Katakanlah Dialah Allah yang maha esa ; tuggal, wahidun, satu, tidak berbilang, maha individu, independen, only and the only one. Bukti keeradaannya bisa kita dengar melalui penuturan para utusan pilihanNya dikenal dengan nama nabi dan rasul yang jumlahnya mencapai ratusan ribu dalam suatu riwayat dan atau di baca melalui kitab-kitab yang telah diterangkannya bisa di taurat, injil zabur sampai dengan Al-Quran. Bayangkan bila sesembahan itu berbilang, lebih dari satu berkeluarga dimana bila kita melihat ke manusia secara otomatis punya pemikiran dan keinginan yang berbeda. Bila tuhan lebih dari satu seperti yang sering kita dengar dalam dongeng mana akan terjadi perebutan kekuasaan perluasan wilayah kekuasaan dan akhirnya peperangan dan kekacauan menjadi potensi yang rentan terjadi dimana-mana.
Allah adalah tempat
bergantung segala sesuatu ; seperti di ketahui apa-apa yang didepan kita
yang Nampak oleh mata, terdengar oleh telinga dan tercium aromanya oleh indera
penciuman serta terlintas di pikiran khusus pada kesenangan akan dunia semua
itu semu dan hanya fatamorgana sementara tak kekal terlebih lagi ketika manusia
terjebak dalam realita sehari-hari maka akan timbul berbagai potensi
permasalahan yang membutuhkan solusi dari semua itu sehingga menyebabkan
manusia menggunakan akalnya untuk berfikir bagaimana mengatasi semua
permasalahan yang dihadapinya tersebut, akhirnya muncullah alternative-alternatif
dari teman sejawat, orang yang dipercaya, tetua, pengalaman-pengalaman empiris
untuk menghadapi solusi tersebut. Muculnya berbagai aliran pemikiran dari para
filsuf yang berfilsafat sejak jaman dahulu kala beberapa abad silam menjadikan
Tidak beranak dan
tidak pula di peranakkan ; bila beranak kemungkinan besar akan timbul
kecemburuan, terjadi dualism kepemimpinan dimana si anak dan si bapak berbeda
dalam kemauan dan tindakan serta metode-metode yang diterapkan dalam
pengambilan keputusan.
Dan tidak ada yang
setara dengan dia ; punya 99 nama (Allah maha pengasih, maha penyayang, …maha
kaya, maha agung, maha pintar, maha berhitung, maha tinggi, maha pemberi azab,
maha kaya, maha pemberi kekayaan, maha pengampun, maha berhitung, dst) 20 sifat wajib baginya dan 20 sifat mustahil
sebagai salah satu dasar referensi untuk
mengetahui bahwa keberadaan tak terbantahkan.
Tips menjadi bahagia
Bahagia adalah kondisi dimana seseorang merasa nyaman,
tenang, enak, luar biasa, kondisi fisik dan psikis yang yang benar-benar
diharapkan menjadi kenyataan, tidak ada masalah dan beban semua kebutuhan
tercukupi, keamanan terjaga, kondusif, ketentraman, tenang, teduh, sejuk, dan
semua-semua yang baik, benar dan positif besatu-padu bergabung dan melakukan
internalisasi dan melembaga dalam diri dan teraktualisasi ekternalisasi kepada
objek. Saya ingin tanya sekarang adakah di atara anda yang tidak ingin bahagia?
Oh…ada, baik tapi secara dominan jawaban pastinya adalah Bahagia adalah harapan
setiap manusia.
translate ;
Say he is God almighty one; tuggal, wahidun, one, not an age, almighty individual, independent, and only the only one. Keeradaannya proof, you can hear through the narrative of the chosen messengers known as the prophets and apostles that amounted to hundreds of thousands in a history or read through the books that have been able to in the law He explained, the gospel of Psalms to the Al-Quran. Imagine if god was berbilang, more than one family in which human beings when we look to automatically have thoughts and desires are different. When more than one god as we often hear in fairy tales where there will be a power struggle and eventual expansion of the territory of war and chaos into potential vulnerable happening everywhere.God is dependent upon everything; like to know what is in front of us which appears to the eye, heard by the ears and smell the aroma by the sense of smell and comes in a special mind to the pleasures of the world all the false and a mirage while impermanent especially when people get caught up in the reality of day-to day then there will be a variety of potential problems that require solutions from all of it, causing humans to use their minds to think how to solve all the problems it faces, eventually emerged develop alternative of peers, people you trust, elders, experiences empirical to face the solution the. The emergence of different schools of thought of the philosophers who do philosophy since time immemorial several centuries ago to makeChildless nor in begotten; when the birth will most likely arise jealousy, going dualism of leadership where the child and the father are different in volition and action and the methods applied in decision-making.And there is no equivalent to him; has 99 names (God is all loving, all-merciful, ... maha rich, almighty, all-smart, maha counting, supreme, almighty giver doom, maha-rich, all-giver of wealth, the Merciful, the Most arithmetic, etc.) 20 mandatory nature for him and 20 properties impossible as one of the basic references to find out that the existence of irrefutable.Tips to be happyHappy is a condition where a person feels comfortable, quiet, nice, outstanding, physical and psychological conditions that are actually expected to become a reality, there is no problem and the burden of all the requirements fulfilled, the security is awake, conducive, tranquility, quiet, shady, cool, and all-all that is good, true and positive besatu-knit join and to internalize and institutionalized within and unrevealed ekternalisasi to the object. I want to ask now is there in atara you who do not want to be happy? Oh ... no good, but predominantly the obvious answer is Happy is the hope of every human being.
translate ;
Say he is God almighty one; tuggal, wahidun, one, not an age, almighty individual, independent, and only the only one. Keeradaannya proof, you can hear through the narrative of the chosen messengers known as the prophets and apostles that amounted to hundreds of thousands in a history or read through the books that have been able to in the law He explained, the gospel of Psalms to the Al-Quran. Imagine if god was berbilang, more than one family in which human beings when we look to automatically have thoughts and desires are different. When more than one god as we often hear in fairy tales where there will be a power struggle and eventual expansion of the territory of war and chaos into potential vulnerable happening everywhere.God is dependent upon everything; like to know what is in front of us which appears to the eye, heard by the ears and smell the aroma by the sense of smell and comes in a special mind to the pleasures of the world all the false and a mirage while impermanent especially when people get caught up in the reality of day-to day then there will be a variety of potential problems that require solutions from all of it, causing humans to use their minds to think how to solve all the problems it faces, eventually emerged develop alternative of peers, people you trust, elders, experiences empirical to face the solution the. The emergence of different schools of thought of the philosophers who do philosophy since time immemorial several centuries ago to makeChildless nor in begotten; when the birth will most likely arise jealousy, going dualism of leadership where the child and the father are different in volition and action and the methods applied in decision-making.And there is no equivalent to him; has 99 names (God is all loving, all-merciful, ... maha rich, almighty, all-smart, maha counting, supreme, almighty giver doom, maha-rich, all-giver of wealth, the Merciful, the Most arithmetic, etc.) 20 mandatory nature for him and 20 properties impossible as one of the basic references to find out that the existence of irrefutable.Tips to be happyHappy is a condition where a person feels comfortable, quiet, nice, outstanding, physical and psychological conditions that are actually expected to become a reality, there is no problem and the burden of all the requirements fulfilled, the security is awake, conducive, tranquility, quiet, shady, cool, and all-all that is good, true and positive besatu-knit join and to internalize and institutionalized within and unrevealed ekternalisasi to the object. I want to ask now is there in atara you who do not want to be happy? Oh ... no good, but predominantly the obvious answer is Happy is the hope of every human being.
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