your Lord been justified against those who disbelieved, that they will be the dwellers of the Fire.
7. Those (angels) who bear the Throne (of God) and those around it glorify the praises of their Lord, and believe in Him, and ask forgiveness for those who believe (in the Oneness of God) (saying): "Our Lord! You comprehend all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who repent and follow Your Way, and save them from the torment of the blazing Fire!
8. "Our Lord! And make them enter the 'Adn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting Gardens) which you have promised them, and to the righteous among their fathers, their wives, and their offspring! Verily, You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
9. "And save them from (the punishment, because of what they did of) the sins, and whomsoever You save from (the punishment, because of what they did of) the sins (i.e. excuse them) that Day, him verily, You have taken into mercy." And that is the supreme success.
10. Those who disbelieve will be addressed (at the time of entering into the Fire): "God's aversion was greater towards you (in the worldly life when you used to reject the Faith) than your aversion towards one another (now in the Fire of Hell, as you are now enemies to one another), when you were called to the Faith but you used to refuse."
11. They will say: "Our Lord! You have made us to die twice (i.e. we were dead in the loins of our fathers and dead after our deaths in this world), and You have given us life twice (i.e. life when we were born and life when we are Resurrected)! Now we confess our sins, then is there any way to get out (of the Fire)?"
12. (It will be said): "This is because, when God Alone was invoked (in worship, etc.) you disbelieved, but when partners were joined to Him, you believed! So the judgement is only with God, the Most High, the Most Great!"
13. It is He, Who shows you His Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and sends down (rain with which grows) provision for you from the sky. And none remembers but those who turn (to God) in obedience and in repentance (by begging His Pardon and by worshipping and obeying Him Alone and none else).
14. So, call you (O Muhammad and the believers) upon (or invoke) God making (your) worship pure for Him (Alone) (by worshipping none but Him and by doing religious deeds sincerely for God's sake only and not to show-off and not to set up rivals with Him in worship). However much the disbelievers (in the Oneness of God) may hate (it).
15. (He is God) Owner of High Ranks and Degrees, the Owner of the Throne. He sends the Inspiration by His Command to any of His slaves He wills, that he (the person who receives inspiration) may warn (men) of the Day of Mutual Meeting (i.e. The Day of Resurrection).
16. The Day when they will (all) come out, nothing of them will be hidden from God. Whose is the kingdom this Day? (God Himself will reply to His Question): It is God's the One, the Irresistible!
17. This Day shall every person be recompensed for what he earned. No injustice (shall be done to anybody). Truly, God is Swift in reckoning.
18. And warn them (O Muhammad) of the Day that is drawing near (i.e. the Day of Resurrection), when the hearts will be choking the throats, and they can neither return them (hearts) to their chests nor can they throw them out. There will be no friend, nor an intercessor for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.), who could be given heed to.
19. God knows the fraud of the eyes, and all that the breasts conceal.
20. And God judges with truth, while those to whom they invoke besides Him, cannot judge anything. Certainly, God! He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.
21. Have they not travelled in the land and seen what was the end of those who were before them? They were superior to them in strength, and in the traces (which they left) in the land. But God seized them with punishment for their sins. And none had they to protect them from God.
22. That was because there came to them their Messengers with clear evidences, proofs and signs but they disbelieved (in them). So God seized them with punishment. Verily, He is All-Strong, Severe in punishment.
23. And indeed We sent Mûsa (Moses) with Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), and a manifest authority,
24. To Fir'aun (Pharaoh), Hâmân and Qârûn (Korah), but they called (him): "A sorcerer, a liar!"
25. Then, when he brought them the Truth from Us, they said: "Kill the sons of those who believe with him and let their women live", but the plots of disbelievers are nothing but errors!
26. Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "Leave me to kill Mûsa (Moses), and let him call his Lord (to stop me from killing him)! I fear that he may change your religion, or that he may cause mischief to appear in the land!"
27. Mûsa (Moses) said: "Verily, I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant who believes not in the Day of Reckoning!"
28. And a believing man of Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) family, who hid his faith said: "Would you kill a man because he says: My Lord is God, and he has come to you with clear signs (proofs) from your Lord? And if he is a liar, upon him will be (the sin of) his lie; but if he is telling the truth, then some of that (calamity) wherewith he threatens you will befall on you." Verily, God guides not one who is a Musrif (a polytheist, or a murderer who shed blood without a right, or those who commit great sins, oppressor, transgressor), a liar!
29. "O my people! Yours is the kingdom this day, you are uppermost in the land. But who will save us from the Torment of God, should it befall us?" Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "I show you only that which I see (correct), and I guide you only to the path of right policy!"
30. And he who believed said: "O my people! Verily, I fear for you a fate like that day (of disaster) of the Confederates (of old)!
31. "Like the fate of the people of Nûh (Noah), and 'Ad, and Thamûd and those who came after them. And God wills no injustice for (His) slaves.
32. "And, O my people! Verily! I fear for you the Day when there will be mutual calling (between the people of Hell and of Paradise)."
33. A Day when you will turn your backs and flee having no protector from God, And whomsoever God sends astray, for him there is no guide.
34. And indeed Yûsuf (Joseph) did come to you, in times gone by, with clear signs, but you ceased not to doubt in that which he did bring to you, till when he died you said: "No Messenger will God send after him." Thus God leaves astray him who is a Musrif (a polytheist, oppressor, a criminal, sinner who commit great sins) and a Murtâb (one who doubts God's Warning and His Oneness).
35. Those who dispute about the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of God, without any authority that has come to them, it is greatly hateful and disgusting to God and to those who believe. Thus does God seal up the heart of every arrogant, tyrant. (So they cannot guide themselves to the Right Path).
36. And Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "O Hâmân! Build me a tower that I may arrive at the ways,
37. "The ways of the heavens, and I may look upon the Ilâh (God) of Mûsa (Moses) but verily, I think him to be a liar." Thus it was made fair-seeming, in Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) eyes, the evil of his deeds, and he was hindered from the (Right) Path, and the plot of Fir'aun (Pharaoh) led to nothing but loss and destruction (for him).
38. And the man who believed said: "O my people! Follow me, I will guide you to the way of right conduct [i.e. guide you to God's religion of Islâmic Monotheism with which Mûsa (Moses) has been sent].
39. "O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the Hereafter that is the home that will remain forever."
40. "Whosoever does an evil deed, will not be requited except the like thereof, and whosoever does a righteous deed, whether male or female and is a true believer (in the Oneness of God), such will enter Paradise, where they will be provided therein (with all things in abundance) without limit.
41. "And O my people! How is it that I call you to salvation while you call me to the Fire!
42. "You invite me to disbelieve in God (and in His Oneness), and to join partners in worship with Him; of which I have no knowledge, and I invite you to the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving!
43. "No doubt you call me to (worship) one who cannot grant (me) my request (or respond to my invocation) in this world or in the Hereafter. And our return will be to God, and Al-Musrifûn (i.e. polytheists and arrogants, those who commit great sins, the transgressors of God's set limits)! They shall be the dwellers of the Fire!
44. "And you will remember what I am telling you, and my affair I leave it to God. Verily, God is the All-Seer of (His) slaves."
45. So God saved him from the evils that they plotted (against him), while an evil torment encompassed Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people.
46. The Fire; they are exposed to it, morning and afternoon, and on the Day when the Hour will be established (it will be said to the angels): "Cause Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people to enter the severest torment!"
47. And, when they will dispute in the Fire, the weak will say to those who were arrogant; "Verily! We followed you, can you then take from us some portion of the Fire?"
48. Those who were arrogant will say: "We are all (together) in this (Fire)! Verily God has judged between (His) slaves!"
49. And those in the Fire will say to the keepers (angels) of Hell: "Call upon your Lord to lighten for us the torment for a day!"
50. They will say: "Did there not come to you, your Messengers with (clear) evidences and signs? They will say: "Yes." They will reply: "Then call (as you like)! And the invocation of the disbelievers is nothing but in error!"
51. Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) in this world's life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth, (i.e. Day of Resurrection),
52. The Day when their excuses will be of no profit to Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers and disbelievers in the Oneness of God). Theirs will be the curse, and theirs will be the evil abode (i.e. painful torment in Hell-fire).
53. And, indeed We gave Mûsa (Moses) the guidance, and We caused the Children of Israel to inherit the Scripture [i.e. the Taurât (Torah)],
54. A guide and a reminder for men of understanding.
55. So be patient (O Muhammad). Verily, the Promise of God is true, and ask forgiveness for your fault, and glorify the praises of your Lord in the Ashi (i.e. the time period after the midnoon till sunset) and in the Ibkâr (i.e. the time period from early morning or sunrise till before midnoon) [it is said that, that means the five compulsory congregational Salât (prayers) or the 'Asr and Fajr prayers].
56. Verily, those who dispute about the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of God, without any authority having come to them, there is nothing else in their breasts except pride [to accept you (Muhammad) as a Messenger of God and to obey you]. They will never have it (i.e. Prophethood which God has bestowed upon you). So seek refuge in God (O Muhammad from the arrogants). Verily, it is He Who is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.
57. The creation of the heavens and the earth is indeed greater than the creation of mankind, yet most of mankind know not.
58. And not equal are the blind and those who see, nor are (equal) those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism), and do righteous good deeds, and those who do evil. Little do you remember!
59. Verily, the Hour (Day of Judgement) is surely coming, therein is no doubt, yet most men believe not.
60. And your Lord said: "Invoke Me, [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islâmic Monotheism)] (and ask Me for anything) I will respond to your (invocation). Verily! Those who scorn My worship [i.e. do not invoke Me, and do not believe in My Oneness, (Islâmic Monotheism)] they will surely enter Hell in humiliation!"
61. God, it is He Who has made the night for you that you may rest therein and the day for you to see. Truly, God is full of Bounty to mankind, yet most of mankind give no thanks.
62. That is God, your Lord, the Creator of all things, Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), where then you are turning away (from God, by worshipping others instead of Him)!
63. Thus were turned away those who used to deny the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of God.
64. God, it is He Who has made for you the earth as a dwelling place and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape and made your shapes good (looking) and has provided you with good things. That is God, your Lord, then blessed be God, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
65. He is the Ever Living, Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), so invoke Him making your worship pure for Him Alone (by worshipping Him Alone, and none else, and by doing righteous deeds sincerely for God's sake only, and not to show off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship). All the praises and thanks be to God, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
66. Say (O Muhammad): "I have been forbidden to worship those whom you worship besides God, since there have come to me evidences from my Lord, and I am commanded to submit (in Islâm) to the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
67. He, it is Who has created you (Adam) from dust, then from a Nutfah [mixed semen drops of male and female discharge (i.e. Adam's offspring)] then from a clot (a piece of coagulated blood), then brings you forth as children, then (makes you grow) to reach the age of full strength, and afterwards to be old (men and women), though some among you die before, and that you reach an appointed term, in order that you may understand.
68. He it is Who gives life and causes death. And when He decides upon a thing He says to it only: "Be!" and it is.
69. See you not those who dispute about the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of God? How are they turning away (from the truth, i.e. Islâmic Monotheism to the falsehood of polytheism)?
70. Those who deny the Book (this Qur'ân), and that with which We sent Our Messengers (i.e. to worship none but God Alone sincerely, and to reject all false deities and to confess resurrection after the death for recompense) they will come to know (when they will be cast into the Fire of Hell).
71. When iron collars will be rounded over their necks, and the chains, they shall be dragged along.
72. In the boiling water, then they will be burned in the Fire.
73. Then it will be said to them: "Where are (all) those whom you used to join in worship as partners
74. "Besides God" They will say: "They have vanished from us: Nay, we did not invoke (worship) anything before." Thus God leads astray the disbelievers.
75. That was because you had been exulting in the earth without any right (by worshipping others instead of God and by committing crimes), and that you used to rejoice extremely (in your error).
76. Enter the gates of Hell to abide therein, and (indeed) what an evil abode of the arrogant!
77. So be patient (O Muhammad), verily, the Promise of God is true, and whether We show you (O Muhammad in this world) some part of what We have promised them, or We cause you to die, then it is to Us they all shall be returned.
78. And, indeed We have sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad); of some of them We have related to you their story and of some We have not related to you their story, and it was not given to any Messenger that he should bring a sign except by the Leave of God. So, when comes the Commandment of God, the matter will be decided with truth, and the followers of falsehood will then be lost.
79. God, it is He Who has made cattle for you, that you may ride on some of them and of some you eat.
80. And you have (many other) benefits from them, and that you may reach by their means a desire that is in your breasts (i.e. carry your goods, loads, etc.), and on them and on ships you are carried.
81. And He shows you His Signs and Proofs (of His Oneness in all the above mentioned things). Which, then of the Signs and Proofs of God do you deny?
82. Have they not travelled through the earth and seen what was the end of those before them? They were more numerous than them and mightier in strength, and in the traces (they have left behind them) in the land, yet all that they used to earn availed them not.
83. Then when their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, they were glad (and proud) with that which they had of the knowledge (of worldly things): And that at which they used to mock, surrounded them (i.e. the punishment).
84. So when they saw Our punishment, they said: "We believe in God Alone and reject (all) that we used to associate with Him as (His) partners.
85. Then their Faith (in Islâmic Monotheism) could not avail them when they saw Our punishment. (Like) this has been the way of God in dealing with His slaves. And there the disbelievers lost utterly (when Our Torment covered them).
Surah 41
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings.]
2. A revelation from God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
3. A Book whereof the Verses are explained in detail; A Qur'ân in Arabic for people who know.
4. Giving glad tidings [of Paradise to the one who believes in the Oneness of God (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism) and fears God much (abstains from all kinds of sins and evil deeds) and loves God much (performing all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained)], and warning (of punishment in the Hell Fire to the one who disbelieves in the Oneness of God), but most of them turn away, so they listen not.
5. And they say: "Our hearts are under coverings (screened) from that to which you invite us, and in our ears is deafness, and between us and you is a screen, so work you (on your way); verily, we are working (on our way)."
6. Say (O Muhammad): "I am only a human being like you. It is inspired in me that your Ilâh (God) is One Ilâh (Allah -- God), therefore take Straight Path to Him (with true Faith Islâmic Monotheism) and obedience to Him, and seek forgiveness of Him. And woe to Al-Mushrikûn (the disbelievers in the Oneness of God, polytheists, idolaters, etc. -- see V.2:105).
7. Those who give not the Zakât and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter.
8. Truly, those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism, and in His Messenger Muhammad) and do righteous good deeds, for them will be an endless reward that will never stop (i.e. Paradise).
9. Say (O Muhammad): "Do you verily disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two Days and you set up rivals (in worship) with Him? That is the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
10. He placed therein (i.e. the earth) firm mountains from above it, and He blessed it, and measured therein its sustenance (for its dwellers) in four Days equal (i.e. all these four 'days' were equal in the length of time), for all those who ask (about its creation).
11. Then He Istawâ (rose over) towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly." They both said: "We come, willingly."
12. Then He completed and finished from their creation (as) seven heavens in two Days and He made in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the nearest (lowest) heaven with lamps (stars) to be an adornment as well as to guard (from the devils by using them as missiles against the devils). Such is the Decree of Him the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.
13. But if they turn away, then say (O Muhammad): "I have warned you of a Sâ'iqah (a destructive awful cry, torment, hit, a thunderbolt) like the Sâ'iqah which overtook 'Ad and Thamûd (people)."
14. When the Messengers came to them, from before them and behind them (saying): "Worship none but God" They said: "If our Lord had so willed, He would surely have sent down the angels. So indeed! We disbelieve in that with which you have been sent."
15. As for 'Ad, they were arrogant in the land without right, and they said: "Who is mightier than us in strength?" See they not that God, Who created them was mightier in strength than them. And they used to deny Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations, etc.)!
16. So We sent upon them furious wind in days of evil omen (for them) that We might give them a taste of disgracing torment in this present worldly life, but surely the torment of the Hereafter will be more disgracing, and they will never be helped.
17. And as for Thamûd, We showed and made clear to them the Path of Truth (Islâmic Monotheism) through Our Messenger, (i.e. showed them the way of success), but they preferred blindness to guidance, so the Sâ'iqah (a destructive awful cry, torment, hit, a thunderbolt) of disgracing torment seized them, because of what they used to earn.
18. And We saved those who believed and used to fear God, keep their duty to Him and avoid evil.
19. And (remember) the Day that the enemies of God will be gathered to the Fire, so they will be collected there (the first and the last).
20. Till, when they reach it (Hell-fire), their hearing (ears) and their eyes, and their skins will testify against them as to what they used to do.
21. And they will say to their skins, "Why do you testify against us?" They will say: "God has caused us to speak, as He causes all things to speak, and He created you the first time, and to Him you are made to return."
22. And you have not been hiding against yourselves, lest your ears, and your eyes, and your skins testify against you, but you thought that God knew not much of what you were doing.
23. And that thought of yours which you thought about your Lord, has brought you to destruction, and you have become (this Day) of those utterly lost!
24. Then, if they have patience, yet the Fire will be a home for them, and if they beg for to be excused, yet they are not of those who will ever be excused.
25. And We have assigned them (devils) intimate companions (in this world), who have made fair-seeming to them, what was before them (evil deeds which they were doing in the present worldly life and disbelief in the Reckoning and the Resurrection, etc.) and what was behind them (denial of the matters in the coming life of the Hereafter as regards punishment or reward, etc.). And the Word (i.e. the torment) is justified against them as it was justified against those who were among the previous generations of jinns and men that had passed away before them. Indeed they (all) were the losers.
26. And those who disbelieve say: "Listen not to this Qur'ân, and make noise in the midst of its (recitation) that you may overcome."
27. But surely, We shall cause those who disbelieve to taste a severe torment, and certainly, We shall requite them the worst of what they used to do.
28. That is the recompense of the enemies of God: The Fire, therein will be for them the eternal home, a (deserving) recompense for that they used to deny Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.).
29. And those who disbelieve will say: "Our Lord! Show us those among jinns and men who led us astray, we shall crush them under our feet, so that they become the lowest."
30. Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is God (Alone)," and then they Istaqâmû , on them the angels will descend (at the time of their death) (saying): "Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised!
31. "We have been your friends in the life of this world and are (so) in the Hereafter. Therein you shall have (all) that your inner-selves desire, and therein you shall have (all) for which you ask for.
32. "An entertainment from (God), the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
33. And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is God (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to God's (Islâmic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."
34. The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better (i.e. God ordered the faithful believers to be patient at the time of anger, and to excuse those who treat them badly), then verily! he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.
35. But none is granted it (the above quality) except those who are patient, and none is granted it except the owner of the great portion (of the happiness in the Hereafter i.e. Paradise and in this world of a high moral character).
36. And if an evil whisper from Shaitân (Satan) tries to turn you away (O Muhammad) (from doing good, etc.), then seek refuge in God. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.
37. And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to God Who created them, if you (really) worship Him.
38. But if they are too proud (to do so), then there are those who are with your Lord (angels) glorify Him night and day, and never are they tired.
39. And among His Signs (in this), that you see the earth barren, but when We send down water (rain) to it, it is stirred to life and growth (of vegetations). Verily, He Who gives it life, surely, (He) is Able to give life to the dead (on the Day of Resurrection). Indeed! He is Able to do all things.
40. Verily, those who turn away from Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc. by attacking, distorting and denying them), are not hidden from Us. Is he who is cast into the Fire better or he who comes secure on the Day of Resurrection? Do what you will. Verily! He is All-Seer of what you do (this is a severe threat to the disbelievers).
41. Verily, those who disbelieved in the Reminder (i.e. the Qur'ân) when it came to them (shall receive the punishment). And verily, it is an honourable respected Book (because it is God's Speech, and He has protected it from corruption, etc.). (See V.15:9]
42. Falsehood cannot come to it from before it or behind it (it is) sent down by the All-Wise, Worthy of all praise (God).
43. Nothing is said to you (O Muhammad) except what was said to the Messengers before you. Verily, your Lord is the Possessor of forgiveness, and (also) the Possessor of painful punishment.
44. And if We had sent this as a Qur'ân in a foreign language other than Arabic, they would have said: "Why are not its Verses explained in detail (in our language)? What! (A Book) not in Arabic and (the Messenger) an Arab?" Say: "It is for those who believe, a guide and a healing. And as for those who disbelieve, there is heaviness (deafness) in their ears, and it (the Qur'ân) is blindness for them. They are those who are called from a place far away (so they neither listen nor understand).
45. And indeed We gave Mûsa (Moses) the Scripture, but dispute arose therein. And had it not been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord, (the torment would have overtaken them) and the matter would have been settled between them. But truly, they are in grave doubt thereto (i.e. about the Qur'ân). [Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol. 15, Page 370]
46. Whosoever does righteous good deed it is for (the benefit of) his ownself, and whosoever does evil, it is against his ownself, and your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves.
47. (The learned men) refer to Him (Alone) the knowledge of the Hour. No fruit comes out of its sheath, nor does a female conceive (within her womb), nor brings forth (young), except by His Knowledge. And on the Day when He will call unto them (polytheists) (saying): "Where are My (so-called) partners (whom you did invent)?" They will say: "We inform You that none of us bears witness to it (that they are Your partners)!"
48. And those whom they used to invoke before will fail them, and they will perceive that they have no place of refuge (from God's punishment).
49. Man (the disbeliever) does not get tired of asking good (things from God), but if an evil touches him, then he gives up all hope and is lost in despair.
50. And truly, if We give him a taste of mercy from us, after some adversity (severe poverty or disease, etc.) has touched him, he is sure to say: "This is for me (due to my merit), I think not that the Hour will be established. But if I am brought back to my Lord, Surely, there will be for me the best (wealth, etc.) with Him. Then, We verily, will show to the disbelievers what they have done and We shall make them taste a severe torment.
51. And when We show favour to man, he withdraws and turns away, but when evil touches him, then he has recourse to long supplications.
52. Say: "Tell me, if it (the Qur'ân) is from God, and you disbelieve in it, who is more astray than one who is in opposition far away (from God's Right Path and His obedience).
53. We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their ownselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'ân) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?
54. Verily! They are in doubt concerning the Meeting with their Lord? (i.e. Resurrection after their deaths, and their return to their Lord). Verily! He it is Who is surrounding all things!
Surah 42
2. 'Aîn-Sîn-Qâf.
[These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'ân, and none but God (Alone) knows their meanings].
3. Likewise God, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise inspires you (O Muhammad) as (He inspired) those before you.
4. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, and He is the Most High, the Most Great.
5. Nearly the heavens might rent asunder from above them (by His Majesty), and the angels glorify the praises of their Lord, and ask for forgiveness for those on the earth, verily, God is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
6. And as for those who take as Auliyâ' (guardians, supporters, helpers, protectors, etc.) others besides Him [i.e. they take false deities other than God (as) protectors, and they worship them] God is Hafîz (Protector) over them (i.e. takes care of their deeds and will recompense them), and you (O Muhammad) are not a Wakîl (guardian or a disposer of their affairs) over them (to protect their deeds, etc.).
7. And thus We have inspired unto you (O Muhammad) a Qur'ân (in Arabic) that you may warn the Mother of the Towns (Makkah) and all around it. And warn of the Day of Assembling, of which there is no doubt, when a party will be in Paradise (those who believed in God and followed what God's Messenger brought them) and a party in the blazing Fire (Hell) (those who disbelieved in God and followed not what God's Messenger brought them)
8. And if God had willed, He could have made them one nation, but He admits whom He wills to His Mercy. And the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) will have neither a Walî (protector) nor a helper.
9. Or have they taken (for worship) Auliyâ' (guardians, supporters, helpers, protectors, etc.) besides Him? But God, He Alone is the Walî (Protector, etc.). And it is He Who gives life to the dead, and He is Able to do all things.
10. And in whatsoever you differ, the decision thereof is with God (He is the ruling Judge). (And say O Muhammad to these polytheists:) Such is God, my Lord in Whom I put my trust, and to Him I turn in all of my affairs and in repentance.
11. The Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you mates from yourselves, and for the cattle (also) mates. By this means He creates you (in the wombs). There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.
12. To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth, He enlarges provision for whom He wills, and straitens (it for whom He wills). Verily! He is the All-Knower of everything.
13. He (God) has ordained for you the same religion (Islâm) which He ordained for Nûh (Noah), and that which We have inspired in you (O Muhammad), and that which We ordained for Ibrahîm (Abraham), Mûsa (Mosesý) and 'Iesa (Jesus) saying you should establish religion (i.e. to do what it orders you to do practically), and make no divisions in it (religion) (i.e. various sects in religion). Intolerable for the Mushrikûn , is that to which you (O Muhammad) call them. God chooses for Himself whom He wills, and guides unto Himself who turns to Him in repentance and in obedience.
14. And they divided not till after knowledge had come to them, through selfish transgression between themselves. And had it not been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord for an appointed term, the matter would have been settled between them. And verily, those who were made to inherit the Scripture [i.e. the Taurâh (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] after them (i.e. Jews and Christians) are in grave doubt concerning it (i.e. God's true religion Islâm or the Qur'ân).
15. So unto this (religion of Islâm, alone and this Qur'ân) then invite (people) (O Muhammad), and Istaqim [(i.e. stand firm and straight on Islâmic Monotheism by performing all that is ordained by God (good deeds, etc.), and by abstaining from all that is forbidden by God (sins and evil deeds, etc.)], as you are commanded, and follow not their desires but say: "I believe in whatsoever God has sent down of the Book [all the holy Books, this Qur'ân and the Books of the old from the Taurât (Torah), or the Injeel (Gospel) or the Pages of Ibrâhim (Abraham)] and I am commanded to do justice among you, God is our Lord and your Lord. For us our deeds and for you your deeds. There is no dispute between us and you. God will assemble us (all), and to Him is the final return.
16. And those who dispute concerning God (His Religion of Islâmic Monotheism, with which Muhammad has been sent), after it has been accepted (by the people), of no use is their dispute before their Lord, and on them is wrath, and for them will be a severe torment .
17. It is God Who has sent down the Book (the Qur'ân) in truth, and the Balance (i.e. to act justly). And what can make you know that perhaps the Hour is close at hand?
18. Those who believe not therein seek to hasten it, while those who believe are fearful of it, and know that it is the very truth. Verily, those who dispute concerning the Hour are certainly in error far away.
19. God is very Gracious and Kind to His slaves. He gives provisions to whom He wills. And He is the All-Strong, the All-Mighty.
20. Whosoever desires (with his deeds) the reward of the Hereafter, We give him increase in his reward, and whosoever desires the reward of this world (with his deeds), We give him thereof (what is written for him), and he has no portion in the Hereafter.
21. Or have they partners with God (false gods), who have instituted for them a religion which God has not allowed. And had it not been for a decisive Word (gone forth already), the matter would have been judged between them. And verily, for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers), there is a painful torment.
22. You will see (on the Day of Resurrection), the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) fearful of that which they have earned, and it (God's Torment) will surely befall them, while those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous deeds (will be) in the flowering meadows of the Gardens (Paradise), having what they wish from their Lord. That is the supreme Grace, (Paradise).
23. That is (the Paradise) whereof God gives glad tidings to His slaves who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds. Say (O Muhammad): "No reward do I ask of you for this except to be kind to me for my kinship with you." And whoever earns a good righteous deed, We shall give him an increase of good in respect thereof. Verily, God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (the deeds of those who are obedient to Him).
24. Or say they: "He has invented a lie against God?" If God willed, He could have sealed your heart (so that you forget all that you know of the Qur'an). And God wipes out falsehood, and establishes the truth (Islâm) by His Word (this Qur'an). Verily, He knows well what (the secrets) are in the breasts (of mankind).
25. And He it is Who accepts repentance from His slaves, and forgives sins, and He knows what you do.
26. And He answers (the invocation of) those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and gives them increase of His Bounty. And as for the disbelievers, theirs will be a severe torment.
27. And if God were to enlarge the provision for His slaves, they would surely rebel in the earth, but He sends down by measure as He wills. Verily! He is in respect of His slaves, the Well-Aware, the All-Seer (of things that benefit them).
28. And He it is Who sends down the rain after they have despaired, and spreads abroad His Mercy. And He is the Walî (Helper, Supporter, Protector, etc.), Worthy of all Praise.
29. And among His Ayât (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.) is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and whatever moving (living) creatures He has dispersed in them both. And He is All-Potent over their assembling (i.e. resurrecting them on the Day of Resurrection after their death, and dispersion of their bodies) whenever He will.
30. And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much. (See the Qur'ân Verse 35:45).
31. And you cannot escape from God (i.e. His Punishment) in the earth, and besides God you have neither any Walî (guardian or a protector) nor any helper.
32. And among His Signs are the ships, in the sea, like mountains.
33. If He wills, He causes the wind to cease, then they would become motionless on the back (of the sea). Verily, in this are signs for everyone patient and grateful.
34. Or He may destroy them (by drowning) because of that which their (people) have earned. And He pardons much.
35. And those who dispute (polytheists, etc. with Our Messenger Muhammad) as regards Our Ayât (proofs, signs, verses, etc. of Islâmic Monotheism) may know that there is no place of refuge for them (from God's punishment).
36. So whatever you have been given is but a passing enjoyment for this worldly life, but that which is with God (Paradise) is better and more lasting for those who believe (in the Oneness of God Islâmic Monotheism) and put their trust in their Lord (concerning all of their affairs).
37. And those who avoid the greater sins, and Al-Fawâhish (illegal sexual intercourse, etc.), and when they are angry, they forgive
38. And those who answer the Call of their Lord [i.e. to believe that He is the only One Lord (God), and to worship none but Him Alone], and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and who (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation, and who spend of what We have bestowed on them;
39. And those who, when an oppressive wrong is done to them, they take revenge.
40. The recompense for an evil is an evil like thereof, but whoever forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from God. Verily, He likes not the Zâlimûn (oppressors, polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.).
41. And indeed whosoever takes revenge after he has suffered wrong, for such there is no way (of blame) against them.
42. The way (of blame) is only against those who oppress men and wrongly rebel in the earth, for such there will be a painful torment.
43. And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives that would truly be from the things recommended by God.
44. And whomsoever God sends astray, for him there is no Walî (protector) after Him. And you will see the Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers, oppressors, etc.) when they behold the torment, they will say: "Is there any way of return (to the world)?"
45. And you will see them brought forward to it (Hell) made humble by disgrace , (and) looking with stealthy glance. And those who believe will say: "Verily, the losers are they who lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, the Zâlimûn [i.e. Al-Kâfirûn (disbelievers in God, in His Oneness and in His Messenger , polytheists, wrong-doers, etc.)] will be in a lasting torment.
46. And they will have no Auliyâ' (protectors) to help them other than God. And he whom God sends astray, for him there is no way.
47. Answer the Call of your Lord (i.e. accept the Islâmic Monotheism, O mankind, and jinns) before there comes from God a Day which cannot be averted. You will have no refuge on that Day nor there will be for you any denying (of your crimes as they are all recorded in the Book of your deeds).
48. But if they turn away (O Muhammad from the Islâmic Monotheism, which you have brought to them). We have not sent you (O Muhammad) as a Hafîz (protector) over them (i.e. to take care of their deeds and to recompense them). Your duty is to convey (the Message). And verily, when We cause man to taste of Mercy from Us, he rejoices thereat, but when some ill befalls them because of the deeds which their hands have sent forth, then verily, man (becomes) ingrate!
49. To God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills. He bestows female (offspring) upon whom He wills, and bestows male (offspring) upon whom He wills.
50. Or He bestows both males and females, and He renders barren whom He wills. Verily, He is the All-Knower and is Able to do all things.
51. . It is not given to any human being that God should speak to him unless (it be) by Inspiration, or from behind a veil, or (that) He sends a Messenger to reveal what He wills by His Leave. Verily, He is Most High, Most Wise .
52. And thus We have sent to you (O Muhammad) Ruhan (an Inspiration, and a Mercy) of Our Command. You knew not what is the Book, nor what is Faith? But We have made it (this Qur'ân) a light wherewith We guide whosoever of Our slaves We will. And verily, you (O Muhammad) are indeed guiding (mankind) to the Straight Path (i.e. God's religion of Islâmic Monotheism).
53. The Path of God, to Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Verily, all the matters at the end go to God (for decision).
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